Lorina-Epsteina Blockade

Lorin-Epstein blockade (M.J. Lorin-Epstein, Soviet surgeon).

Lorin-Epstein blockade is a surgical operation that is performed to treat a herniated disc. It was developed by Soviet surgeon Mikhail Yurievich Lorin-Epstein in 1950.

The essence of the operation is that the herniated disc is removed through an incision on the patient's back and then a special insert is inserted. This insert helps keep the disc in place and prevents it from falling out again.

After surgery, the patient must remain in the hospital for several days to monitor his condition. Then he can return to normal life.

Lorin-Epstein blockade is an effective method of treating intervertebral hernias and allows patients to return to normal life without pain and discomfort.

Lorina-Epstein blockade

Sometimes even a method that is well known to a rheumatologist and orthopedist can be the “discovery of America.” What can we say about methods that can be called universal, and even not widely used? This is the method I want to talk about today. It just so happened that I, using my modest experience, made her the “discoverer of America” for a fairly large category of patients. The article is devoted to a very serious topic: how to help our joints that are sick? These include osteochondrosis, arthritis, and osteoporosis.