Damage Bodily Severe

Severe bodily injury (G.t.) - damage that is dangerous to human life at the time of injury or after it, or those that can lead to such serious consequences as loss of vision, hearing, organ and impairment of its functions, mental disorder, interruption or expulsion of pregnancy, irreversible body deformation or disability exceeding 30% [1]. These injuries are among those that cause the most serious consequences and require immediate medical attention. Damage to P.t. can be caused by mechanical, thermal and chemical factors, as well as certain diseases [2].

The causes of damage to the vehicle, for example, include road traffic accidents, falls from heights and other accidents at work and at home. Such injuries also include poisoning with toxic substances.

Serious bodily harm is a crime dangerous to the safety of life, which in connection with its commission resulted in the loss of any organs or functions of the body, mental disorder, termination of pregnancy, a significant irreversible defect in appearance or a permanent loss of general ability to work by at least thirty-three percent. Each country has its own

Serious bodily harm (G.t.) refers to injuries that are life-threatening when committed or that entail consequences that represent the loss of something. organ or its function, mental illness, state of incapacity, termination of pregnancy and other consequences provided for in Part 2 of Art. 111