Tarnhoya Operation

The Tarnhøy operation is a neurosurgical procedure developed by the Danish neurosurgeon Paul Tarnhøy in the 20th century. The surgery is used to treat epilepsy caused by damage to the temporal lobe of the brain.

During this operation, the surgeon removes the part of the temporal lobe responsible for causing epileptic seizures. This area is called the epileptic focus. Removing the lesion prevents the spread of epileptic activity in the brain and stops seizures.

Tarnhoya surgery is usually performed for drug-resistant epilepsy when anticonvulsants do not provide the desired effect. The procedure can significantly improve the quality of life of patients suffering from frequent attacks. However, surgery carries the risk of complications such as bleeding and infection. Therefore, it is important to carefully weigh the risk-benefit ratio before undergoing Tarnhøya surgery.

**_Tarnhøj operation (P. Taarnhøj, 1956)_** is a surgical intervention whose purpose is to eliminate obstruction of the cerebral arteries of hemodynamic origin in:

* Embolism by thrombus * Atherosclerosis with distal damage to the arteries * Occlusion of arteries with hemorrhagic stroke * Blockage of the artery (if its location in the cervical region is disturbed)

These variants of violations make it possible to compare the topography of postoperative injury with information about the applied vascular surgery techniques and even choose an intervention technique for a known cause of vessel obstruction. This facilitates the choice of treatment strategy and planning of intervention during its implementation. The ability to compare the topography of an obstructive lesion with developed techniques allows us to eliminate shortcomings known for many years, including complications during vascular operations, incorrectly chosen tactics and lack of technical justification.

**_The purpose of the work_** is to study the history of the Tarnhoy operation and its role in the development of vascular surgery.


In the 20th century, vessels