Lorinden S

Lorinden S: effective ointment for the treatment of skin diseases

Lorinden S is a combination drug, available in the form of an ointment, which is used to treat various skin diseases. The main active components of Lorinden C are flumethasone and clioquinol.

Lorinden S is produced in Poland by Polfa and Elfa SA. These are pharmaceutical companies known for their high quality products and adherence to manufacturing standards.

Lorinden S belongs to the group of combined drugs containing glucocorticosteroids. Glucocorticosteroids are hormones that have anti-inflammatory and antiallergic effects. They can reduce inflammation and itching, as well as reduce allergic reactions on the skin.

Lorinden S is effective in the treatment of various purulent skin diseases, such as impetigo, bacterial intertrigo, inflammation of the skin and epidermis. It is also used to treat allergic skin diseases and their suppurative complications, including urticaria, infantile urticaria, eczema and allergic dermatitis.

When using Lorinden S, contraindications must be taken into account. It is not recommended for use in cases of skin tuberculosis, chicken pox, syphilitic skin lesions or after vaccination. Lorinden S should also be avoided if you are allergic to corticosteroids.

In most cases, Lorinden S is well tolerated by patients, but some people with particularly sensitive skin may experience side effects such as irritation, itching and rash. If such reactions occur, you should stop using the ointment and consult your doctor.

There is no data on the interaction of Lorinden S with other drugs, and there is no information on cases of overdose or special instructions for use.

Lorinden S is an effective treatment for various skin diseases. However, before using it, it is recommended that you consult your doctor or pharmacist for personalized recommendations and dosage, especially if you have any underlying medical conditions or are taking medications.

Source: Directory "Medicines" edited by M.A. Klyueva, 2001