Lukashevich-Oberst Anesthesia

Lukashevich - Oberst Anesthesia is a method of pain relief developed by the domestic doctor Alexander Ivanovich Lukashevich and the German surgeon Otto Oberst.

A. I. Lukashevich was known for his achievements in the field of anesthesia and surgery, and O. Oberst - in the field of creating new methods of pain relief. In 1906, they jointly developed a new method of anesthesia, which was called Lukashevich-Oberst anesthesia.

The essence of the method is that the patient is injected with a special drug that blocks pain receptors and allows surgical operations to be performed without pain. This method became very popular in Russia and other countries of the world, as it was safer and more effective than other anesthesia methods of the time.

Lukashevich-Oberst anesthetic was used for various operations, including surgical interventions on the heart, lungs, kidneys and other organs. It has also been used to treat patients with cancer and for pain relief during childbirth.

Although this method was very effective and safe, it had some disadvantages. For example, it could cause side effects such as nausea, vomiting, headache and dizziness. It was also not always available to all patients, as a special drug was required.

Currently, the Lukashevich-Oberst Anesthetic is no longer used as often as before, but its history continues to be an important part of the history of medicine. This method has shown that even the most complex operations can be performed without pain and with minimal risk to the patient.


Anesthesia is one of the most important and complex areas of medicine, which deals with ensuring painless surgery by suppressing the sensitivity of nerve endings. In recent years, it has become increasingly important as many patients strive for a quick recovery after surgery and become more sensitive to pain. Therefore, anesthesiologists must provide safe and effective anesthesia, which can only be achieved by using high-quality drugs and qualified specialists.

What is anesthesia?

Anesthesia is a condition in which pain is blocked and consciousness is reduced to a minimum. That is, the patient does not feel pain and is unconscious. This method is used during surgery to reduce stress, discomfort and reduce the time spent by the patient on recovery.

How does anesthesia work?

Modern pain management methods work by blocking pain receptor neurons in the patient's brain. If necessary, doctors administer powerful painkillers that help reduce the body's perception level. This is achieved in various ways - with injections, droppers or inhalation. During the anesthetic process, the activity of nerve fibers is suppressed and the transmission of impulses along the chain of the nervous system is inhibited. When nerve endings stop processing signals from the body, signs of temporary unconsciousness appear.

Why is anesthesia needed in surgery?

The main purpose of anesthesia is to help people cope with pain during surgery. Anesthetic drugs are also used to shorten surgical time, reduce the amount of blood loss and provide faster recovery for the patient in the hospital. Listed below are the main reasons