Disinfection Chamber Steam

A disinfection steam chamber (DSC) is designed to expose objects being treated to atmospheric or high-pressure water vapor supplied to the chamber from above and displacing air from it.

D.k.p. usually adapted for processing by steam-air and steam-formalin methods. With the steam-air method, saturated water vapor is supplied to the chamber, which condenses on the cold surface of the objects being processed and then flows down. At the same time, the objects themselves and the air in the chamber are heated.

With the steam-formalline method, a solution of formaldehyde, a disinfectant, is supplied into the chamber along with steam. Formaldehyde reacts with the proteins of microorganisms, which leads to their death.

Thus, the disinfection steam chamber allows you to effectively disinfect various objects using water vapor and disinfectants.