
Nopan is one of the most effective narcotic analgesics that has a powerful analgesic effect. This medicine is produced in Israel and has several synonyms, such as bupural, bupranal and bupremen. Nopan helps fight severe pain after surgery and other injuries, and is also used for myocardial infarction and kidney disease. However, the drug has its contraindications and can cause serious side effects.

The manufacturer of the drug is the company "STS Chemical Industries" from Israel. Nopane is produced in the form of 0.2 mg sublingual tablets, and the main active ingredient is buprenarine hydrochloride.

The drug can be used in cases of severe pain after surgery, as well as for the treatment of heart attack, renal colic and burns. But it has a number of contraindications, such as hypersensitivity,