Lung ventilation Artificial

Artificial ventilation (synonym: artificial respiration) is a method of maintaining breathing by mechanical ventilation of the lungs in the event of insufficient spontaneous ventilation or its complete absence.

Artificial ventilation of the lungs is carried out using special devices - respirators or artificial lung ventilation devices. The principle of operation of these devices is to periodically create positive pressure in the respiratory tract, ensuring the flow of air into the lungs.

Indications for artificial ventilation are respiratory arrest, severe respiratory failure, anesthesia during surgery and other conditions requiring support of respiratory function.

Thus, artificial ventilation allows maintaining gas exchange in the lungs and blood oxygenation in the absence of spontaneous breathing in the patient. This is a vital procedure in critical conditions.

Artificial ventilation (synonyms: artificial respiration, mechanical ventilation) is a vital procedure used in medical practice to maintain respiratory function in patients who have problems with normal ventilation. This procedure is critical in treating a variety of conditions, including respiratory arrest, severe asthma, chest trauma, pneumonia, and other conditions that may limit breathing function.

Artificial ventilation of the lungs is carried out using special medical devices called artificial lungs or ventilators (artificial lung ventilation). These devices work on the principle of creating and maintaining air flow in the patient's lungs, replacing the natural breathing function.

There are several ways to provide mechanical ventilation, including mechanical ventilation and non-invasive ventilation. Mechanical ventilation involves inserting a tube into the patient's airway through the mouth or nose and delivering pressurized air. Non-invasive ventilation, on the contrary, is carried out using special masks or pads that fit tightly to the patient's face and provide air supply through the nose or mouth.

Artificial ventilation has a number of advantages. First, it can be an effective way to maintain breathing in patients in cases where it is impaired or completely absent. Secondly, it allows for sufficient oxygen supply to the body and removal of carbon dioxide, which helps maintain a normal level of gas exchange in the lungs.

However, it must be taken into account that mechanical ventilation is an invasive procedure that may be associated with certain risks and complications. Inserting a tube into the airway can cause mucosal irritation and infection. In addition, long-term use of mechanical ventilation can lead to respiratory muscle weakness and other problems.

In conclusion, mechanical ventilation is an important and integral part of medical practice to maintain respiratory function in patients. It can save lives and provide relief for patients who are not able to breathe on their own. However, the use of artificial ventilation should be carried out under the supervision of experienced medical personnel, taking into account the potential risks and complications. It is important to assess and monitor the patient's condition and regularly evaluate the need to continue or change mechanical ventilation.

With the development of technology and medical science, new methods and devices are emerging to improve the effectiveness and safety of artificial ventilation. Some of these include more precise algorithms for regulating air pressure and volume, as well as the development of more comfortable and safe masks and interfaces for non-invasive ventilation.

In the future, new methods and technologies may be developed to improve mechanical ventilation, reduce risks and complications, and improve patient comfort. Continued research and innovation in this area of ​​medicine may lead to more effective and safer methods of maintaining respiratory function in patients.

In general, artificial ventilation is an integral part of modern medicine, providing vital support to the respiratory system. This procedure can save lives and improve the quality of life of patients suffering from serious breathing problems. However, its use must be carefully controlled and tailored to the individual characteristics of each patient in order to achieve the best results with minimal risks.