Lunochkovaya pain

Alveolar pain (d. alveolaris) is pain in the area of ​​the sockets of extracted teeth. It occurs after tooth extraction and is associated with inflammation of the tissues of the socket.

Causes of alveolar pain:

  1. trauma to socket tissue during tooth extraction
  2. remains of tooth roots or tartar in the socket
  3. infection of the socket (for example, alveolitis)


  1. aching, throbbing pain in the socket area
  2. pain when biting
  3. swelling and hyperemia of the gums around the socket
  4. bad breath


  1. antiseptic treatment of the hole
  2. physiotherapy (UHF, laser)
  3. local use of painkillers
  4. for alveolitis - antibiotics, antiseptics
  5. removal of tooth root remnants, if any


  1. careful care of the hole after removal
  2. antiseptic mouth rinse
  3. taking painkillers in the first days after removal

Thus, alveolar pain is a common complication after tooth extraction. With proper treatment and care, it goes away within 7-10 days.