Lapis pencil for papillomas and warts: instructions for use, reviews

The content of the article:
  1. Description and composition of Lapis pencil
  2. Benefits of papillomas
  3. Lapis pencil instructions
  4. Contraindications and side effects
  5. Results of papillomas removal
  6. Real reviews about Lapis pencil

Lapis pencil is a popular remedy for neutralizing dermatological defects, as well as tumors caused by the human papillomavirus. The action of this drug is based mainly on the cauterizing effect of silver components.

Description and composition of Lapis pencil

In the photo there is a lapis pencil for papillomas

Lapis pencil is an effective remedy designed to combat dermatological imperfections and remove epidermal growths caused by HPV. It is especially popular among the older generation, as it began to be actively used in the second half of the twentieth century.

It is used exclusively at home and is rarely prescribed by doctors. However, consultation with a medical professional - a surgeon, oncologist or dermatologist - is still necessary before using this product. First of all, in order to determine whether your tumor is malignant and whether such a method of therapy as medicinal cauterization is applicable to it, because it is this that underlies the action of this remedy.

At the moment, the official instructions for use of the Lapis Pencil include the following skin defects that can be corrected with its help: erosions, ulcerative lesions, epidermal cracks. However, patients often use it for papillomas, since they were previously included in the indications for use. Lapis was used to treat keratomas, flat and filiform warts, spines and other growths.

Lapis pencil contains:

  1. Silver nitrate. Refers to an inorganic compound, it is a salt of the metal silver and nitric acid. It is a colorless rhombic crystal with high solubility in water. Considered toxic in large doses.
  2. Potassium nitrate. Potassium nitrate is also an inorganic substance, represented by the potassium salt of nitric acid. Most often in a crystalline state, it is a colorless, non-volatile compound that has low hygroscopicity but high solubility in water. Odorless, non-toxic.

The product is made in the form of a white hard pencil, sometimes with a grayish tint, conical in shape, with a rounded top, odorless. The rod is inserted into a plastic holder with a cap. Wrapped in paper, additionally in a cardboard box. The concentration of silver nitrate in one pencil is 0.18 g, potassium nitrate is 0.37 g.

The price of a Lapis pencil is from 124 rubles in Russia (from 60 hryvnia in Ukraine). 

An analogue of the Lapis pencil is the drug Tsiarkum.
It is noted that a mandatory condition for storing this product is to strictly keep it away from direct sunlight and keep it in the refrigerator.
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The benefits of Lapis pencil for papillomas and warts

Lapis pencil for papillomas is an active chemical agent, so it must be used with extreme caution.

Useful properties in the treatment of neoplasms:

  1. Cauterization. Achieved thanks to the properties of silver nitrate. It has a strong effect on the epidermal membranes and causes protein coagulation - that is, its coagulation.
  2. Necrosis of infected tissue. As a result of cauterization, necrosis of the treated tissue occurs, that is, the wart simply dies.
  3. Cleansing. The keratinized particles are exfoliated, thus clearing the skin of unwanted growths.
  4. Disinfection. The components of the pencil suppress the action of bacteria, which helps to avoid possible manifestations of sepsis and serves as a prevention of infection and inflammation of the skin.
  5. Recovery. Under the influence of Lapis pencil for warts and papillomas, proliferation of epidermal cells occurs. This helps the dermis regenerate faster.
  6. Nutrition. The drug dilates blood vessels, which improves metabolic processes and accelerates collagen production.

The presence of a special plastic holder makes using the pencil convenient. And protects your hands from exposure to the ingredients of the drug. As already noted, silver nitrate is toxic in large quantities. But if this is what the patient expects in the case of infected cells, then healthy skin should be protected. Therefore, applications should be made exclusively in a targeted manner, precisely in the area affected by HPV.

Instructions for use of Lapis pencil for papillomas

The photo shows the process of using Lapis pencil for papillomas

Before applying Lapis Pencil for warts and papillomas, consult with doctors to rule out the malignancy of the growth being treated.

How to use a lapis pencil:

  1. If you undertake the eradication of plantar papilloma, then a preparatory stage is necessary when using any dermatological medicine. Steam the spine in hot water, cut off the dead skin with manicure scissors using a pumice stone or a special pedicure file.
  2. If you plan to use this product to combat filiform papilloma, keratoma, vulgar warts, you need to wash the new growth with warm water and soap and dry it with a terry towel.
  3. The drug is applied only to dry skin.
  4. It is imperative to treat the skin around the tumor with additional protective equipment. To do this, apply zinc paste or rich baby cream to the area around the growth. However, even with this treatment, do not allow the pencil to come into excessive contact with the skin adjacent to the treated area.
  5. Remove the cap of the Lapis Pencil for Papillomas by tearing the protective paper tape.
  6. Dip the rod in water and gently lubricate the papilloma with it.
  7. Do not rub the product into the wart; let it absorb on its own.
  8. After applying the drug, do not wet the papilloma for the next 30 minutes.

If the product accidentally gets into your eyes, mouth or genitals, you should immediately wash it off with plenty of cool water.

The instructions for the Lapis Pencil do not include the frequency of use of the product or the timing of its treatment of tumors. According to reviews on the Internet, to achieve the best effect, treatment must be done 2 times a day until the growth completely turns black (necrosis of HPV-infected tissue appears). After this, applications are stopped and cell exfoliation and regeneration are expected.

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Contraindications and side effects of Lapis pencil

The use of Lapis pencil can lead to allergies. Therefore, there are contraindications for the use of this medicine.

The following categories of persons should not use the product:

  1. For allergy sufferers. In particular, this applies to those who are hypersensitive to silver ions. It will be easier for women to decide on this. If you are allergic to silver jewelry, for example, earrings make your ears red, then it is better not to use the drug.
  2. For children. Since babies have more delicate and sensitive skin, and parents are unlikely to know about all the possible allergies that children may be susceptible to, it is better not to use the Lapis pencil or use it after consultation and very clear recommendations from doctors.
  3. Pregnant and lactating. The use of this remedy in expectant mothers and women during lactation is permitted only under the strict supervision of doctors and when the use of other means is impossible, and therapy to remove the tumor must be carried out immediately. However, even then you should not use it on your arms and chest.

It is also worth noting that the Lapis Pencil for Papillomas cannot be used on the face, mucous membranes, or scalp. They cannot remove nevi, treat animal and insect bites, redness, rashes and, in principle, any dermatological defects of unknown etymology.

When using a pencil, side effects such as itching, burning, mild pain, and rash are possible. These allergic reactions do not require additional therapy if they disappear within 24 hours. If these symptoms intensify and cause you significant discomfort, consult your doctor.

In case of an overdose of the product, it is possible to obtain a chemical burn to the skin, which will lead to damage to the area of ​​​​the epidermis treated with a pencil and may cause scarring of the tissue. Then it is necessary to immediately contact a medical institution to prescribe therapy.

Notethat when using the Lapis pencil for papillomas, the use of additional dermatological products, in particular those with an organic basis, is not recommended. This is due to the fact that silver ions enter into active chemical reactions with organic substances, which can lead to extremely undesirable consequences on the epidermis. This is especially true for the numerous tips on the Internet to simultaneously use the juice of celandine, garlic, aloe and other plants to enhance the effect.
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Results of papillomas removal with lapis pencil

The photo shows the results of removing papillomas with a lapis pencil

Considering the fact that this product, according to the instructions, is not intended for the removal of papillomas, the manufacturer does not indicate the time period during which the destruction of benign neoplasms occurs.

According to the experience described in reviews of the Lapis Pencil, the period of use depends on several factors. These include:

  1. The thickness of the stalk, which connects the neoplasm tissue to the epidermis;
  2. The size of the papilloma;
  3. Duration of stay of the growth on the skin;
  4. Individual characteristics of tissue regeneration.

Many patients observe changes in the structure of small warts after just a few days of use and their complete exfoliation a week after the start of treatment.

Medium-sized warts can take up to several weeks to remove.

Old, large-diameter papillomas go away over a longer period of time - up to a month, and sometimes more. The lapis pencil for the spine works more effectively the sooner treatment is started.

In addition, a fairly large number of patients complain that they did not achieve the desired effect, that is, removal of papilloma at all.

Real reviews about Lapis pencil for papillomas and warts

There are quite a lot of reviews about this product. For the most part, they relate to the treatment of those skin diseases that are indicated in the instructions. However, there are many descriptions of the treatment of benign epidermal neoplasms.

Ksenia, 39 years old, Moscow

My grandmother advised me to buy a lapis pencil. She said that for decades, with the help of this drug, she removed papillomas, which all the women in our family were awarded with. Unfortunately, this fate did not spare me either. From early childhood, my warts were burned with acids, frozen, and special plasters were applied. After reading the reviews, I came to the conclusion that the pencil is not as aggressive as other products, so I boldly decided to use it to remove several warts on my face. They appeared like ordinary pimples, I had no idea that this was my old sore, but gradually they developed into papillomas. I bought a pencil at a pharmacy in the center of Moscow for 140 rubles, and was surprised that it was not just small, but tiny. I was also surprised that the instructions didn’t say anything about papillomas, but grandma wouldn’t give bad advice. I wet the pencil with cold water and boldly smeared it on the growths. By the morning I almost fainted from horror - the warts had darkened. I applied it sloppily and did not apply protective ointment around it, so the dark circles were quite extensive. It turned out that this happens due to the effect of silver on the skin. I even had to take a vacation at my own expense, since it was not possible to show up to work in this form. Every evening for 5 days I smeared the tumors with this product. On the sixth day they separated. After another 3 days the blackness passed. I think the pencil is effective, but I do not recommend using it on those areas of the skin that are visible. And even more so on the face. In addition, it is imperative to treat the skin around the tumor.

Evgenia, 34 years old, St. Petersburg

I had one old thorn on my leg. It was in such a place that it did not cause me discomfort, so I was in no hurry to remove it. But when four more little ones appeared next to her, she realized that it was time to remove them. I read reviews about the products and settled on the Lapis pencil for papillomas. It turned out to be not so easy to purchase it. I ran around to pharmacies, didn’t find it anywhere and was forced to order on the Internet and wait more than a week for delivery. I treated a large wart for a month. Sometimes 1, sometimes 2 times a day. I steamed it regularly and tried to clean off or cut off dead skin. Unfortunately, no significant effect was observed. It only shrank a little and became less calloused, but its center was still alive and with black dots - thrombosed capillaries. But the small warts disappeared in just a few days. Turned black and peeled off. Therefore, I conclude: as soon as something appears, do not wait, but start treatment immediately, and then it will be very easy to remove the tumors.

Valery, 46 years old, Ekaterinburg

For more than 20 years I have worked at an enterprise where we wash in the bathhouses after our shifts. What can you pick up in them? I suffered from all types of lichen, and a couple of years ago I contracted plantar papillomas. They later moved into their arms. For some people they hurt, making it difficult to walk, but for me they itch terribly. So, I have no strength! I had great hope for the Lapis pencil, because my colleagues removed warts with this very remedy. But no matter how hard I tried, it didn’t help me. This pencil did not overcome either a growth on my hand or a splint on my foot. I regularly steamed my legs, cleaned everything off with a machine with a blade, smeared it and sealed it with a plaster - nothing helped. The only good thing is that it is not expensive, so a little money went down the drain. After many remedies with the same zero effect, I went to the clinic and removed the tumors instrumentally. It took a long time to heal, and a small scar remained, but no more drug-induced suffering, only laser removal.

  1. Do you know how to get rid of papillomas using onions?

How to use a Lapis pencil - watch the video:

Thus, the positive characteristics of this product include its affordability, ease of use, and mild action. In addition, Lapis pencil can be bought at a pharmacy without a prescription. One of the negative aspects is low efficiency.

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