Excellent exercise for influencing gluteus maximus muscle, developments thigh muscle relief and emphasizing all contours and curves quadriceps, useful for stretch marks.
At relatively wide stride lunge has an accentuated effect on the muscles buttocks. At short stride the main focus of the exercise's impact is on quadriceps thigh muscles.
How to do lunges with dumbbells or a barbell?
- We begin the Lunge from a standing position.
- Spread your legs slightly, slightly wider than shoulder width.
- Hold the barbell behind your neck on your trapezius muscles.
- Keeping your torso straight and inhaling, lunge—step forward.
- Make sure that the thigh moved forward of the leg is in a horizontal position - parallel to the floor. In this position, the effect of the exercise is much higher.
- With your leg extended forward, slowly swing (back and forth).
- As you exhale, take your starting position.
- Change your leg. Lunge forward with the other leg
- Vary the number of repetitions in the range from a minimum of 12 to a maximum of 30.
It is important to understand that when performing a lunge, almost all the heaviness of your body and the weight of the projectile falls on the forward leg. Make the most of it coordination movements to save equilibrium. Beginner athletes are advised to keep special control knee-joint leg forward, and at first use for this exercise light weights.