Lymph Nodes Gastric Lower

Gastric lymph nodes are a group of lymph nodes that are located in the lower part of the stomach. They are part of the body's lymphatic system and play an important role in immune defense.

Lymph nodes are small structures that are located throughout the body. They perform the function of filtering lymph, which is a fluid containing lymphocytes and other immune cells. Lymph nodes are also involved in transporting antigens and other substances that can be harmful to the body.

In the stomach, the lymph nodes are located in the lower part of the organ. They play an important role in protecting the body from infections and other pathogens that can enter the stomach through food or through the skin. The lymph nodes in the stomach are also involved in the digestion process and help regulate the acidity levels in the stomach.

If the lymph nodes in the stomach become inflamed or enlarged, this may indicate an infection or other disease. In this case, you must consult a doctor for diagnosis and treatment.

The lymphatic drainage system plays a key role in protecting the body from infections, toxins and other pathogenic factors. The lymphatic system consists of lymphatic vessels and lymph nodes, which perform several important functions:

- Cleansing the body of substances that cannot be eliminated through the blood. Lymphanges (lymphatic vessels) collect blood plasma, including infectious agents, including bacteria, viruses, toxins and other pathogens.

- Antibacterial function. Lymph nodes can produce antibodies to infectious agents, protecting the body from their re-entry.

- Cell rejuvenation In the lymph nodes, antibodies and other molecules are broken down into elements. This allows them to be used for the regeneration and rejuvenation of damaged tissues. That's why lymphot