Lymph Nodes Preglottic

The lymph node located in front of the larynx is called the prepharyngeal node. Here the malignancy of the tumor and some other manipulations are assessed. The lymphatic substance accumulates all the new growths of the body and filters it before donating blood. Lymph nodes are part of the human immune system; their cells are engaged in the destruction of foreign bodies and body cells.

The lymphatic vessel delivers lymph to nearby lymph nodes. The lateral lymph node distributes lymph flows along the surfaces of the upper respiratory tract in the area of ​​the lungs, ensuring continuity of lymph delivery between the superficial lymph nodes, the lymphatic vessel and the lungs. The nodes are located against the background of the connective tissue capsule; they can be single or multiple. Usually, the first cervical lymph node is visualized when it is transferred

Prethroat lymph nodes (LPN) are a group of lymph nodes that are located in front of the throat and serve the function of protecting the body from infections and diseases. They are located along the inner edges of the throat, thyroid cartilage and cricoid bone. LDL has several functions in the human body. Firstly, they provide respiratory protection from bacterial infections and viruses. Thanks to them, infected cells are quickly destroyed and the spread of infection to healthy tissue is prevented. In addition, LDL is an important organ of the immune system and is involved in the production of antibodies when faced with infection. They also help fight cancer and other diseases by promoting an overall stronger immune system.

The main functions of the lymph nodes of the prethroat:

1. Bacterial and viral protection: Preglottic lymph node - is part of the lymphatic system that collects waste from our body systems and removes it from the body through the lymphatic vessels. He plays an important role