Lymphangitis Reticularis

Lymphangitis reticularis: causes, symptoms and treatment

The lymphatic system plays an important role in providing immunity and protecting the body from infections and diseases. Lymphangitis reticularis, also known as capillary or reticular lymphangitis, is one of the most common diseases of the lymphatic system. In this article we will look at the causes, symptoms and treatment of reticular lymphangitis.

Causes of lymphangitis reticularis

Lymphangitis reticularis is usually caused by an infection that is located in the lymphatic vessels. It may be a bacterial, viral or fungal infection. The infection can enter the lymphatic vessels through cuts, scrapes, wounds or other breaks in the skin. In addition, certain medical procedures, such as injections or surgeries, can also lead to the development of lymphangitis reticularis.

Symptoms of lymphangitis reticularis

The main symptom of lymphangitis reticularis is swelling and redness of the skin along the lymphatic vessels. The skin may feel smooth or rough to the touch and may develop painful nodules. In some cases, fever, headache and general malaise may occur.

Treatment of lymphangitis reticularis

Treatment for reticular lymphangitis depends on its cause. If the disease is caused by a bacterial infection, antibiotics are usually prescribed. For a viral or fungal infection, other treatments may be prescribed. It is also important to maintain hygiene and take care of your skin to prevent re-infection.

In some cases, surgery may be required to remove the affected tissue. However, this is rarely necessary.

In conclusion, lymphangitis reticularis is a common disease of the lymphatic system that is usually caused by infection. It manifests as swelling and redness of the skin along the lymphatic vessels. Treatment depends on the cause of the disease and may include antibiotics, other treatments, and preventive measures. If you have symptoms of lymphangitis reticularis, see your doctor for diagnosis and treatment.

Lymphatic capillaries intertwine all tissues from the inside, so the lymphatic system of the inner surface of the skin is most susceptible to reticular lymphangitis. The causes of the development of reticular lymphangitis can be various skin diseases and infectious rashes. It may indicate systemic inflammation in the body. In addition to other symptoms, lymphangitis reticularis is accompanied by lethargy, elevated body temperature, damage to the skeletal system, memory impairment, and secondary immunodeficiency. During diagnosis, a number of tests are prescribed to check the functioning of the immune and lymphatic systems. Selection of individual treatment for lymph nodes