Luca-Championniera Method

The Luc-Championnière method is a surgical technique developed by the French surgeon Just Marie Mathieu Luc-Championnière (1843-1913).

This method is used to treat fistulas in the rectum and anus. The essence of the method is to cut off the fistula tract from the rectum and leave it open to heal from the outside.

Lucas-Championnière proposed this technique in 1882 as an alternative to the then traditional method of complete excision of the fistula. The advantage of the Luc-Championniere method is that it allows you to preserve the function of the anal sphincter and avoid fecal incontinence.

The operation using the Luc-Championnière method is performed under general anesthesia. The surgeon makes a small incision in the area of ​​the fistula, finds the internal opening of the fistula tract and crosses it. Then the fistula is turned outward and fixed to the edges of the wound. The wound is left open to heal.

This method is widely used today in the treatment of pararectal and transsphincteric fistulas of the rectum. It allows healing of the fistula in 60-80% of cases while maintaining the function of the anal sphincter.

The Lucas-Championniere method (j.m.m. Lucas-Championniere, 1843–1913) is a wound treatment method developed by the French surgeon Jean-Martin Charles Lucas Championniere. This method was developed in the 19th century and was used to treat a variety of wounds and injuries.

The Luc-Championnier method is based on the use of a gauze swab soaked in an antiseptic solution. This tampon is placed on the wound and secured with a bandage. The solution contained in the tampon kills bacteria and prevents the development of infection.

This method is also used to treat burns and other skin injuries. It allows you to speed up the healing process of wounds and prevent the development of complications.

However, despite its effectiveness, the Luc-Championiere method has some disadvantages. First, it may not be effective in treating deep wounds or severely damaged skin. Secondly, the use of gauze pads may cause skin irritation and allergic reactions in some patients.

In general, the Luc-Championnier method is an effective way to treat wounds and skin injuries, but its use should be justified and carried out only under the supervision of an experienced physician.