Majdla Jejunostomy

**Name: ** Maidlina Jejunostomia

Maidlina jejunostomy is an operation that allows you to install a surgical instrument into the vaginal cavity by cutting it. This may be done in women who are having difficulty giving birth or do not want to continue with their pregnancy. The Majdlinsky and its urostomy devices are used for children without intubation

What do you need to do to get a medical education? You only need two factors:

1. Having good physical and psychological health 2. A certain motivation and learning goal.

What you will need to start training:

- Fill out the application (application). - Collect a minimum package of documents, this is a passport, SNILS, medical book, vaccination certificate. Pass a medical examination. Based on its results, a conclusion is issued on suitability or unsuitability for work in hazardous or hazardous production, as well as in emergency rescue operations. It is necessary to undergo fire safety training and test knowledge of fire safety requirements. Pass the occupational safety and first aid exam before being hired and begin performing your job duties. - Study the “Regulations on remuneration of college employees” and become familiar with it. Receive and save a copy of the Regulations for the employer for further review. Familiarize yourself with the “Code of Internal Labor Regulations” and comply with its requirements. Receive and keep a copy of the “Regulations on Discipline” for review. Read and follow the “Instructions on organizing access control.” When applying for a job, submit to the dean's office the original document on higher education, an academic certificate for constructing an individual educational route, an individual educational program or an individual work plan, a lecture plan for practical training, a report on pre-graduation practice, a diary of practical training with applications for assessments, confirmation from the hospital and local doctor that you currently have no contraindications for working in the above institutions.