McMurry Operation

McMurry surgery is a surgical procedure performed to treat lung diseases. It was developed by the English surgeon McMurry and became widespread throughout the world.

The essence of the operation is to remove the part of the lung that is affected by the disease. This could be cancer, tuberculosis or other diseases that lead to the formation of cysts or tumors in the lungs. The operation is performed by making an incision in the chest and removing the affected part of the lung.

After the operation, the patient undergoes a course of treatment, which includes antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs and physical therapy. The patient may also require breathing support to help them recover from surgery.

McMurry surgery is an effective treatment for lung disease, but it also has its own risks and complications. Therefore, before undergoing surgery, it is necessary to conduct a thorough examination of the patient and discuss all possible risks and benefits.

McMutry, also McMary (English Macpherson, there is also an outdated spelling McFarry and a less outdated one - McFerry) - a variant of the “English” surname generally accepted in medical circles for the so-called brooches historically inherent in individual nations, a mutational change in the external shape of the male genitalia . The surname was common in English-speaking countries from the late 17th to the 19th centuries. It is practically excluded in the modern world, where bearers of this surname are extinct. The name comes from the name of the surgeon Hugh McFarren.


In the name of the most famous surname for the general public, linguists emphasize the connection with the legalized polygamy accepted in Islam. Among the Jews, the name comes from the biblical Yechmat, that is, “daughter.” The meaning of the name is “daughter’s second son” in Yiddish. In theory, the first son was given the name Lekhmati (in Arabic the word-names Kalahmati), which indicates the origin of the Israeli people from the Arabs. But modern Jews pass on the surname of the son, not the son, to the first daughter. In Islam, this fact is confirmed by assigning one of the highest degrees of brother-in-law (brother) to the younger brother in relation to