Nephrosis Necrotic

Necrotizing nephrosis is a rare disease that occurs mainly in children under three years of age and rarely in elderly patients. This is an immune dysfunction that can lead to irreversible kidney damage and death of the patient. Necrotizing vasculitis (NV) is a serious systemic vascular disease in which inflammation affects small to medium-sized vessels throughout the body. This is a serious condition that has been diagnosed as the cause of about 50% of cases of necrotizing glomerulonephritis in America and Europe.

Acute necrotizing glomerulonephritis is an acute kidney disease accompanied by bilateral damage to the renal glomeruli and associated with decreased renal function. The causes of acute necrotizing glomerulonephritis are various viruses and infections of the upper respiratory tract, intestinal infections, streptococcal infections, injuries, etc. Necrotizing glomerulonephritis can also occur with some hereditary connective tissue diseases such as SLE, SCD or UMB.

Necrosing papillitis is a disease characterized by inflammation or necrosis of the papillae on the lateral wall of the urethra in the form of white nodules or spines. The disease can progress to the formation of folds ("schmorls"). Acute balanoposthitis develops as a result of traumatic injuries to the area of ​​the glans penis, infectious diseases, including STIs, genital herpes, balanitis, balanoposthitis, contact with aggressive chemicals, etc.

One of the most common