
Common names: field poppy, fire flower. Parts used: flowers. Pharmacy name: poppy flowers - Rhoeados flos (formerly: Flores Rhoeados).

Botanical description. On a long peduncle, a large bright red flower with very delicate and fragrant petals develops from a drooping bud. But this fragrant splendor does not last long - only a few days.

Then the petals fall off, and only one inconspicuous fruit remains - a capsule. Blooms from May to June. Poppy poppy grows as a weed in grain crops, in meadows, along roadsides, slopes, slopes and wastelands.

Collection and preparation. The petals are collected immediately after the flowers bloom and dried immediately. But most often it is not possible to preserve their color; they become gray and colorless.

Active ingredients: readine and other less dangerous alkaloids in smaller quantities, red pigment, organic acids, tannins, saponins, bitterness, resin, mucus, starch and gums.

Healing action and application. Scientific medicine does not use poppy.

Use in folk medicine. In folk medicine, on the contrary, the petals are still used in the form of a syrup against coughs and anxiety in young children. Tea is given for pain of various kinds, and also as a sleeping pill.

The German National Health Service rejects the use of this plant because its effects have not been proven. However, there is no indication against using it as an auxiliary material in tea mixtures.

Side effects. Although this herb is not recommended for use, daily consumption of poppy seed tea can be considered safe. This is explained by the fact that it does not contain active ingredients such as morphine and papaverine, which are found in poppy (Papaver somniferum L.).

The fresh poppy plant is considered mildly poisonous.