Makeup Kit

This is a wonderful gift that will encourage imagination, perhaps start a child's makeup business, or simply send you and the kids into a very dangerous - from the outside - state of endless giggling. Buy some non-allergic cosmetics: blush, powder, eye shadow, paint and lipstick. Add here an inexpensive lipstick brush, eyebrow pencils and maybe a small mirror that can be placed on the table. Don't forget the cream and a jar of soft, clean cloths. Both boys and girls will have a great time experimenting with all these things. You can join in this game yourself - let your child paint your face too.

Little fashionistas
For little girls who like to play mom or big sister doing makeup, you can offer a special makeup set. For a girl who imagines herself to be an adult lady, this will be a wonderful gift. Add to the set some nail polish and a little baby cologne. A variation on this theme could be a manicure set for Little Miss with polish and nail polish remover, as well as cotton balls. Add another small piece of oilcloth or polyethylene so that the manicurist does not stain the table.