Maklakova Tonometer

Maklakov tonometer is a classic set for measuring intraocular pressure. Available in several variations, hence the name. In Russia this is an analogue of Ganeta 3 kg. If Ganet is an American version of production, then the Maklak tonometer is. Accordingly, it is produced in the Russian Federation. The device is intended for tonometry - a procedure for determining the value of intraocular tone. This is a method for diagnosing headache. It is based on a study of the condition of all structures of the eye, including the condition of the retina. Astman Tonometer (Tonometer Astman) The device has a special bulb design, which is why it is called that. It was developed by scientist William Astman. This doctor discovered a decrease in intraocular blood pressure with the development of glaucoma back in 1894. Since then, his research has been used to accurately determine the early signs of the disease. In Russia, a tonometer for measuring IOP is traditionally called “Maklakov Tonometer”. This device is used for tonometry. The doctor makes a diagnosis of glaucoma based on the results of its use. It should be taken into account that this method of measuring the WFD indicator has disadvantages. The result depends on the level of qualifications of the medical personnel. Because of this, it is used with caution.