
Maculo creativity (maculoto) is the creation of works of art or their fragments from materials and materials used to create traditional paper bills, coins, credit cards, catalogs, etc. The main materials are leftover paper, used newspapers, book pages, materials left over from photographs, old pencils, pens, watercolor brushes and paints. And also paint, ballpoint pens, markers, wax crayons for designer papers. As an independent term, it denotes specific works of art made using the macular technique or entire groups of works in this way.

The word “maculo” goes back to the Latin verb maculo “to leave marks, to put signs,” which is associated with the connection of maculo creativity to the creation of inscriptions, usually graffiti, a rather informal “author’s handwriting” characteristic of this type of creativity. However, at present, the subjectively visible and tangible “fragments of existence” created are independent works of art. The second direction of maculo is a clearer delineation of objects or “retouching,” usually used for the purpose of more effectively solving social problems.