
Malathion: effective against insects and scabies

Malathion is an organophosphate compound widely used as an insecticide. Its effectiveness is especially evident in the fight against head and pubic lice, as well as in the treatment of scabies. Malathion is applied externally as a lotion and is available under various trade names such as Derbac-M, Prioderm and Soleo-M.

The mechanism of action of malathion is its ability to penetrate the nervous system of insects and disrupt the normal transmission of impulses. This leads to paralysis and ultimately death of lice and other pests. Due to this mechanism of action, malathion is an effective insecticide and can be used to control insects that breed on the human body.

One of the most common ways to use malathion is to use it as a lotion. The lotion is applied to dry scalp or other affected areas of the body and left for a few minutes. It is then thoroughly washed off, removing both dead insects and eggs. The procedure is usually repeated after a few days to kill newly hatched lice.

It is important to note that malathion is a powerful chemical and its use should only be limited to the advice and supervision of a medical professional. Side effects may occur when using malathion, including skin irritation and possible allergic reactions. Therefore, before using malathion, you must read the instructions and follow the recommendations provided.

Although malathion is considered relatively safe for humans, it should still be used with caution, especially when treating children, pregnant women, or those with sensitive skin. If you have any doubts or questions regarding the use of malathion, it is recommended that you consult with a healthcare professional.

In conclusion, Malathion is an effective insecticide that is widely used to control head lice, pubic lice, and scabies. It is available in lotion form under various trade names. Despite its effectiveness, malathion should be used with caution and under the advice of medical professionals as side effects may occur. When used as directed, malathion can be a useful tool in the fight against insects and scabies, providing relief from unpleasant symptoms and an improved quality of life.

Malathion is an organophosphate compound that is used as an insecticide to control head and pubic lice and to treat scabies. This insecticide is applied externally in the form of a lotion, which is applied to the scalp and hair. It works by blocking the nervous system of insects.

One of the benefits of malathion is its ability to quickly eliminate lice and larvae, making it an effective treatment for head lice. In addition, malathion is safer for humans than many other insecticides.

However, like any medicine, malathion may cause some side effects. Some people may experience skin irritation and allergic reactions to malathion. To avoid these effects, it is important to use malathion correctly and follow the instructions for use.

Brand names for malathion include Derbac-M, Prioderm and Soleo-M.

Overall, malathion is an effective and safe treatment for head lice and scabies. However, before using this insecticide, you should consult your doctor and follow the instructions for use to avoid possible side effects.

Malathion is an insecticide used to treat head lice, pubic lice and scabies. It is an organophosphorus compound and may cause skin irritation and allergic reactions when applied topically.

Derbak-M, Prioderm and Soleo-M are trade names of the drug Malathion. They are used in the form of lotions and applied to the scalp and pubic area.

To achieve the best treatment results, you must follow the instructions for use and use the drug regularly. If side effects occur, you should immediately stop using the drug and consult a doctor.

It is important to remember that Malathion is toxic and requires caution when used. Do not use it without consulting your doctor and follow all directions for use.