
Malformation is a medical term that means the abnormal development or formation of an organ, tissue or body system. Malformations can occur as a result of various factors, such as genetic disorders, environmental exposures, or diseases.

One of the most common malformations is congenital heart disease. This is a condition in which the heart does not develop correctly and cannot pump blood effectively throughout the body. Congenital heart defects can be caused by genetic disorders, infections during pregnancy, or other factors.

Another common malformation is Down syndrome. This is a genetic disease that occurs due to the presence of an extra chromosome in each cell. Down syndrome can present with a variety of symptoms, including mental retardation, problems with growth and development, and various physical defects.

Malformations can be dangerous to human health and life. They can lead to serious health problems such as heart failure, stroke, mental retardation and others. Therefore, it is important to monitor your health and consult a doctor if any symptoms appear.