Mallein Test

Malleen Test: A diagnostic tool in glanders detection

In the field of medicine and veterinary medicine, there are many methods and techniques for diagnosing various diseases. One of these methods is the mallein test, which is widely used in the diagnosis of glanders. This allergy test is based on the injection of mallein intradermally in humans or subcutaneously/into the conjunctival sac in animals, followed by assessment of the local reaction. In this article we will look at the principles, application and significance of the mallein test in the diagnosis of glanders.

Glanders (saprophytic actinomycosis pyoderma) is an infectious disease caused by the bacterium Actinobacillus mallei. This disease is more common in horses, but can also affect other animals, including humans. Glanders can have serious consequences, so it is important to ensure early and accurate diagnosis of this disease.

The mallein test is one of the key methods for diagnosing glanders. It is based on the body’s allergic reaction to the introduction of mallein, a decomposition product of the bacterium Actinobacillus mallei. Malleen is a solution containing specific antigens that can trigger an immune response in an individual infected with glanders.

The mallein test procedure varies depending on the target object. When diagnosing glanders in humans, mallein is administered intradermally, usually on the forearm. In animal studies, mallein is injected subcutaneously or into the conjunctival sac. After the administration of mallein, observation of the injection area begins for a certain time.

Assessing the local response is a key step when performing the mallein test. Typically, the local reaction is assessed by a specialist using a scale that is based on the nature and intensity of the reaction. This assessment allows one to determine the presence or absence of an allergic reaction to mallein and, therefore, diagnose glanders.

The mallein test undoubtedly has its advantages and limitations. It is a relatively simple and inexpensive method for diagnosing glanders, which can be carried out in a clinic or veterinary laboratory. However, the possibility of false-positive and false-negative results, as well as possible side effects in some patients or animals, must be considered.

The mallein test is an important tool in diagnosing glanders, especially in regions where this disease is common. It allows us to identify individuals who have had an infection and have developed an immune response to the bacterium Actinobacillus mallei.

In conclusion, the mallein test is an effective tool in the diagnosis of glanders. It allows you to identify an allergic reaction to mallein, indicating the presence of infection. This method may be especially useful in areas where glanders is a common disease. Despite its limitations, the mallein test remains an important tool for the diagnosis and control of this dangerous disease.

Mullein is a viral biological fluid obtained from a sick animal that caused chickenpox. The mallinotiger test is an allergic reaction when making a diagnosis, based on the study of local manifestations of the varicella zoster virus. In the acute form, it manifests itself as a symptom over a large area of ​​the skin. By tracing focal lesions, we can draw conclusions about the origin of smallpox.

Allergen testing in cosmetology is used in the examination of workers involved in the production of medicines. The test reaction makes it possible to identify people’s allergic mood and monitor the implementation of vaccines and medical procedures. The mallein test is performed outside of pregnancy. The results of an immunological study are considered positive if the reaction exceeds the norm. In this way, antitoxins and allergenic products are detected in blood serum.