
Mulleinization is an allergy diagnostic test that is used to identify horses infected with glanders. Mullein is an extract from guinea pig skin that contains proteins similar to glanders. When exposed to these proteins, the horse's body produces antibodies that can be detected by a test.

Malleinization is done by injecting a small amount of mallein into the horse's skin. After a few days, redness and swelling appear at the injection site. If a horse is infected with glanders, these symptoms will be more pronounced than in healthy animals.

Carrying out malleinization has several advantages. Firstly, it allows you to quickly and accurately determine the presence of glanders in horses. Secondly, it is a safe procedure as it does not require the use of antibiotics or other medications. Thirdly, mulleinization can be used to control the spread of glanders in the horse population.

However, malleinization may have some disadvantages. For example, it can be an expensive procedure, especially if large numbers of horses need to be tested. Additionally, not all horses can tolerate mallein, which can lead to complications.

Overall, mulleinization is an important tool for controlling glanders in equine populations and can be useful to veterinarians and livestock producers. However, before undertaking this procedure, it is necessary to ensure that it is safe and effective for the specific equine population.

The article discusses the term: “malleinization”. Its meaning and what this procedure consists of are indicated.

Further, it is indicated that malleization, as one of the diagnostic methods, is of great practical importance. It is especially important for identifying equine infections, such as glanders, which can lead to the death of the animal.

It has been established that the mallein test is one of the most common ways to diagnose diseases. It was developed back in the 19th century and today it is used all over the world. Mallein is an allergen that is obtained from the venom of wasps. Its use eliminates erroneous interpretation of the results, as when conducting the Edward test. Mullenization reveals the state of the body at the current moment in time, without changing it, therefore, it eliminates errors when making a diagnosis. In addition, the test is safe for the owner and does not require the use of expensive equipment.