Malrotation of the Intestine

Malrotation is an abnormal position of the intestine within the abdominal cavity. By “anomaly” we mean a displacement of the intestine from its usual place with the subsequent formation of loops and kinks in different directions. Malrotation occurs due to structural features of connective tissue or due to improper formation of muscles responsible for maintaining the position of internal organs.

The clinical picture is similar to other congenital diseases, but in some cases it differs in specific features:

1. Asymptomatic course - with mild tissue damage there is no pain syndrome, which does not immediately raise suspicions if malrotation is suspected. Usually the first signal of pathology is internal bleeding.

In the structure of diseases of the intestinal tract, intestinal malrotation occupies a special place. Already from the name it is obvious that its occurrence is caused not only by congenital disorders, but also by the consequences of trauma. In the medical lexicon, this term appeared in the 60s of the twentieth century in the terminology of pediatrics.

Malrotation is a pathology of the relative position of loops (two or more), usually quite large, of the abdominal part of the intestine. It is isolated due to concomitant disturbances in the rotation of the intestines relative to each other. The duodenum, sigmoid and colon are malrotated. Other departments