
Complementation: restoration of the original phenotype

Complementation is the process of combining two mutant alleles of one gene in a zygote, which leads to the restoration of the original (wild) phenotype. The term “complementation” was introduced into scientific circulation in 1941 by biologist G.W. Becher.

Mutations are changes in genetic material that can lead to a change in the phenotype of an organism. Ideally, each gene has two alleles, one from the mother and one from the father. If mutations occur in one of the alleles, this can lead to a change in phenotype. However, if mutations occur in both alleles of a gene, then complementation can occur.

The process of complementation occurs when two mutant alleles of a gene that encode different peptides or RNAs come together in the same organism. As a result of this unification, the original phenotype is restored, which was lost due to mutations.

Complementation is important for understanding evolution and the genetic mechanisms that underlie heredity. This process can occur in a variety of organisms, including bacteria, plants and animals.

Complementation can be used to study mutations and their effects on phenotypes, as well as to create new genetic constructs that may have potential practical applications, for example in agriculture or medicine.

In conclusion, complementation is the process of combining two mutant alleles of the same gene in a zygote, which leads to restoration of the original phenotype. This process is important for understanding genetic mechanisms and may have potential practical applications.

Complementation is the restoration of the wild type of a gene (the original phenotype) when this gene is mutated. A few examples of complementation: * In a pair of heteropolar (when one factor is dominant “+” - dominant, and the other factor is recessive “-” - recessive) F.1 hybrids (obtained from crossing genotypes AaBb and Aa Bb), if both parents were carriers of heterogeneous alleles, a homozygous dominant individual with the original phenotype (AaBb) appears in the offspring. * In individuals of the hybridization complex (for example, Drosophila sechellia and D. melanogaster), heterozygotes (D. m. sechelliensis) acquire characteristics of both parental species. When calculating the probability of the appearance of various genotypes and phenotypes in heterozygotes, depending on their influence on the behavior of the dominance allele, the following distribution of genotypes was obtained: in 58% of cases, this individual exhibits the dominance allele of parent A, in another 21% of cases - the allele of the dominant parent B, and in another 40% of cases, the phenotypic effect of the allele is observed in only one of the parents.