Rheumatism Desert

Desert type rheumatism

Rheumatism was known in ancient times. It was first described and described in a treatise called “The Soaring Eagle” by a certain philosopher in 850. Over time, the main symptoms began to emerge, but for many centuries it was called just that - desert rheumatism. And only in the 20th century, rheumatism was defined by a famous Russian doctor named Ivanov. He compared the disease with a lung disease and called it Articular Rheumatism. Yes, that’s exactly what this disease was called until 1921. Since this is a disease that cannot be prevented, in medicine it is called ineradicable. In our time, the disease has not disappeared, and causes numerous medical studies. But it is worth mentioning that some scientists believe that rheumatic diseases are quite treatable.

Axial disease It is as if a strong, spreading hammer is hitting the axis of the entire body. But only a small part of it hits the head: a dull pain appears here, which sometimes develops into a burning pain. This often causes pain in the temples. As a result, performance decreases sharply, because the head becomes heavy, vision deteriorates, and the reflex reaction decreases. Over time, signs of arthrosis appear in curved bones. Often, even a doctor cannot determine at the initial stage of the disease that this is a rheumatic disease, despite the fact that it has specific signs: the affected limb becomes inactive and deforms very quickly; the tissue over the affected limb becomes swollen, cold, and cold to the touch; the skin on the arm or leg either completely peels off or turns red. Sometimes, for the disease to begin to progress, it takes a short period of time - from a day to several years. After such a period it will be difficult to do anything if the disease has already developed. In this case, the disease always goes through several stages. At first, small, often red spots appear, gradually they begin to multiply, and the same bruises appear. Meanwhile, the most insidious and dangerous third stage. At this time, the patient's ability to work significantly decreases. Severe pain takes over everything