Emergency Medical Care Measures

Emergency medical care measures are medical measures that must be carried out at this stage of medical evacuation in order to remove the patient (injured) from a life-threatening condition.

Urgent measures include:

  1. Stopping bleeding in wounds and injuries. This may include applying a tourniquet, a pressure bandage, packing the wound, etc.

  2. Pain relief for severe pain. Painkillers are used.

  3. Immobilization for bone fractures and joint damage using splints, rollers, and improvised means. This is necessary to prevent additional damage during transportation.

  4. Restoration of airway patency in case of obstruction. Sanitation of the oropharynx, tracheal intubation, and conicotomy may be required.

  5. Artificial ventilation of the lungs with an Ambu bag or a breathing apparatus in case of respiratory arrest or severe respiratory failure.

  6. Anti-shock measures, including immobilization, warming, anesthesia, administration of anti-shock drugs.

Timely and correct implementation of emergency measures helps prevent the development of life-threatening conditions and complications from injuries and diseases.

Emergency medical care is one of the most important elements in healthcare. They allow you to save lives and health of people in critical situations. In this article we will look at what emergency measures are and how they are used in medicine.

Emergency measures are medical measures necessary to bring the patient out of a critical condition. They are carried out immediately after receiving a call or message about the need for medical assistance, and are aimed at saving lives and restoring the health of patients.

In what cases are emergency medical measures taken? They can be used in the following situations: - for injuries or wounds; - poisoning with pesticides; - cardiovascular failure caused by stroke or myocardial infarction; - pain syndromes in the abdominal area (abdominal pain, peptic ulcer, renal colic).

How are emergency measures carried out? First, an assessment of the threat to the patient's life is carried out. If there is a danger to life, treatment and measures are taken to save the patient’s life. If there is no threat to life, further in-depth examination and diagnosis are carried out. Then the necessary medications and procedures are prescribed to improve the patient’s condition, and consultations with other specialists are held.

What resources are used to carry out emergency activities? 1. Medical services - doctors, nurses, paramedics, rescuers, law enforcement officers and other specialists with the necessary skills and knowledge to provide medical care. 2

Emergency care is the first medical aid to patients (injured) in need of urgent medical intervention. It is aimed at eliminating conditions that pose an immediate threat to life, or the deterioration of the condition threatens the life and health of the victim. Carrying out emergency measures has the following features:

- the amount of time spent on them does not exceed 30 minutes. Within which medical care should be provided;

carried out with the participation of service personnel;

the level of emergency medical care provided should not depend on the profile of a given medical institution;

an emergency condition (accident, injury, poisoning) occurred at a time when a routine examination was not carried out, an accidental illness;

the patient’s condition is unstable with a high risk of deterioration in the coming hours;

the patient has obvious complaints about his condition, may talk about deterioration or expect the same from any impact.

In order to provide emergency medical services, staffing standards have been approved, coupons and a range of equipment have been developed.