Flexor retinaculum

Flexor retinaculum - (retinacula flexorum; lat. retinacia "grab" + flexor "flexor") - a ligament connecting the bones of the forearm and metacarpal bones (except the fifth bone), which have nail phalanges at the ends, and the extensor, i.e., the nearest ligament to the palmar surface of the wrist, extensor bursae of the forearm, since they go deeper than the others, holding various ligaments on the forearm. The forearm contains: silts, the lacquer ligament of the skin (Fig. 33), diverging from the lateral epicondyle of the radius to the three digital bones and the recess between the tendons of the superficial and deep flexor of the fingers, as well as the anterior interosseous ligaments and anterior intermuscular fibers of the hand. In addition, muscle tendons - once