Malarial Index Gametocyte

Malarial index Gametocytic is the ratio of the number of gametocytes (female and male germ cells) to the number of red blood cells in the blood.

The malaria gametocyte index is considered an important indicator for the diagnosis of malaria infection. It allows you to assess the degree of blood damage by parasites and determine the need for treatment.

To determine the malaria gametocyte index, it is necessary to conduct a blood test for the presence of parasites. This test is performed in a laboratory by microscopying blood smears.

If malaria parasites are detected, then the malaria gametocytic index is calculated using the formula:

Gametocyte index = (number of gametocytes / number of red blood cells) * 100%

The normal value of the malaria index is considered to be 0.5-2%. If the malaria index is above 2%, then this indicates a high degree of blood contamination by parasites. In this case, it is necessary to urgently begin treatment.

In addition, the malaria index can be used to evaluate the effectiveness of malaria treatment. If malaria disappears after treatment, the malaria index value gradually decreases to normal.