Malaria (Swamp Fever)

Malaria, or swamp fever, is one of the most common diseases transmitted through mosquito bites. This disease is found in tropical and subtropical regions of the world, where mosquitoes, which are the vectors of malaria, live in large numbers.

Symptoms of malaria

Symptoms of malaria include chills, fever, headache and body aches. The duration of the attacks may vary, but usually they are repeated at certain intervals and at certain hours, sometimes every day, or sometimes every other day or two. After several hours the temperature drops, sometimes vomiting appears, sweating and the attack ends.

Diagnosis of malaria

The disease can be recognized not only by the nature of the attacks, but also by a greatly enlarged spleen due to a large accumulation of white leukocytes.

Treatment of malaria

It is easier to cure malaria at the very beginning, but later it becomes more difficult. The best medicine against malaria is considered to be quinine. It is necessary to give the patient the first dose of powder 0.5 4 hours before the onset of the paroxysm, and the second time must be given at sunrise. Give quinine in this way until the attacks stop, and then after that give it for another week, but one powder a day, also better at sunrise.

There are many effective home and folk remedies against malaria that can be used together with drug treatment or independently.

  1. Garlic

Eat 3 cloves of garlic a day.

  1. Sunflower tincture

Grind the sunflower flower along with the lower small green leaves and infuse with vodka. Put up to 1/3 of the sunflower on the bottle, the rest is vodka. Infuse for a month, at least for at least 8 days, in the sun or in a warm place. Take this tincture like this: add half a glass of water with the tincture and drink it 5 hours before the attack. Do this every day until the illness passes. After recovery, drink for another week.

  1. Castor oil

It should be taken in the usual form (1-2 tablespoons for an adult) during an attack. When he relaxes, the patient falls asleep, sweats, and the disease goes away.

  1. Salt

Toast plain table salt until it turns coffee-colored. Dilute a tablespoon of this salt in a glass of water and drink this water the next day before an attack of malaria.

  1. Tonic drinks

To strengthen the immune system and increase the body's resistance to malaria, you can drink tonic drinks such as ginger, rosemary, St. John's wort or echinacea tea.

Prevention of malaria

Important measures to prevent malaria include the use of mosquito nets, repellents, clothing covering all exposed areas of the body, and the use of chemical mosquito repellents. If you are traveling to places where malaria is common, be sure to consult a specialist and follow their recommendations.