Small Tubercle

What is the lesser tubercle? The lesser tubercle (lat. tuberculum minus) is a small cartilaginous protrusion on the surface of the lungs, which is located on the lower wall of the chest between the sternum and the spine. This growth has a diameter of about 1-2 cm and provides additional support for the respiratory muscles and lung tissue in the area of ​​the lower lobes of the lungs.

Normally, the lesser tubercle is one of the most well developed and visible organs of the pulmonary system, making it an important diagnostic point of view when examining the lungs and chest. However, in some cases, the lesser tubercle can change and develop in uncharacteristic ways, which leads to health problems. A fracture of the lesser tubercle can signal a disruption in the functioning of the lung tissue, as well as disorders in the internal organs and the circulatory system.

Symptoms and causes of changes in the lesser tuberosity If the lesser tuberosity changes, changes may appear