Mammaliology Lat. Mammalia Mammals + Greek. Logos Teaching, Science)

Today we will tell you about the ancient science that studies mammals - mammalogy. In this article we will look at the names of the main animals from the world of mammalogy and find out what types of mammals exist in the world.

Mammalogy is a broad science that affects all aspects of mammalian life. Within the framework of this science, several areas can be distinguished: 1. Pathology of mammals - the study of various diseases in these animals and the development of methods for their treatment. For example, chronic herpes in humans and lichen in dogs are the same diseases, and their treatment is no different. But there is also a category of diseases that affect only mammals, such as canine distemper or equine infectious anemia. Research into such diseases is very important for doctors and biologists, since representatives of the animal world cannot yet be participants in experiments due to ethical restrictions. 2. Sciences related to the individuals themselves - toxicology, pharmacology and veterinary medicine; 3. Genetics and evolution; 4. Cynology and felinology. If you see a boring dog or kitten on the street, then it’s time to think about how to fix the problem. After all, some animals may suffer from genetic abnormalities, improper skin care, hearing and vision pathologies. By