Hermaphroditism False

False hermaphrodism is a disorder of sexual differentiation in men and women, characterized by the presence in individuals born of both sexes of both sex glands to varying degrees of severity without the normal formation of male or female genital organs and secondary sexual characteristics. Type I hermaphrodite does not have external genitalia. Only his gonads are identified (ovaries in a woman, testes in a man). At the same time, the general proportions of the body are average, the growth pattern and mental characteristics are normal. Male sexual characteristics have been partially developed, mostly underdeveloped. Rarely, gender reassignment occurs in adulthood. A type II hermaphrodite has clearly external genitalia of a normal sex: a female vulva and vagina, usually severely underdeveloped ovaries - the so-called rudimentary gonads, a male bladder and penis. Gonads and the nature of their formation are absent or reduced. The external genitalia are functionally and anatomically impaired. There is differentiation of sexual characteristics according to both male and female types. The growth pattern and mental development are intermediate between the male and female types. Gender reassignment is rare. Type III hermaphrodite develops when initially normal gonads (expressed as male, female, or both sexes) are included in the process of sex formation (processes of gonad formation) in abnormal conditions of embryogenesis: for example, when the formation of full-fledged male gonads occurs from the tissue of the female embryo sac (terminal loop , source of the Müllerian duct). As a result, gonads of normal size and typical sex are formed in the presence of various other anomalies of the external genitalia

False hermaphrodism is a rare and little-known condition in which a person has the genitals of both sexes. This is an unusual phenomenon that does not occur often and can cause many questions and doubts in people. In this article we will talk about false hermaphrodism in more detail.

False hermaphrodism is a condition of the body when a person has genitals of the opposite sex. This phenomenon may occur from