Tracheotomy tube

A tracheostomy tube is a medical device that is used to maintain airway patency in various diseases and conditions, such as airway obstruction, tracheostomy, treatment of laryngeal cancer and others.

The tube can be inserted into the trachea or larynx and provides free access of air to the lungs. It is made from various materials such as metal, plastic and silicone, and can come in different sizes and shapes depending on the patient's needs.

Installation of a tracheotomy tube can be carried out by an experienced otolaryngologist using special instruments. After the tube is installed, the patient can breathe on his own, and the doctor can monitor its condition and, if necessary, replace or remove it.

However, like any other medical device, a tracheostomy tube has its risks and complications, such as tissue damage, infections and allergic reactions. Therefore, before installing the tube, it is necessary to conduct a thorough examination of the patient and assess his health status.

In general, a tracheotomy tube is an important tool in medicine, which allows you to ensure airway patency and save the patient’s life in critical situations.

**Tracheotomy tube**.

In medicine, various tubes are used for medical purposes; the Tracheotomy tube is used to supply and remove air from the trachea into the patient’s airways during artificial ventilation and intubation, as well as to drain the airways from fluid that is released during tracheobronchoscopy.

Cannula Tracheotomy This device is a tube inserted into the trachea through which therapeutic manipulations are carried out. The tube was first used on patients by an American doctor named Martin Hennessy in 1839. He performed an operation complicated by the patient's suffocation, and the cause of asphyxia, as was later established, was the entry of a food particle into the bronchi due to accidental damage to the trachea. Hennessy was a doctor without medical education who, in difficult conditions, was able to perform simple surgery


A tracheostomy tube (T.T.) is a medical device that is used to maintain an open airway and maintain normal breathing in patients who have had surgery to remove the larynx or trachea due to cancer, infection, or inflammatory diseases. The purpose of using a tracheotomy tube is to restore the patient's normal breathing process for subsequent treatment. Let's consider the main aspects of using the Tracheotome tube.

What is T.T?

A tracheotomy tube is a device used in medicine to restore the respiratory function of a patient undergoing complete or partial removal of the larynx, as well as a tumor in this area. The device simulates the natural passage of air through the respiratory system, bypassing the larynx. The tubes are usually made of a flexible metal material and are inserted into the trachea through the larynx. Tubes are often made from either aluminum or polyethylene.

What does T.T consist of? 1. The laryngeal ring keeper is a device designed to insert a tube into the laryngeal rings. This can be done using a stethoscope inserted into the opening of the vomer or a special trachea