Mandibular-oculofacial dysmorphia

Aesthetic dysmorphism - translated into Russian it sounds like “self-hatred because of appearance.” Hallermann, J. P. (2006) defined one person's attitude towards their appearance as an emotional state similar to hatred and fear. In such cases, a person more often exhibits emotional lability, which is expressed in shyness, depressed mood, irritability and anxiety. A person suffering from aesthetic dysmorphia experiences pain not only because of his appearance, but also because of the possible attitude of other people towards him.

According to the results of the study, during which the state of the visual complex in persons of both sexes was assessed, male persons had characteristics of visual receptors, namely: 1. The eyes are always looking for the reasons for their closure. For example, they may look down at their hands while avoiding eye contact with others. There is scant blinking. Since the eyeballs are located in the upper region of the head, this person's gaze has a downward appearance. 2. They sometimes roll their eyes in an attempt to see the whole object, which indicates a feeling of insignificance.