Manual Examination of the Uterus

A manual uterine examination (R U M) is a medical procedure performed to diagnose the condition of the female reproductive system. Manual medical examination of the uterus allows doctors to determine the presence of various diseases such as fibroids, ovarian cysts, endometriosis and other gynecological diseases.

Manual examination of the uterus is a complex and important procedure performed by an experienced gynecologist, supervised by a female operating room operator using a speculum or stethoscope. The procedure can take from a few minutes to several hours, depending on the specific situation.

The procedure for examining each type of uterus may differ slightly, but usually includes the following steps:

Preparation for the procedure - the woman is under general anesthesia to ensure a painless procedure. Manual vaginal examinations are most often performed. The doctor inserts his fingers into the woman’s vagina and gently massages its walls, moving it to the back wall. This allows you to detect the presence of nodules or fibroids. Manual gynecological examination of the vagina can