Compress Cold

A cold compress is an emergency remedy.

A cold compress is a very simple but effective way to treat most ailments associated with painful sensations. A compress is a wet bandage that is wrapped around the affected areas of the body, and then blood flow is stimulated. The cold bandage helps to constrict blood vessels and reduce pain, while at the same time activating recovery processes, which promotes healing. All this represents a kind of “first aid” for the affected tissues.

A cold compress is a first aid remedy that can help reduce pain, relieve swelling, soothe the skin, and provide cooling for some conditions. Compresses can be used to relieve pain from injuries such as bruises, contusions, sprains and soft tissue contusions, as well as illnesses such as colds, skin infections, rashes and others.

The main ingredient in a cold compress is ice or cold water. First, you need to moisten a clean cloth or gauze in ice water and gently place it on the skin. Typically applied to small areas of the body such as the head, neck, face, chest, back, abdomen and limbs. Keep the compress on the skin for 5-10 minutes, then remove it and allow the skin to air dry. If necessary, the procedure can be repeated every 15