Mary Fragrant.

Fragrant mari: description, application and medicinal properties

Fragrant pigweed (Artemisia fragrans) is an annual herbaceous plant of the goosefoot family, which is widespread in the European part of Russia, the Caucasus, Western Siberia and Central Asia. The plant reaches a height of 15-60 cm, has an erect, branched stem and light green or yellowish-green pinnately dissected leaves. Sweet pigweed blooms from July to October, and its flowers are collected in pyramidal panicles located at the tops of the stems. The fruit of the fragrant mari is a lentil-shaped nut.

The roots and leaves of fragrant mari are suitable for dyeing wool and silk yellow. Essential oil is obtained from the leaves, which is used in medicine, perfumery and soap making. When dried, the leaves are used as an insecticide.

The medicinal raw material is the aerial part of the fragrant pigweed plant. The herb is harvested during flowering and dried in the shade, spread out in a thin layer or in a well-ventilated area, turning it over often. The raw material is ready if, when bent, the stems do not bend, but break. Store fragrant pigweed in a well-closed glass or wooden container for no more than 1 year.

The leaves of the fragrant mari contain essential oil, which contains sesquiterpenes, azulene and geraniol, hydrocarbons (myrcene, limonene, sabinene, camphene, calamen, calacorene and ylangene), oxygen-containing compounds (linalone, nerol, menthol, pulegone, thujone, camphor, cineol, ascaridole, etc.), triterpene saponins, alkaloids, vitamin E, flavonoids, carotene, chenopodic acid, etc.

Preparations of fragrant mari have anthelmintic, diuretic, antifever, hypotensive and antimicrobial effects. An infusion of fragrant mari is indicated for disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. It increases blood supply to the coronary vessels of the heart, eliminates dizziness, normalizes the function of the nervous system and sleep. It is used externally for skin diseases and skin lesions from protozoa.

To prepare the infusion, pour 1 teaspoon of dry fragrant mari herb into 1 glass of hot water, leave in a warm place for 2-3 hours and filter. Take 3 tablespoons 3 times a day after meals. When using the infusion externally, pour 2 teaspoons of raw material into 1 glass of hot water, boil in a closed enamel container in a water bath for 5 minutes, cool, filter through two or three layers of gauze and bring the volume to the original volume. Used in the form of lotions, washes and tampons. The procedure is carried out 3-4 times a day.

An infusion of fragrant mari is also indicated for migraines, moderate increases in blood pressure, bronchial asthma with difficult sputum and cough. In such cases, an infusion of fragrant mari is prescribed in a mixture with almond oil.

Fragrant pigweed is a valuable plant that is widely used in medicine, perfumery and soap making. Its medicinal properties have been known for a long time, and an infusion of fragrant mari is actively used to treat various diseases. But, like any medicinal plant, fragrant pigweed must be used with caution and only after consulting a doctor.