Marara - bile

The strongest bile of four-legged animals is the bile of a cow, then the bile of a hyena and a bear, then a goat, then a sheep. The healthiest bile of birds is the bile of the rooster, roach, and mountain partridge. All bird bile is stronger than the bile of four-legged animals, if in this respect we compare birds of prey with cattle, and game with wild animals. Very strong, burning bile is the bile of predators, especially large ones. The best bile is the one with a natural yellow color, and the one with the color of verdigris or lapis lazuli is bad. Bright red bile is just as bad.

The weakest bile is pork, and the bile of the carp, the bile of the fish called "scorpion", and the bile of the turtle are stronger than the bile of quadrupeds. Dioscorides says: “The ends of the gall bladder are tied and boiled in water for as long as it takes a person to run a distance of three arrow flights; then it is taken out and dried in a shady place where there is no dampness, and stored there.”

Hot, dry to the fourth degree.

Actions and properties.
The bile of all animals is pungent and cleansing. It varies depending on the sex - male and female, varies depending on hunger, thirst or lack of thirst, as well as on the state of rest and movement.

The bile of a wild donkey drives the party; It is useful to lubricate traces of tumors.

Tumors and acne.
Bile is included in ointments for carbuncles and prevents their appearance.

Wounds and ulcers.
If bile is mixed with soda, ratiyanaj and Kimolos clay, it helps against ulcerative jarab. Ox bile is included in anti-rotting patches! wounds, and helps with severe pain. Goat bile destroys wild meat. The need to use strong or weak bile for ulcers is not the same and depends on the degree of their age, purity and contamination. Wolf bile is good for nerve injuries; in cold weather, it prevents the occurrence of spasms and chilliness, which can be feared in such cases.

Tools with joints.
Goat bile is used for elephantiasis and varicose veins, and is beneficial. Wild donkey bile works especially well. Wolf bile prevents the appearance of spasms and chilliness after nerve injury, especially from cold.

Organs of the head.
Goat and ox bile is useful for fresh ear ulcers. Vulture bile in olive oil is dripped into the ear for hearing loss, and with squeezed Nabatean leek juice it is used for ringing in the ears and weakened hearing. Use ox bile with water and Kimolos clay to wash your hair against dandruff. Bear bile, when licked, is said to be good for epilepsy, and tortoise bile is said to be good for malignant mouth ulcers in children. A person afflicted with epilepsy benefits by drawing in turtle bile through the nose. All types of bile are beneficial for loss of smell and are powerful in opening blockages in the ethmoid bone.

Organs of the eye.
All types of bile are useful for blurred vision, and carnivore bile, especially dry bile, helps with the onset of cataracts and dilation of the pupil, but it should be used only after cleansing the head and body. Of the bile of four-legged animals, gazelle bile is most useful for the eyes, of birds - partridge bile, and of fish bile - carp bile. Bile from goats, especially mountain goats, helps against night blindness.

Respiratory system.
Bovine bile and honey are used to lubricate the palate for sore throat; Turtle bile is also used. Eruption organs.

Ox bile opens the mouths of the kidney cones. All bile, even pig bile, releases naturally if you smear the navel with it or introduce it in the form of a candle. Ox bile with honey is a good ointment for ulcers in the anus; medicinal mud is made from it against pain in the uterus and testicles, and this mud is applied to tumors of the scrotum.

The bile of mountain goats, as well as bull bile, is a terjak against bites.