Marasmus Nutritional

Greetings to all readers! In this article we want to share with you information about a disease such as marasmus, or food poisoning.

Marasmus is a condition that occurs due to food poisoning. As a rule, it appears several hours after eating food and can be quite serious. Among the causes of insanity are the presence of bacteria in food (for example, microbes), improper storage of food (in the sun, in the rain), as well as poor hygiene when preparing food.

If you experience symptoms of marasmus, you should seek help from a doctor. Treatment includes drinking plenty of fluids and taking antihistamines to reduce allergy symptoms. In addition, you may need to be hospitalized if your health gets worse.

However, more importantly, prevention of marasmus is the key to preventing it. To do this, it is important to monitor the correct thermal processing of food, its storage and the correct use of utensils and ingredients. It is also necessary to observe hygiene rules when working with products and regular dental care.

It is worth noting that marasmus can develop not only in humans, but also in animals. The most common cause of such diseases is

Many of us often think about proper nutrition, but sometimes not the healthiest foods turn out to be better than anything we imagine. But what if the body simply cannot digest food “normally”? The disease Nutritional Marasmus will help you understand that there is something wrong with you. This is a disease - food poisoning, in which, first of all, the central nervous system suffers, and less often - other systems and organs.

The main reason for the development of marasmus is poisoning of the body with low-quality food products, as a result of which there is an abundant accumulation of undigested food residues. The main symptoms of the disease are repeated vomiting, as well as accompanying dehydration. The duration of the disease can range from several days to several months, possibly weeks. In the most severe cases, complications such as dehydration, weight loss, asthenia and even death are possible. But the most important danger is that from prolonged starvation the cells of the body die, instead of them connective tissue is formed that fills the entire abdominal cavity, slowly killing the liver, kidneys and other organs. A patient with insanity is always exhausted, has sharply inhibited speech, and his gaze is cloudy and frozen. Since the most important breakdown products constantly accumulate in the blood and gastrointestinal tract, a severe disturbance in the rhythm of cardiac activity occurs, and the activity of all muscles is constantly tense. Marasmus is often associated with pathologies of the liver, kidneys, pancreas, stomach, intestines and nervous system; occurs as a result of chronic alcoholism, poisoning with sleeping pills and drugs. Deadly in the first days, as it leads to cardiac arrest. At the first signs of discomfort, you should consult a doctor. There is no cure for insanity, you can only alleviate the suffering in the hospital or at home. Patients are given a special diet and provided with a nutritional mixture.