Marine disease

Marine Sickness: Understanding and Manifestations

Seasickness, also known as motion sickness or kinetosis, is a common phenomenon that occurs in some people when traveling by sea, air or land. It manifests itself with a number of unpleasant symptoms, such as dizziness, nausea, vomiting and general malaise. Interestingly, seasickness can affect anyone, regardless of age or previous travel experience.

Definition of Marine Disease

Motion disease is a type of movement caused by an imbalance between the input signals received by the eyes and the vestibular system. The inner ear plays a key role in maintaining balance and coordination. When the body is subject to movement, such as on a rough ship, the inner ear registers these changes and transmits the information to the brain. However, if the information received by the eyes does not match the sensations of the inner ear, it can cause conflict and symptoms of Moskovsky disease.

Causes and risk factors

The exact causes of Marine disease are unknown, but there are some risk factors that may contribute to its development. Here are some of them:

  1. Sensitivity of the vestibular system: People whose vestibular system is more sensitive are prone to developing Moskovsky disease.

  2. Previous experience: If a person has previously suffered from seasickness, there is a high probability that it will reoccur in the future.

  3. Visual stimuli: Reading in public transport, fixating on static objects or watching moving objects may contribute to the onset of symptoms.

  4. Stomach fullness: Eating heavy food or alcohol before traveling can worsen the symptoms of Mosquito.

Manifestations and treatment

Symptoms of Mosquito may include dizziness, nausea, loss of appetite, pale skin, feeling exhausted, and in some cases, vomiting. In most cases, the symptoms disappear after the end of the trip, but they can greatly worsen the general condition of the sick person during the trip.

There are several methods to relieve the symptoms of Marine illness:

  1. Avoid fixating your gaze on static objects. Look into the distance or focus on the horizon.

  2. Try sitting or lying on your back and closing your eyes. This may help reduce feelings of dizziness.

  3. Preferably choose a place on transport where the traffic is least intense. For example, in a car, sit in the front seat, and on a ship, stop in the middle of the ship, where the rocking is minimal.

  4. The use of special medications can help cope with the symptoms of Marine illness. There are various over-the-counter medications containing dimenhydrate or mecisine that can relieve nausea and dizziness.

  5. Alternative methods such as acupressure or the use of special motion sickness bracelets may also be helpful in reducing symptoms.


Seasickness is a common condition that many travelers experience. It causes unpleasant symptoms that can ruin your travel experience. However, with simple techniques and medications, most people can significantly reduce these symptoms and enjoy their adventures without inconvenience. If you suffer from Moquinoa disease, contact your doctor or pharmacist for advice on treatment and symptom relief.