Homemade masks for dry scalp

From time immemorial, human hair has been given special significance. Nothing has changed in the modern world. Beautiful, shiny hair is not only a sign of well-groomed hair, but also an indicator of health. Women take especially careful care of their hair, because a lady cannot look attractive if her hair is dull, lifeless and the skin on her head is constantly peeling, which causes dandruff. As a rule, few people can boast of normal scalp. But problems such as itching, hair loss and dryness are probably familiar to most. Simple but very effective folk recipes will help you get rid of dryness. But now first things first.


Signs of dry scalp

If you have dry scalp, then you cannot help but notice it, because the problem is characterized by quite obvious signs. Moreover, to determine whether you require treatment and additional care, you need to have at least 4 indicators out of the 8 listed below:

  1. Itching.
  2. The skin on the head is peeling.
  3. Feeling of tight skin.
  4. Great desire to constantly comb your hair.
  5. Skin irritation.
  6. Dandruff.
  7. Hair loss.
  8. Dry and brittle hair.

There is another simple test to determine if your scalp is dry. Take a regular napkin and apply it to the roots. If there are greasy stains left on it, then you do not have any problems with excessive dry hair. But if the napkin is clean, then most likely you need to take appropriate measures. In this article you will learn how to moisturize your scalp at home.

Dry scalp: causes

Before you start fighting dry and itchy scalp, you need to understand their causes. In general, the appearance of these signs is due to many factors. First of all, they can be divided into two categories: external and internal.

Internal factors include:

  1. Thyroid diseases.
  2. Metabolic disease.
  3. Lack of vitamins and beneficial microelements.
  4. Poor nutrition.
  5. Dehydration of the body.
  6. Smoking, alcohol.
  7. Dermatological diseases.
  8. Pregnancy and lactation period.

If you do not have any of the above problems, then most likely the reason lies in external factors, such as:

  1. Excessive use of styling devices (hair dryer, curling iron, flat iron).
  2. Improper hair care, such as frequent washing or using low-quality products.
  3. Frequent exposure to the sun or frost without a hat.
  4. Frequent coloring.
  5. The indoor air is too dry.

It is under the influence of all these factors that the scalp begins to lack moisture, itching and dandruff appear. Many people wonder how to moisturize their scalp. First you need to eliminate all harmful factors. That is, use a hair dryer and straightener as little as possible, buy products that suit your skin type, and, of course, regularly carry out cosmetic procedures.


Scalp peeling

A moisturizing scalp mask is the most effective way to give your hair shine and shine. But first, you need to prepare your scalp so that it absorbs all the beneficial substances with great pleasure. And for this you can use a procedure such as peeling. It is useful not only for the scalp, but also for the face and even the body. The main purpose of peeling is to remove dead epidermal cells and excess sebum, which allows you to activate cellular metabolism, improve blood circulation and provide oxygen access to the hair roots. For fans of natural remedies, you can use sea salt as a peeling. To prepare, you need 5 tablespoons of salt and the same amount of water. The salty mass must be rubbed into the scalp for 10 minutes. But if you have microcracks or other damage, then this method will be quite painful. Instead of salt, you can use coffee grounds. It also perfectly removes dead cells, acting more gently. After peeling, a mask for dry scalp will be much more effective.

Oils for dry hair

The most popular way to get rid of flaking and itching is to use oils for dry scalp. The first and honorable place in this issue is occupied by burdock. This natural remedy contains vitamins necessary for beauty - A and E. In addition, burdock oil also contains other healing substances. It nourishes, restores and moisturizes even the driest hair. Use oil as a mask. First you need to heat it in a water bath and apply it to damp hair along the entire length. Wrap yourself in a towel and leave for 3 hours. Then wash off the mask using shampoo as usual. Carry out this procedure twice a week until the hair is completely healed.

For greater effectiveness, burdock oil can be mixed with other beneficial ingredients such as honey, mustard, eggs and onions. You can also add burdock oil to your regular shampoo. In general, the benefits of this product are invaluable.

I would like to pay special attention to coconut oil for hair. This product is quite expensive, but nevertheless it is very effective. In addition to the fact that coconut oil has nourishing and moisturizing properties, it can fight dandruff and heal wounds. It also protects hair from ultraviolet radiation and sea water, which will be very important in the summer.

Olive, castor, almond, hemp, and corn oils are also used to treat and improve hair health. A scalp mask based on them is a real salvation for those who are already desperate to get shiny hair.

Kefir mask for scalp

Kefir is the most affordable product that you can not only drink, but also make head masks from it. It is rich in calcium, vitamins and protein, which nourish hair, making it strong and shiny. Kefir mask for dry scalp perfectly moisturizes and protects from external influences.

The easiest way to use it is to apply kefir to the hair roots and then distribute it over the entire length. Then you need to cover your hair (for example, a shower cap is perfect for this) and wait at least 60 minutes. Then you need to wash your hair with shampoo. By the way, some omit this point altogether, but kefir greatly weighs down the hair, and it quickly begins to get dirty.


  1. Do not use cold kefir, it is better to warm it up a little.
  2. If your scalp is too dry, then the fat content of kefir should be higher (3.2% is suitable).
  3. You need to make a kefir mask as a treatment once a week for 3 months, but as a preventive measure once a month is enough.

Egg mask for scalp

A chicken egg is a generous source of minerals and vitamins. It also contains proteins, which are a building block for hair. In addition to the fact that with the help of eggs you can restore the structure of your hair, it will become silky and shiny. Homemade scalp mask with egg is prepared as follows.

Mix one teaspoon of different natural oils. These can be burdock, castor and sea buckthorn. Next add one yolk. We won't need the protein in this mask. It is the yolk that is useful for dry scalp, as it contains the maximum amount of fat. Mix the resulting mass and apply with massage movements to the hair roots. Cover the mask with plastic and a towel and leave for 2 hours. Then rinse with water and shampoo. In order to breathe life into your dull hair, just do this mask twice a week, and you will soon notice the result.

Honey mask for scalp

Honey is an integral part of many folk recipes, and for good reason. After all, it is considered a universal remedy that can get rid of excess oil and also restore dry hair. Honey contains about 400 vitamins and beneficial microelements. This rich product is also present in expensive cosmetics. Preparing this moisturizing mask for the scalp is very simple: mix four tablespoons of honey with one spoon of vegetable oil and add the same amount of apple cider vinegar. Rub the mixture into the hair roots and leave for 40 minutes. Then rinse with warm water. After using the mask, you will notice that your hair is as if covered with a protective film, thanks to which all the unevenness in the form of split ends will be smoothed out, and the strands will look smooth and shiny.


Fruit moisturizing scalp mask

Fruits not only have a positive effect on health from the inside, but also help hair regain its former beauty and strength. The most popular are fruit masks made from peaches. This fruit perfectly nourishes and moisturizes the hair and scalp, and it also has a pleasant smell. To prepare, you only need 2 peaches. They need to be mashed in a blender until pureed and add a little cream and a couple of drops of essential oil. The resulting mass must be applied over the entire length and left for an hour. Then rinse your hair with warm water.


Herbal decoctions for rinsing hair

Almost all women use conditioner after washing their hair. But it is more useful to rinse your hair in herbal decoctions. You can simply pour boiling water over the herbs and let them steep. Or you can boil them a little for greater effect. But when choosing herbs you need to pay attention to some nuances:

  1. For dry hair, decoctions of flax seeds, chamomile, sunflower leaves and mint are suitable.
  2. To add shine to dull strands, you can brew rowan berries or parsley leaves.
  3. Hair color also matters if you, for example, are a natural blonde, then you are better off using chamomile decoction and simple green tea.
  4. For dark-haired ladies, you can use a mixture of nettle grass, oak bark and horsetail.


Hair mask with aloe juice for the night

In the modern world, not every woman can afford to devote several hours to making a hair mask. But there is one way to replace daytime care - a moisturizing scalp mask at night. But for this procedure to bring maximum benefit, you need to follow several rules:

  1. You need to apply the mask half an hour before bedtime.
  2. First, you need to comb your hair well.
  3. Do not apply the mask to wet hair it should be extremely dry.
  4. It is important that your underwear does not get dirty while you sleep.

Night masks can consist of different components, the main thing is to exclude those products that have heating and stimulating blood circulation effects. We offer you a mask made from aloe juice, which has antibacterial and cleansing properties. He is able to revive every strand, instilling beauty and shine into it. To prepare the mask, you need to mix a third of a glass of carrot juice, the same amount of apple juice and 30 grams of aloe juice. The mask must be distributed over the entire length of the hair. Cover your head with a plastic cap and towel. In the morning, the mask can be washed off.



Now you know how to prepare a moisturizing scalp mask at home. And, as you can see, there is nothing complicated about it. You can use any of the suggested components, you can also combine them with each other, the main thing is regularity, and then your hair will look healthy and shiny. Be beautiful!


Sometimes hair problems need to be solved by targeting their roots. And in some cases, it is generally necessary to treat the scalp - for example, with seborrhea, oiliness, dandruff, dryness. In this case, scalp masks will be a good help. They have a good healing effect. They are rubbed in, then most often the head is tied with a plastic scarf and insulated on top with a terry towel - this way the composition is better absorbed.

Homemade masks for dry scalp

Scalp mask with castor oil: recipe for dryness

A mask prepared with the following ingredients is suitable for dryness: mix chicken egg yolk with a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar and castor oil.

Rub the finished mixture into the roots with massage movements. Insulate with a bag and a towel. You can go about your business for half an hour. Then wash your hair with shampoo and rinse with conditioner.

Firming mask with wheat germ

Rub a mixture of ground sprouted wheat (a teaspoon) and castor oil (half a teaspoon) into the scalp. After rubbing, put on a plastic cap and keep the mask on for 20 minutes. Wash your hair with shampoo.

Caring for dry scalp: advice from a trichologist

Wheat, which is part of most masks, moisturizes the skin and hair, protects them from the effects of negative external factors, guarantees enhanced nutrition for damaged hair, strengthens it, has an antistatic effect, makes combing and styling easier.

Scalp mask with sunflower oil and jojoba

Heat vegetable sunflower oil (refined or unrefined) and jojoba oil in a microwave oven or in a water bath. The amount of ingredients depends on the thickness and length of the hair.

Using massaging movements, rub the mask into the head, roots and along the entire length of the hair. Put on a plastic bag or a special cap and wrap your head in a terry towel for 20 minutes, and then rinse with water.


Mask for dry scalp - recipes

Before washing your hair, you need to make a compress with a cream for dry skin that suits you. It would be nice if this cream contains the following substances: lanolin and vitamins A, D and E. The cream is rubbed into the scalp with light massaging movements, the compress is kept for half an hour and washed off with shampoo.

Four tablespoons of crushed burdock root are boiled for fifteen minutes in half a liter of water, filtered and rubbed into the hair roots twice a day. The course of the procedure is two months.

Four tablespoons of birch leaf are poured with three hundred ml of boiling water, infused for two hours, filtered and the resulting infusion is rubbed in after each hair wash for one month.

Masks for dry scalp - nourishing

Five tablespoons of unrefined vegetable oil are mixed with lemon juice and rubbed into dry hair. Leave in this state for thirty minutes, after which you wash off the mask with a mild shampoo. The mask prepared according to this recipe is made regularly every couple of weeks.

Dry hair types can be given shine by adding lavender or geranium oils to masks. Masks with these oils are first distributed evenly over the scalp, and then rubbed into individual strands from roots to ends (hair is dry). The mask is left for fifteen minutes, then it is removed with warm water.


A recipe for a mask that is applied simultaneously with combing your hair. Mix together: twenty grams of castor oil, the same amount of unrefined vegetable oil and ten grams of shampoo. The resulting composition is applied to the hair with a cotton swab, and then the hair is combed in all directions for two minutes. The procedure is completed, your hair should be thoroughly washed with mild shampoo.

Masks for itching and flaking of the scalp

Basically, oil masks should be left on for no more than an hour. You can experiment and come up with your own mask recipe. Traditional oil masks are recommended to be made a couple of times during the week.

They need to be rubbed well into the scalp and distributed evenly over all the hair, wrapped in plastic on top, secured with a towel on top and kept for at least half an hour, and sometimes you can leave it for an overnight rest.


Cedar mask for scalp care

To prepare oil paint, you need to take 2 parts aloe vera, 2 parts castor oil, add 2 drops of ginger essential oil, 6 drops of rose oil, 6 drops of geranium oil, 6 drops of cedar oil and 6 drops of rosemary oil.

Heat the mixture until warm. Make sure the mask is not hot. Rub the mask into the skin and, if desired, distribute over the entire length of the hair.

The scalp should be massaged and activated so that blood flows to the skin more often and coconut oil for hair, the mask with which is very effective, is very suitable for this purpose. For best effect, wash off the mask after two hours using shampoo.


Oil mask with juice

  1. If your hair has become very thin and brittle, carefully trim the ends, and rub a mixture of burdock and castor oil (a teaspoon) with lemon or birch sap (2 teaspoons) into your head every day.
  2. Mix 20 g castor oil, 20 g olive oil and 10 g shampoo. Apply the mask to your hair and comb it in all directions for 3 minutes so that the oil is evenly distributed. After an hour, wash your hair.

Moisturizing masks for the scalp - recipes with glycerin

Moisturizing mask with glycerin

Doctors, experts and healers are convinced of the positive effect of glycerin on the condition of the skin and hair and strongly recommend its use as a remedy for hair problems. A mask prepared with glycerin moisturizes and restores the scalp and hair structure.

It is recommended to use glycerin for people with colored, curly, split, dry and brittle hair.

Before using glycerin, you should know that using it in its purest form can lighten the hair color by several tones and dry it out a little it is better to dilute it with boiled water, natural vegetable oils and herbal infusions.

Treatment of inflamed scalp: personal experience

Homemade glycerin mask for moisturizing

Take 1 tablespoon of glycerin and 1 chicken egg white. For dry scalp, you can add aloe vera juice. Using finger massage movements, rub the mask into the skin on your head. The result will be visible a week after use.

A mask for the scalp and hair with glycerin is recommended for application no more than three times a week. It can also be added to your daily shampoo container as a moisturizer for your scalp and hair.


Beneficial properties of a mask with glycerin

In cosmetology, glycerin is famous for its ability to retain moisture for a long time. It is often added to various creams, masks and lotions. It fills the skin cells with moisture, renews the skin's protective barriers and helps eliminate dead hair cells.

It is good to use glycerin masks for preventive purposes. Cosmetic masks have a beneficial effect on your health they do not require large financial expenditures or time. In addition, by making a hair mask, you can easily cope with household chores, watch TV or read an interesting book.


Homemade masks for oily scalp

Mask for oily scalp

It is necessary to make an infusion for 25 days from red hot pepper and vodka (500 g). Before using the mask, add a teaspoon of aloe juice to dry the scalp and reduce the activity of the sebaceous glands. Rubbing the mask should be done every day for a month before washing your hair.

Mask to improve blood circulation - recipe from pepper tincture


Pepper perfectly stimulates blood circulation in the head, so it is good to add it to nourishing hair masks. In this case, the nutrients in the mask will be most effective.

For such a mask you need to take one tablespoon of red pepper tincture, two tablespoons of the shampoo you use and two tablespoons of castor oil. Mix all the ingredients, then rub the resulting mask into the hair roots and leave for an hour. After the time has passed, wash off the mask with warm water.

Coffee mask for oily scalp

  1. 1/2 cup of warm coffee
  2. 1-2 tablespoons of liquid honey
  3. 1-2 tablespoons cornstarch.

Brew strong coffee, add honey. If honey is solid, then add it to warm coffee and dissolve. Add cornstarch. Apply the mixture to the scalp and previously damp hair, pin it at the back of the head, and put on a plastic bag or bathing cap.


Leave the mask on your hair for 30 minutes to an hour, then you need to massage your scalp well so that the caffeine penetrates the skin and tones it, eliminating excess greasiness. Then rinse with warm water. Afterwards, you can apply conditioner to your hair and style it as usual.

Cinnamon hair mask: recipe for scalp

Massage mask for scalp with cinnamon. To prepare it, take 2 tablespoons of any vegetable oil (burdock, castor, jojoba, olive and even sunflower oil are suitable) and add 4-5 drops of cinnamon essential oil. Wait a few minutes until the cinnamon is completely dissolved.

Add the same amount of honey and beat until smooth. Rub the mask in with massaging movements for 5-10 minutes. You can use a massage brush. With regular use, blood circulation in the scalp improves and hyperactivity of the sebaceous glands decreases.


Beneficial properties of a cinnamon mask

Cinnamon is not only a well-known spice used to prepare culinary masterpieces, but also a product widely used in cosmetology. It is a rich source of vitamins and antioxidants, stimulates blood flow to the hair follicle, improves hair growth and scalp condition.

Cinnamon powder is used to prepare hair masks and enrich cosmetic products. If you only have cinnamon sticks, you can grind them using a coffee grinder.

You can also use cinnamon essential oil. Cinnamon can have a slight coloring effect, so blondes should not experiment with its use.

What to do with oily scalp: advice from a trichologist


Sensitive skin, prone to dryness and flaking, is in dire need of careful care. Under the influence of aggressive factors, hair becomes brittle and dull, and the appearance of the hairstyle leaves much to be desired. Do not ignore excessive dryness of the scalp, otherwise the problem will only get worse. It is important to consult a trichologist or dermatologist and begin comprehensive treatment to quickly improve the condition of the skin.

What is dry scalp

This unpleasant symptom is accompanied by severe itching, dandruff, and flaking. The upper layer of the epidermis dies under the influence of provoking factors, and it is almost impossible to hide the presence of keratinized particles in the hair. If you do not pay attention to these symptoms, the hairs gradually become thinner, fall out, and alopecia areata progresses.

This health problem often occurs in the autumn-winter period, is seasonal in nature, and causes the patient discomfort and internal discomfort. Under the influence of provoking factors, the functioning of the sebaceous glands is disrupted, as a result of which the cells lose their ability to retain moisture, and its indicator in the epidermis is pathologically reduced. If you choose an effective remedy for dry scalp in a timely and correct manner, you can quickly get rid of unpleasant symptoms.


More often, this health problem develops during seasonal vitamin deficiency. Microcracks and cracks form on the surface of the skin, into which dust, chemicals, and various contaminants enter. Hair becomes brittle and dry, and dandruff appears. The list of reasons why dry scalp does not end here. Trichologists identify other physiological factors:

  1. unhealthy diet (consuming large quantities of fast food, fatty, salty, smoked and fried foods)
  2. presence of bad habits (smoking, drinking large portions of coffee and alcohol)
  3. sedentary lifestyle (refusal to walk in the fresh air, physical passivity)
  4. everyday use of low-quality hair cosmetics, the presence of potential allergens
  5. washing your hair in excessively hot water, regularly using a hair dryer to dry your hair
  6. frequent painting, use of low-quality paint
  7. long stay under the burning sun without a hat
  8. genetic predisposition, when dry skin is inherited
  9. food allergies to certain foods from the daily diet
  10. menopause period
  11. dehydration of the body
  12. changes in hormonal levels due to progressive pregnancy.

Increased dryness of the epidermis often becomes a pronounced symptom of an internal disease. It will not be possible to solve a health problem until the doctor, together with the patient, manages to defeat the main diagnosis. Possible skin diseases such as psoriasis, seborrhea, eczema, ringworm, dermatitis. Fungal infection should not be ruled out. Other pathological factors:

  1. metabolic disease
  2. gynecological diseases
  3. problems with the thyroid gland
  4. chronic diseases of the digestive system
  5. suffered stress.


How to moisturize your scalp

To normalize the general condition of the skin, the first step is to consult a dermatologist or trichologist and undergo a comprehensive diagnosis to recognize the main provoking factor. Here are general recommendations from experts:

  1. If allergic dermatitis develops on the head, the positive dynamics of the disease without identifying and eliminating the pathogenic factor (food allergen) is weakly expressed or completely absent.
  2. If you suspect seborrhea, you first need to determine the nature of the pathogen. More often it is a fungus, which can be destroyed by a course of antifungal therapy using tablets for oral administration, ointments, gels and shampoos externally.
  3. If you have problems with the digestive, nervous, or endocrine systems, you must promptly contact specialized specialists and receive basic treatment. It is possible that one of the positive aspects of such drug therapy will be moisturizing and nourishing the scalp.
  4. If the cause of dryness is seasonal vitamin deficiency, the main goal of treatment is to compensate for the lack of vitamins in the body. This can be done by making certain adjustments to the daily diet or after the doctor prescribes a special multivitamin complex.
  5. Psoriasis and eczema are dangerous skin diseases. The main task of the patient when diagnosing them is strict adherence to medical recommendations this will significantly reduce the number of relapses.


If scales appear in your hair, you are worried about the feeling of tightness and itching, the first thing you need to do is go on a therapeutic diet and control your drinking regime. After diagnosis, the doctor prescribes medication. In addition, using natural cosmetics, you can provide intense hydration to your scalp at home. The selected mask recipe should not contain allergens.


This mask for dry scalp quickly removes the unpleasant feeling of tightness, restores the structure of damaged strands, and returns the hairstyle to a presentable appearance and a beautiful shade. A versatile effect is observed after the first session: dandruff disappears, the number of lost hairs is reduced, and dry strands are nourished.

  1. medium-sized onion – 1 pc.
  2. vegetable oil (olive, burdock, sea buckthorn) – 1 tbsp. l.
  3. lemon juice – 1 tbsp. l.

Method of preparation and instructions for use:

  1. Peel the onion and squeeze out the juice.
  2. Add the selected vegetable oil to the resulting concentrate.
  3. Mix the composition thoroughly.
  4. Pour in lemon juice.
  5. Rub the homogeneous mixture into the roots and distribute evenly over the strands.
  6. Put on a plastic bag (cellophane cap).
  7. Cover your head with a warm scarf or terry towel.
  8. Do not wash off the mask for 1 hour.
  9. Rinse your hair with mustard solution (1 teaspoon of mustard per 1 liter of water).


This mask is used to moisturize the scalp if there is no allergic reaction to bee waste products. Honey not only moisturizes the dry dermis, but also provides it with about 400 vitamins and beneficial microelements. In this way, you can solve the problem of increased dryness, facilitate the process of combing strands, and restore the structure of injured hairs. It is recommended to perform the mask no more than 2 times a week in total, 7–10 home procedures will be performed.

  1. honey of any kind - 1 tbsp. l.
  2. olive oil – 2 tbsp. l.

Method of preparation and instructions for use:

  1. Heat honey in a water bath.
  2. Add olive oil.
  3. Mix the resulting composition thoroughly.
  4. Distribute the warm mixture over the entire length of your hair.
  5. Put a cellophane cap on top and wrap your head in a warm scarf.
  6. Do not wash off the mask for 15–20 minutes.
  7. Rinse the strands under warm water, you can use a herbal balm or rinse.


Moisturizing the scalp is done with the help of burdock, which is also called burdock. This medicinal plant supplies the roots and skin with nutrients, eliminates increased dryness, severe itching, successfully fights the symptoms of dandruff, and stimulates metabolism at the cellular level. As an alternative, you can rub burdock oil into the roots, or prepare an equally effective burdock decoction.

  1. burdock root – 2 tbsp. l.
  2. boiling water – 1 tbsp.
  3. onion juice – 2 tbsp. l.
  4. medical alcohol - 2 tbsp. l.

Method of preparation and instructions for use:

  1. Pour 1 tbsp dry burdock root. boiling water
  2. Place the mixture in a water bath and simmer for 7–10 minutes.
  3. Leave covered for 30 minutes.
  4. Strain the burdock infusion, add onion juice and medical alcohol.
  5. Rub the prepared mixture into the roots.
  6. Put a cellophane cap on top and wrap your head with a warm scarf.
  7. Rinsing is allowed only after 30 minutes.
  8. Carry out the procedure no more than 2 times a week.


Scalp oil for dry scalp

Essential oils are no less effective for dry skin in addition to moisturizing, they provide the epidermis with vitamins, microelements and minerals that are beneficial for hair growth and strengthening. You can use oil bases on their own or as part of homemade masks, first consult a dermatologist. So:

  1. Castor oil strengthens the structure of weakened strands, promotes their growth, and prevents alopecia. It is required to dilute 2 tbsp. l. dry yeast in 2 tbsp. l. warm water and leave. Separately mix 1 raw yolk, 2 tbsp. l. castor oil, 1 tsp. honey Combine both mixtures in one container and apply to the entire length of the hair. Do not rinse for 20 minutes.
  2. Burdock oil removes dryness, flaking, itching and cracks in the skin caused by progressive seborrhea. It is recommended to combine aloe juice and oil base in equal proportions, mix, rub into the roots of dry strands. Do not rinse for 30 minutes.
  3. Sea buckthorn oil regulates the functioning of the sebaceous glands, reduces itching and dryness, and has anti-inflammatory properties. You need to grate the carrots on a fine grater, add 4 tbsp. l. sea ​​buckthorn oil, 1 tbsp. l. castor oil Mix and apply to dry strands under film, do not rinse for 2 hours.
  4. Flaxseed oil retains moisture in the cells of the epidermis and successfully fights pathogenic flora. It is recommended to rub 2 tbsp into the roots. l. oil base for half an hour, you can combine this ingredient with burdock and castor oils.
  5. Tea tree oils stimulate natural hair growth and are an effective prevention of seborrhea. You can mix 2 tbsp. l. main ingredient with any shampoo and use to wash dry strands.


For dry skin, the dermatologist, after determining the root cause, recommends changing the shampoo for daily hair care. The classification of such care products is presented below:

  1. With antifungal effect. These are Dermazol, Nizoral, Sebozol, Keto Plus, which should be used in a full course of 5-7 procedures.
  2. Based on birch tar. This is Algopix, tar shampoo, which is recommended to be used no more than 2-3 times a week.
  3. Emollients. These are medicinal shampoos Emolium, Oilatum, which retain moisture on the dry surface of the epidermis.

Such care products are an auxiliary treatment for an existing health problem, but their sustainable therapeutic effect has been officially confirmed. Below are the most popular shampoos with a brief description they moisturize dry scalp:

  1. Dermazol. The composition of the shampoo is dominated by ketoconazole, which is effective not only against fungal infections. This active component destroys streptococcal and staphylococcal flora, while acting without side effects. The composition must be applied to damp hair, lathered and left for 5 minutes. Afterwards, rinse your hair thoroughly with boiled water. A total of 3 to 5 such applications are needed.
  2. Algopix. The natural composition contains juniper tar, alcoholic algae extract, and salicylic acid. It is recommended to use this liquid for seborrhea of ​​any etiology. Apply to dry skin and leave for 5 minutes, then rinse with water, you can use a balm or conditioner. The composition is suitable for use no more than 2-3 times a week.
  3. Emolium. This moisturizing shampoo is recommended for daily use for seborrhea or psoriasis. The drug is developed on the basis of salts and sulfates, has a gentle, hypoallergenic composition without dyes and preservatives. It is necessary to apply shampoo to the hair, rub thoroughly into the roots and do not rinse for 7 minutes. Then rinse with water and dry without using a hair dryer.

Folk remedies to combat dry skin

In winter, spring and autumn, seasonal vitamin deficiency progresses, among the symptoms of which is dry skin. To moisturize it, you can use proven folk treatment recipes. They act no weaker than the methods of official medicine. Here are the folk remedies available at home, but before preparing them you need to make sure that there is no allergic reaction to the constituent components:

  1. Combine raw chicken yolk with 1 tbsp. l. castor oil, 10 drops of glycerin. Mix the composition, apply it to your hair, create a so-called “greenhouse effect” on your head. After 30 minutes, wash your hair thoroughly, do not dry it with a hairdryer.
  2. Mix medium liquid sour cream and freshly squeezed lemon juice through cheesecloth in equal proportions, add 1 raw egg. Grind the ingredients, slightly warm the composition, apply and leave on hair for 20–40 minutes. Afterwards wash your hair.
  3. Combine 1 tbsp. l. lemon concentrate with 5 tbsp. l. preheated olive oil, stir. Apply the mixture to your hair, hold for 20 minutes, then rinse with shampoo. The procedure should be carried out twice a week.
  4. Dissolve 5 g of baking soda in 1 liter of warm water and mix. Use an alkaline solution to rinse your hair after washing, gently rubbing into the roots, similar to manipulations during a scalp massage. A total of 5 procedures are required, but no more than 2 per week.

How to deal with seborrhea on the head

If the cause of deterioration is a fungal infection of the skin, after diagnosis, the attending physician prescribes a number of antifungal agents and other therapeutic measures. Here's how to deal with seborrhea:

  1. To normalize the secretion of the sebaceous glands, it is recommended to use Friederm Zinc shampoo and Sulsena dry paste.
  2. Your daily diet should include foods rich in vitamins A, B, C, zinc, and selenium.
  3. In the hospital, it is recommended to undergo a full course of phototherapy on the recommendation of the attending physician, using methods of a proven alternative.
  4. Lubricate sensitive scalp daily with burdock, castor or sea buckthorn oil.
  5. Instead of a synthetic balm-rinse, it is better to use decoctions of medicinal herbs or lemon solution.


To ensure impeccable health and hydration of the scalp and hair, it is necessary to find the cause of the pathology and eliminate it in a timely manner. Especially when it comes to seborrhea and increased activity of pathogenic fungus. To speed up the onset of the therapeutic effect, doctors recommend resorting to drug therapy. This:

  1. vitamin complexes: Aevit, Neurobeks
  2. antimycotics for oral administration: Ketoconazole, Fluconazole, Sporagal
  3. means for external use: sulfur ointment 10%.

With the complex interaction of these pharmacological groups, you can very quickly get rid of increased dryness of the head and the discomfort that accompanies it. Here are effective and reliable pharmaceutical positions:

  1. Fluconazole. These are tablets for oral administration. The active component of the same name disrupts the integrity of the fungal membrane and promotes their destruction. The daily dose depends on the severity of the infection, but, in any case, it must be taken with plenty of water. Duration of treatment is 5–7 days without interruption.
  2. Sulfuric ointment. This is a medicinal composition of yellow color with a loose structure, which requires treating problem areas up to 2-3 times a day for a week. Sulfur is active against small parasites and pathogenic fungi that cause symptoms of seborrhea. The course of treatment is selected individually.



To rule out a health problem, dermatologists place special emphasis on publicly available preventive measures. This is a good opportunity to prevent the pathological process and restore external attractiveness to the hair. Here are the preventive measures we are talking about:

  1. It is necessary to choose the right shampoo for washing your hair, marked “For dry and brittle hair.”
  2. You need to enrich your diet with natural vitamins and purchase a multivitamin complex suitable for seborrhea as prescribed by your doctor.
  3. Your daily diet should include nuts, grains, legumes, fatty fish, flaxseed and olive oils, cheeses, vegetables, fruits, and drink at least 2 liters of water per day.
  4. On a hot or frosty day, you should not go outside without a hat, otherwise your hair will become brittle and lifeless.
  5. It is required to completely abandon bad habits, refrain from eating fatty, salty and spicy foods, and questionable snacks in fast food.
  6. When using thermal curling irons for curling or an iron for straightening and styling curls, it is important to control the temperature of the electrical device and additionally use protective cosmetics (masks, oils).


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