Pills with sulfur for acne

Sulfur has been used for decades to combat acne of various origins. The component is popular due to its effectiveness and possibility of use for the treatment of sensitive skin. Usually, treating acne for people with this type of skin is a real problem: most medications cannot be used for fear of causing even more irritation. Sulfur soothes the skin and heals ulcers.

What is the healing effect of sulfur?

Sulfur is used not only as a separate remedy, but also as part of certain preparations.

1. Stimulates the production of collagen - the main component of the structure of the skin, providing elasticity.
2. Provides a slight antiseptic effect. Allows you to slow down the proliferation of pathogenic flora on the surface of the skin, stopping the appearance of new and growth of existing acne.
3. Helps inflammatory elements mature faster.
4. Soothing effect on the skin.
5. Dries out fresh pimples and, thanks to its individual properties, removes their crust.
Since the appearance of acne is promoted by problems with the function of the digestive tract and the state of the endocrine system, sulfur in the composition of preparations has a beneficial effect on these areas of the body.


Cautions regarding the use of sulfur

To ensure that acne treatment is not complicated by the development of undesirable consequences, you need to know the characteristics of sulfur, what reactions you should be prepared for, and when the use of this component is unsafe.

Clinical trials of the drug and personal experience of patients allowed us to establish that:

• Grinder made from sulfur is characterized by a pungent, unpleasant odor. The element also temporarily creates a specific color for the skin of the face. Therefore, if you have to leave the house soon, it is better not to apply the product, waiting until a more opportune moment.

• If you take sulfur orally, in 85% of cases flatulence occurs - increased production and accumulation of intestinal gases. The development of this phenomenon is observed even in completely healthy people with normal digestive tract function. You can relieve this unpleasant symptom by taking sorbents. The most common drug in this series is present in every family's medicine cabinet - this is ordinary activated carbon. Depending on the dosage of the drug, it is often taken at the rate of 1 tablet. per 10 kg of weight. The positive effect occurs 3-4 hours after taking activated carbon. If the use of sulfur for the treatment of acne remains relevant, it is permissible to combine therapy with the use of a sorbent.

• Combustible sulfur causes increased dryness and subsequent peeling of the skin. In 65% of cases, if sulfur intolerance with a similar manifestation develops, the number of inflammatory elements only increases. Itching, redness, the obvious appearance of a new rash, and swelling may not develop immediately, but after several days of use or generally closer to the end of the course of treatment with sulfur. Then you need to stop taking it prematurely, and if there is a need to continue the fight against acne, choose another drug. Also, the occurrence of complications should not be left without the attention of a doctor.

• Earwax differs in composition from regular wax produced organically. In addition to useful elements, it contains 15-20% of the remains of keratinized and independently rejected cells, 5% of hair particles, 10% of dust that has entered the ear canal from the environment, 5% of bacteria. This composition is not safe for use, although many people use this express method to treat isolated wounds on the face.


• Sulfur ointment is contraindicated for use by women during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Sulfur is an unsafe element for the body of a young mother. Not only is it poorly accepted by the body undergoing hormonal changes, but the component easily crosses the placental barrier. Sulfur also permeates mother’s milk, having a toxic effect not only on the mother’s body, but on the health of the newborn. Despite the fact that the element is supplied in small quantities during feeding, it is deposited, after which it is present for a long time in the blood and tissues, causing harm to the heart, liver, intestines, and spleen.

• If you need to treat acne that occurs in a child under 3 years of age, it is advisable to choose a more gentle method. Sulfur is contraindicated for use at this age.
Focusing on the listed precautions, you will be able to undergo high-quality, and most importantly, safe treatment.

Types of sulfur-based products

There are several options for using sulfur in the fight against acne. Each of them has its own characteristics and must be prescribed by a doctor. A specialist will examine the lesion and determine whether this or that method of application is right for you.

• Ingestion. For internal use, sulfur is dissolved with water - initially it is in powder form. According to doctors, drinking sulfur suspension is not the most humane way to treat acne. The skeptical attitude of specialists is explained by the almost guaranteed development of complications from the digestive tract.

• Chatter based on sulfur ointment. 50 ml of 3% boric alcohol is mixed with 30 ml of 2% salicylic acid. Then mix the resulting solution well and distribute it into 2 containers. Add 1 tsp into the first container. sulfur ointment, in the second - 1 tsp. zinc ointment. Mix the ointment with the solution again until a homogeneous mixture is obtained.

• Milk from sulfur. This is the conventional name of the drug, which is not as liquid as a cosmetic one, but in medicine a mixture of purified sulfur, chloramphenicol and acids is defined as milk. The drug is applied strictly as prescribed by the doctor.

Despite the benefits of using sulfur, it is also undesirable to overload the body with it. It is more advisable to include in the diet products containing this component - kefir, yogurt, cheese, animal fats.

Acne can appear in any person, regardless of gender and age, there are also many reasons for their occurrence - it could be a hormonal imbalance, a disorder of the digestive system, insufficient hygiene, poor environmental conditions, an allergic reaction or the activity of parasites.

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