Pimples on fingers in adults

Pimples on the fingers are an unpleasant phenomenon that interferes with normal life activities, causing pain and psychological discomfort. The article will discuss the factors of their occurrence, symptoms, features of treatment and prevention.


What can cause acne on your fingers?

There is a general group of reasons that cause the formation of acne, and there are several specific diseases of which they are manifestations. Common reasons are as follows:

  1. genetic predisposition;
  2. hormonal imbalance due to natural and pathological changes in the body;
  3. stress and depressive disorders, overexertion;
  4. physical fatigue, insomnia, lack of a fixed sleep and rest schedule;
  5. presence of bad habits;
  6. prolonged exposure to ultraviolet radiation;
  7. insufficient quality of body hygiene;


  8. irritation from cosmetics and synthetic materials.

Rashes in the finger area also appear against the background of skin and internal diseases.


With this pathology, pairs of red dots form between the fingers. They cause the patient to suffer from itching, especially at night, and white stripes, the so-called tick burrows, become visible under the epidermis. The disease is contagious, and constant scratching of the spots leads to infection of the wounds. Pimples are localized on the stomach, buttocks and fingers, and are absent on the face.

Allergic reaction

If small itchy sores appear on your fingers, you should pay attention to allergies.

The reaction occurs several hours after contact with the allergen:

  1. cleaning agent;
  2. synthetic clothing;
  3. cosmetics;
  4. bed linen;
  5. food product;
  6. a medicinal product;
  7. plant pollen.

In some situations, allergies are characterized by sneezing, runny nose, cough syndrome, watery eyes, and itching.

Infectious lesions

The first of these is chickenpox, in which the rash is evenly distributed over the entire surface of the face and body. At first, there is a clear liquid inside the rash, and then its surface becomes wrinkled and dries out. In children, pimples are not as painful as in adults.


In 40% of practical situations of skin lesions, neurodermatitis is diagnosed. More often it makes itself felt at an early age, and disappears during puberty. Small plaques appear on the arms, elbows, under the knees, on the neck, and in the groin.

Problems with the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract

It often happens that small pimples appear due to metabolic disorders. This is typical for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and dysbacteriosis. The cause of the problem is non-compliance with the diet. This situation requires a medical examination and adequate treatment.

Fungal infections

When pimples on your fingers hurt, itch, and are accompanied by peeling, you should talk about a fungus. Mycosis is contagious and requires urgent medical attention.

Failure to comply with hygiene rules

Uncleanliness is another common cause of lesions on the skin of the fingers. There are more and more bacteria on their surface, they begin to penetrate into pores, cracks and lead to inflammatory processes. To avoid complications, you need to wash your hands with soap after every trip outside, contact with animals, or going to the toilet.

Symptoms and signs of acne on fingers

They depend on the type of acne.

The general symptomatic picture is usually accompanied by the following signs:

  1. pain;
  2. itching;
  3. desire to scratch the affected area;
  4. the pimple is filled with liquid (blood, lymph, pus);
  5. peeling;
  6. the formation of a dry crust at the site of the lesion.

In addition, the patient may suffer from fever, fever, cough, weakness and lethargy.


Pimples on the fingers have a broad classification:

  1. blisters (harbingers of purulent dermatitis, chickenpox) look like convex lesions that rise above the skin;
  2. allergic pimples of a watery nature (these are unattractive lesions that are the result of allergies), appear during the use of low-quality cosmetics or contact with chemicals;
  3. infectious blisters appear as a result of bites of dangerous animals and insects (wasps, scabies mites, rats), they are red in color and are contagious;
  4. watery blisters appear due to disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract and contribute to the deterioration of the general health of the individual, and sometimes speak of hormonal imbalances;
  5. small skin blisters appear due to fungal infections, accompanied by excessive dryness, flaking of the skin, and redness;


  6. ulcers can indicate internal lesions of the body, they burrow, and after opening, purulent-bloody contents come out from the inside.

As you can see, acne in the arm area has a wide classification and manifestations.

Differential diagnosis

To ensure adequate treatment, it is necessary to carry out differential diagnosis with a complex of diseases:

What you can do on your own for acne

Therapy includes medications and traditional methods; let’s look at the main ones.

Pharmaceutical preparations for acne on fingers

You can overcome small and large rashes with the help of the following pharmaceutical products:

  1. vitamin groups of preparations (A, E, C), necessary for skin regeneration and increased immune defense;
  2. ointments and gels for external use (the prescription of certain drugs depends on the nature of pimples, universal drugs) - Zinc ointment, Sulfur ointment, Vishnevsky balm - these cheap drugs will help get rid of the disease instantly;
  3. brilliant green for drying weeping rashes, as well as a solution of iodine, potassium permanganate, hydrogen peroxide;
  4. Clotrimazole, Triderm, Advantan, Protopic - these products are ideal for combating allergic reactions, and antibacterial compounds Levomekol, Levosin, Ficidin are also used;
  5. in case of damage to the fingers due to a fungal infection, the appropriate groups of drugs are used (Difluzol, Fluconazole, Zalain, Ketoconazole).


Despite the abundance of drugs, the appropriate composition is prescribed by a physician.

Traditional medicine recipes

  1. Baths. They are made with the addition of sea salt, potassium permanganate, decoctions of medicinal plants, and essential oils. Take 2 tbsp. l. raw materials for 1 basin of water. They will prevent the inflammatory process, ensure disinfection of the skin surface and dry out the rash.
  2. Lemon juice. Take the juice of ½ lemon, dilute it with a glass of boiled, but not hot water, and use it to lubricate pimples on your hands. The mixture can also be used for special baths. It cleanses, disinfects the skin, and quickly heals it.
  3. Aloe juice. A fresh product is taken and used to lubricate problem skin areas twice a day. The method helps eliminate the inflammatory process and itching sensation.
  4. Calendula infusion. The composition has an antimicrobial effect, provides the skin with disinfection and relieves the inflammatory process.

Methods of preventive work

To prevent spots and sores that hurt and itch from arising, it is necessary to provide a preventive complex:

  1. sleep fully, get enough sleep, which will prevent stressful situations (at least 8 hours a day);
  2. avoid stress factors (if this fails, you need to calmly perceive any changes and not take them to heart);
  3. create a proper nutrition regimen and carefully monitor the functioning of the intestines (include fruits, vegetables, as many greens and natural juices as possible in the diet, exclude baked goods, smoked meats, canned food);
  4. when working with household chemicals, wear protective rubber gloves;
  5. observe hygiene standards of the upper extremities;


  6. often be in the sun and tan in moderation.

Thus, pimples on the fingers appear for a number of reasons and are accompanied by unfavorable symptoms. Knowing the big picture will allow you to quickly get rid of them and feel great.


Pimples on the hands never appear out of nowhere - there are reasons for their occurrence that need to be clarified before starting therapy. Provocateurs of such a symptom can be both physiological processes occurring in the body and some external factors.

But a very dangerous situation is when the formation of areas covered with rashes is caused by pathological processes. At the same time, pimples on the fingers can appear not only due to dermatological diseases, but also against the background of disruption of the functioning of internal organs or entire systems.

We will find out all the possible factors that provoke this symptom. The treatment of the rash on the fingers will depend on what exactly caused it.

Causes of rashes

So, the most common causes of rashes on the hands are:

  1. allergy;
  2. parasitic dermatological diseases;
  3. infectious diseases;
  4. fungal pathologies;
  5. metabolic disorder;
  6. genetically determined disorders;
  7. change in hormonal profile;
  8. nervous disorders;
  9. external factors.

Let's take a closer look at all of the above reasons why your fingers itch and pimples appear.

Allergic reaction


Each of us has encountered allergies. Neither age nor gender have any effect on the likelihood of developing such a reaction of the body to various stimuli. Small pimples on the fingers may just indicate the manifestation of such a response to food, taking medications, contact with the juice of certain plants or animal hair (including domestic ones).

Most often, such rashes indicate urticaria. In parallel with them, pockets of redness and itching appear, which begin to peel off after a few days.

Parasitic dermatological pathologies


Pimples on the palms and fingers may well indicate the development of one or another infectious or parasitic disease of a dermatological nature. In particular:

  1. Demodectic mange. The disease is caused by the demodex mite. It is characterized by the appearance of pimples on the fingers, as well as between them. Despite the fact that most often the pathology affects the face, lesions can also occur on the upper and lower extremities.
  2. Scabies. Another parasitic cause of the formation of small pimples on the fingers. The pathology is caused by the scabies mite, which makes “moves” in the thickness of the skin, making its way deep into them. Due to the release of waste products of the parasite, skin irritation occurs, itching and burning occurs. A person notices the formation of pimples on the fingers, which itch and appear to be filled with clear liquid.

Important! If such pathologies are not treated, this can lead to infection of other people in contact with the patient.

Infectious diseases


Pimples on the fingers can be the result of more serious pathologies of viral etiology:

  1. Chickenpox. It is caused by the herpes virus type 3. If a watery pimple appears on your finger, which is very itchy and painful, and at the same time there is severe pain in the affected area and an increase in body temperature, this may well indicate chickenpox.
  2. Shingles or herpes simplex. The disease is caused by the same virus as chickenpox. The bumps on the hand are sporadic at first, but if left untreated, they will begin to become larger and more numerous. Thus, gradually the foci of the infectious-inflammatory process will spread to healthy areas of the skin, and not only the upper extremities. It affects the nerve endings, so the disease is accompanied by severe pain. For herpetic red bumps on the hands, not only antiviral, but also symptomatic therapy is carried out - antipyretic and analgesic.
  3. Rubella. The rash forms pinkish spots or papules. Pimples on the fingers are not the only ones - the rash also affects other parts of the body. Rubella is characterized by enlarged lymph nodes and general malaise.
  4. Corey. This is an extremely dangerous infectious disease that affects mainly children, but adults are not immune from it. Pimples on a child’s fingers, rashes on the stomach, white spots on the gums, high body temperature and dyspeptic disorders are the main symptoms of this disease. If you do not seek help in a timely manner, the situation may be complicated by meningitis or encephalitis.

These diseases are dangerous, but some of them can be prevented by immunization.

Read about the reasons for the appearance of red spots on the hands at the link

Fungal infections


A rash on the fingers may also indicate the development of mycoses. The fungal etiology of the disease is recognized by intense peeling, itching, burning and the formation of crusts - “ribbed” surfaces in the area of ​​the affected epidermis. The rashes can be spotty or blistered - it all depends on what type of fungus they were caused by.

Read about the causes and methods of eliminating peeling on your hands at the link

Metabolic disorder

Metabolism failure can cause the formation of subcutaneous acne on the fingers. Moreover, the rashes will be localized not only on the limbs, but also on the face. Failure of metabolism leads to disruption of the functioning of many organs and systems, therefore, along with the rash, patients note the appearance of digestive problems, mood swings, and deterioration in the functioning of the reproductive system.

Genetic disorders

Genetic predisposition to acne is, unfortunately, a reality. This is especially unpleasant for girls, since they have to spend a lot of time and effort to disguise the defect.

Hormonal changes


If small pimples appear on your hands, and at the same time problems arise with the nervous system, hair, nails, or heart, then negative changes in the hormonal profile may be to blame. An imbalance of hormones in the thyroid gland, ovaries in women or testes in men, adrenal glands and the hypothalamic-pituitary system can lead to similar consequences.

Nervous and mental disorders


Pimples on the fingers often appear in people exposed to constant stress, anxiety, and neuroses. Patients with neurasthenia and prolonged depression are also susceptible to such rashes.

Influence of external factors


If watery pimples suddenly appear on your fingers, you need to make sure that they are not the result of:

  1. unhealthy diet with a predominance of flour, sweet or heavy foods;
  2. abuse of certain drinks - tea, coffee, cocoa, alcohol;
  3. use of low-quality or incorrectly selected cosmetics;
  4. hypothermia or, conversely, overheating of the skin (including frostbite and sunburn).

Many people develop pimples on the skin of their hands due to simple neglect of hygiene rules. Overuse of antibacterial soap and hard water can also cause irritation that can manifest as such a symptom.

What to do with such rashes?

First you need to understand why a pimple formed on your hand. Without finding out the cause, no treatment will produce results. Moreover, blind therapy can significantly aggravate the situation and harm health.


Let's briefly consider the main therapeutic tactics for pimples on the finger. The recommendations are not a guide to self-medication, although they are given taking into account the etiology of the rash.

  1. For fungal pathologies, the use of antifungal medications is indicated. They have antifungal properties and also eliminate the unpleasant symptoms accompanying the disease. It is extremely important to carry out comprehensive treatment, that is, take tablets or capsules, and treat problem areas with ointments or creams. Effective in the fight against fungi are Nystatin, Clotrimazole, Fluconazole, etc.
  2. If a pimple on your finger is the result of an allergic reaction, take antihistamines. This applies to any manifestations of allergies - skin, nervous, digestive. Ketotifen, Suprastin, Fenkarol, Nixar, Eden, Loratadine help to cope well with this ailment. The medicine Diazolin is considered obsolete, but if you don’t have anything else at hand, you can use it.
  3. In case of infectious pathologies, such as measles or rubella, the patient must remain in bed. At the same time, it is important to drink plenty of fluids and follow a diet.
  4. For chickenpox and herpes zoster, antiviral therapy is carried out. As in previous cases, it is important to eat right and move less. Antipyretic and pain-relieving medications should be taken if necessary.
  5. If a pimple on a finger is caused by external factors, then you need to understand which ones. The only way out of this situation is to exclude them, to stop their effect on the body.

Rashes on the hands have many causes, on which, as we have seen, treatment tactics depend. If the patient has doubts about the correctness of his suspicions about the diagnosis, he should not delay contacting a doctor. First, you need to make an appointment with a dermatologist, who, after conducting primary diagnostic procedures, will, if necessary, refer the patient to another specialist.

Acne on the fingers is a common pathology that affects people of all ages.

Water pimples bring discomfort and trouble. Rashes appear against the background of an allergic reaction or as a result of a specific disease. A consultation with a dermatologist is required.


What causes acne on hands

The disease occurs in both adults and children. What could it be when babies develop rashes? Children are susceptible to fungal diseases such as thrush or candidiasis.

The disease affects the mucous membrane of the oral cavity, but the fungus can move from the mucous membrane to the skin. The location is considered to be the skin between the fingers and in the area of ​​the nails, which appear in the form of small red spots.

They usually itch and hurt. The etiology of the disease includes many factors. Let's look at each one separately.

Due to an allergic reaction






In most cases, rashes appear under the influence of an allergen.

Intolerance may occur during:

  1. wearing jewelry;
  2. food consumption;
  3. taking medications;
  4. applying cosmetics;
  5. wearing rough clothes made of poor quality material.

People complain that pimples on their fingers itch and swell. If left untreated, the rash will become more severe and worsen the patient's condition.

Under the influence of infection


Pimples between the fingers and all over the body also develop due to infectious diseases.

They are typical for patients with:

The disease is caused by pathogenic microorganisms that poison the body and cause an inflammatory process. Acne on the fingers of a child and an adult can manifest itself differently.

During the inspection they find:

Fungal diseases are also types of infectious lesions. For example, scabies is characterized by watery pimples on the fingers that spread throughout the body.

Against the background of various diseases of internal organs


Various pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, and blood can cause the disease. When the digestive tract, circulatory system and metabolic disorders malfunction, the skin condition worsens.

Especially with a lack of vitamins and minerals in the body, it gives impetus to the development of pathologies. Darier's disease is considered the most dangerous. It occurs when there is a deficiency of Vitamin A and enzymes that are necessary for the normal functioning of the body.

The main symptom of the disease is spherical nodular rashes on the skin and fingertips. The disease is genetic in nature and is inherited.

A stressful condition, hormonal imbalance, as well as regular violation of personal hygiene rules can provoke metabolic disorders and the development of rashes.



If a rash is detected, it is recommended to consult a doctor to identify the cause of the disease and prescribe the correct treatment.

Pimples on the hands can look like:

  1. subcutaneous rashes;
  2. red spots;
  3. dry dead cells;
  4. watery formations;
  5. pustules.

Each type of rash requires a specific treatment approach.

Subcutaneous rash


Subcutaneous acne on the fingertips must be treated under the strict supervision of a doctor. Such symptoms appear more often with the development of Darier's disease.

The course of treatment consists of:

  1. taking vitamins A and E;
  2. antibiotics;
  3. applying aerosols and topical creams.

It is also important to apply:

  1. Salt baths, which are carried out with the addition of sea salt. The procedure reduces the number of existing rashes and eliminates the risk of new ones.
  2. Iodine, which is applied only to the rash without affecting healthy areas of the epidermis.
  3. Ichthyol ointment. The drug has an antimicrobial and calming effect. Regular application of the ointment over several days will help the rash disappear.
  4. Lemon juice. The treatment solution is prepared as follows: the juice of one lemon must be diluted in 400 ml of boiled chilled water. The resulting mixture is used to treat the affected area.

By following each point of treatment, you can achieve recovery in the shortest possible time.

Red pimples


Red pimples are swollen, hyperemic and painful. The photo shows that an inflammatory process is occurring there. To eliminate pain and inflammation, pimples need to be dried.

To do this, use salicylic acid or aloe. And using calendula tincture soothes irritated hand skin. The product also has an antimicrobial effect, disinfects and relieves swelling from affected areas.

If red pimples appear, sunbathing in direct sunlight is not recommended. Of course, under the influence of the sun, the pathology initially disappears, but as soon as the tan fades, the rashes appear with greater intensity.

Dry acne


They are dried out rashes that remain after treatment of other types of acne. These are dead cells that do not cause any discomfort, but do not look very aesthetically pleasing.

To eliminate the problem, it is enough to undergo the procedure of cleansing the skin of dead cells at home or in a cosmetology office. At home, you can resort to medicinal baths of chamomile or calendula.

Olive oil also gets rid of flaking. The product has nutritional properties. Before use, the oil should be heated in a water bath, and then apply a small amount to the problem area, wear gloves for 30 minutes.

Watery and purulent pimples


The appearance of watery pimples on the hands is characteristic of dyshidrotic eczema. The rash is accompanied by severe itching. Self-medication will worsen the condition. Consultation with a dermatologist is recommended. Treatment is carried out using complex therapy under the strict supervision of a doctor.

If the pimples contain pus, home treatment can lead to infection. It is strictly not recommended to open pustules.

To alleviate the condition, before going to the doctor, you can apply ichthyol ointment or aloe juice to the affected area. They can be used several times a day.



As mentioned earlier, various factors contribute to the appearance of a rash, so preventive measures are general in nature.

They are based on:

  1. boosting immunity;
  2. maintaining a healthy lifestyle;
  3. fighting bad habits;
  4. avoidance of stressful situations;
  5. compliance with personal hygiene standards.


It is easier to prevent the development of a disease than to treat it later. If rashes appear against the background of an allergic reaction, then after identifying the allergen and eliminating contact with it, all symptoms disappear.