Masks against blackheads and enlarged pores

Clean and healthy skin is the result of internal health, proper lifestyle and careful regular care. Not everyone can boast of perfect skin; the fair sex especially often complains of blackheads (or open comedones) in the problem T-zone (nose, chin and forehead). The presence of this problem requires a special approach to methods of care and treatment. Homemade cosmetic masks for blackheads are an excellent way to cleanse the skin.


What are blackheads?
Blackheads or open comedones can appear in absolutely anyone, at any age. This is nothing more than clogged pores with an accumulation of sebum, dust particles and dead cells. The fat that fills the pore is oxidized when exposed to oxygen and turns black. Blackheads are classified as non-inflammatory acne, but enlarged pores create conditions for bacteria to multiply and cause inflammation and subsequent infection, which can ultimately cause scarring and hyperpigmentation.

Causes of blackheads (open comedones).

  1. Insufficient or improper skin care. Ideally, you should use specific cleansers for your skin type twice a day, morning and evening. Additionally, use cleansing masks twice a week. If you follow these rules, your skin will always be clean and fresh.
  2. Abuse of decorative cosmetics, especially low-quality ones (powder, foundation, concealer, etc.).
  3. Hormonal imbalance (often observed in adolescence, during pregnancy, during menopause).
  4. In the summer, against the background of intense sebum secretion, blackheads appear most often, especially on oily skin.
  5. Wrong lifestyle (bad habits, poor diet, lack of physical activity).
  6. Genetic predisposition. Those with oily skin with enlarged pores are prone to the appearance of blackheads.
  7. Endocrine disorders. Failures in the functioning of internal organs while taking certain medications contribute to thickening of the skin and increased sebum production, which ultimately makes it difficult for the skin to cleanse itself of excess fat and dead cells.
  8. Frequent stress.

In addition to basic care in the field of cosmetology, there are many procedures (mechanical cleaning, vacuum cleaning, laser cleaning, etc.) that can effectively and permanently get rid of blackheads. Since there is not always enough time and money for such procedures, you can fight this unpleasant cosmetic problem yourself at home with the help of cleansing masks.

Masks for blackheads on the face, effective recipes.

Let me remind you that the face mask should be applied to previously steamed and cleansed skin. After the procedure, the skin can be moisturized if it needs it (according to your feelings).

One-component masks for blackheads.
White clay, kefir, oatmeal, and aloe juice effectively remove blackheads. These ingredients can be used separately as cleansing masks. Such masks should be applied to the face, excluding the area around the eyes. Leave for 15 minutes and then rinse with water.

Protein mask.
The mask perfectly cleanses pores, tightens them, and eliminates blackheads. Do this mask twice a week.

Fresh chicken egg (white) – 1 pc.

Beat the whites into a strong foam. Apply to the face in several layers as the previous ones dry. Apply 3-4 layers in total. Leave for fifteen minutes, then rinse with cool water. You can add 1 tsp to this mask. lemon juice, then in addition to the cleansing effect you will get a tightening effect.

Soda mask.
Effectively removes comedones from the skin. Use this mask once every two weeks, as it dries out the skin very much.

Tea soda – 1 tbsp. l.
Warm water – 1 tsp.

Mix baking soda with water and massage onto the skin in the problem area. Leave the baking soda for fifteen minutes and rinse thoroughly with cool water. After the procedure, lubricate your face with a moisturizer. For additional nutritional benefits, you can add a tablespoon of oatmeal to the mask.

Apple-honey mask.
Perfectly cleanses the skin and additionally has a nourishing and softening effect.

Fresh small apple – 1 pc.
Liquid honey – 5 tbsp. l.

Grind the apple using a coarse grater and mix with honey. Apply the mixture to your face and leave for ten minutes. Rinse off with cool water. By the way, honey as an independent remedy (in the form of a mask) is an excellent pore cleaner, providing an additional antiseptic effect.

Kefir-honey mask with the addition of lemon and salt.
Removes blackheads, softens and nourishes the skin, and additionally has a brightening effect on the skin.

Table salt – 1 tsp.
Lemon juice – 1 tsp.
Honey – 1 tsp.
Kefir – 2 tsp.

Combine all components of the mask into a homogeneous mass and apply to the face, lightly massaging problem areas. After ten minutes, rinse with warm water.

Pepper-curd mask.
Effectively cleanses pores, eliminating blackheads.

Goat milk cottage cheese – 1 tbsp. l.
Ground black pepper – ½ tsp.

Grind the cottage cheese with pepper and apply a thick layer to the face, paying special attention to the T-zone. Leave for five minutes and rinse with boiled water at room temperature.

Fenugreek mask.
The mask fights well against comedones. Before use, perform an allergy test, since fenugreek can cause skin irritation.

Chopped fenugreek leaves – 1 tbsp. l.
Warm water – 1 tsp.

Mix the herb with water and leave for fifteen minutes, then apply to the face and leave for fifteen minutes. Rinse off the composition with warm water.

Mask with white clay and pineapple.
Effectively eliminates comedones.

White clay powder – 2 tbsp. l.
Natural pineapple juice – 2 tbsp. l.

Mix the ingredients and place in the refrigerator to cool. After five minutes, apply the mask (from bottom to top) to the face, previously moistened with cool water. Keep the composition for fifteen minutes, rinse with cool water.

Lemon-egg mask.
Clears the skin of blackheads and tightens pores.

Lemon juice – 1 tbsp. l.
Brown sugar – 1 tbsp. l.
Fresh chicken egg (white) - 1 pc.

Add sugar and lemon to the pre-whipped egg white. When all the ingredients have dissolved, apply the composition to your face for fifteen minutes, rinse with cold water. The mask is no less effective without added sugar.

Hercules-grapefruit mask.
In addition to its excellent cleansing effect, the mask perfectly fortifies the skin, saturating it with useful components.

Natural grapefruit juice – 50 ml.
Lightly crushed oatmeal - 1 tbsp. l.

Mix the ingredients and let them stand for three minutes. Apply the composition to the face, rinse off after fifteen minutes, first with warm and then cool water. At the end of the procedure, moisturize the skin with your skincare product.

Oatmeal mask.
Nourishes the skin, cleanses it of blackheads, and further increases elasticity.

Boric acid – 2-3 drops.
Tea soda - on the tip of the knife.
Chopped oatmeal - 1 tbsp. l.
Kefir – a small amount.

Mix soda, flakes, acid and add kefir to form a sour cream-like mass. Apply the resulting mass directly to blackheads, leave for fifteen minutes and rinse with cool water.

Kefir-tomato mask with the addition of lemon juice.
Cleanses, nourishes, brightens the skin, increasing its firmness and elasticity.

Tomato pulp (without skin and seeds) – 50 ml.
Low-fat kefir – 2 tbsp. l.
Lemon juice – 1 tbsp. l.

Mix all ingredients, apply the composition for 15 minutes, rinse with boiled water at room temperature.

Herbal cleansing lotion for blackheads.
Cleanses pores, eliminating blackheads.

Dry coriander leaves – 1 tsp.
Dry peppermint herb – 1 tsp.
Lemon grass – 1 tsp.
Boiling water – 50 ml.

Mix the herb, pour a glass of boiling water, leave for half an hour. Then strain and wipe the skin twice a day, after five minutes rinse your face with cool water and lubricate with a moisturizer.

Antibacterial cleansing toner against blackheads.
Prevents the appearance of blackheads and eliminates existing ones.

Lemon juice – 1 tbsp. l.
Fresh cucumber juice – 1 tbsp. l.
Turmeric – a pinch.

Mix everything, wipe the skin daily for a month and a half using a cotton pad soaked in the resulting composition. After the skin is dry, wash with cool water and moisturize the skin. Tonic can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than a week.

Banana and honey mask.
Perfectly cleanses and softens the skin.

Ripe banana pulp – 1 pc.
Honey – 1 tsp.

Mash the banana with a fork and add honey, beat with a mixer into a homogeneous paste, which then apply to the face and leave for twenty minutes. rinse off the composition with cool water.

Corn milk mask.
Has an excellent cleansing and antiseptic effect, removes oily shine.

Corn flour - 2 tbsp. l.
Warm milk – small amount.

Combine corn flour with milk until a thick consistency is formed, which is applied to the face from bottom to top in a circular motion. Rinse off the mask with cool water after it is completely dry.

Oatmeal-honey mask.
Perfectly cleanses problem areas of the skin.

Oatmeal (or grind rolled oats) – 1 tbsp. l.
Honey - ½ tbsp. l.
Fresh chicken egg (white) – 1 pc.

Combine the ingredients into a homogeneous mass and rub into the T-zone. After five minutes, rinse with water at room temperature.

Apple mask.
Works great against blackheads.

Butter – 1 tsp.
Apple pulp crushed into puree - 4 tbsp. l.
Lemon juice – 200 ml.
Salt – 1 tsp.
Oatmeal ground in a coffee grinder - half a glass of flour.
Lavender essential oil – 4 drops.

Melt the butter and mix it with salt and applesauce. Separately combine oatmeal with lemon juice. Mix both masses, add essential oil, mix again and apply in a circular motion to the skin. When the mask is completely dry, rinse with warm water.

Yeast mask.
Cleanses the skin and makes it smooth.

Hydrogen peroxide (3%) – small amount.
Raw baker's yeast – 1 tsp.

Combine the ingredients to form a thick, homogeneous mass, which is applied to the skin of the T-zone and left for ten minutes. Then rinse the mask with warm water, wipe with an ice cube and apply a moisturizer. Instead of hydrogen peroxide, you can take bodyaga. Only this composition is contraindicated for skin inflammation, the presence of various rashes and microtraumas.

Soda-salt mask.
Fights comedones, makes the skin soft and velvety.

Sea salt – 1 tsp.
Soda – 1 tsp.

Combine ingredients. Lather your face with baby soap, take a small amount of the composition and massage problem areas for a minute. Then leave the composition on the skin for ten minutes, then rinse with warm water.

Rice mask.
Cleanses pores, removes blackheads, softens the skin, and additionally removes swelling from the face.

Washed rice - ¼ cup.
Boiling water.

Pour boiling water over the rice overnight so that it covers it completely, cover and wrap. In the morning, strain the resulting water and separate the rice. Mash the rice to a paste and use as a scrub (massage onto wet skin for three minutes, rinse with cool water) or a mask (apply for fifteen minutes, rinse with cool water). Water from rice cleanses the body well, so just drink it.

Film masks for blackheads, recipes.
Such masks provide high results, they do not need to be washed off, they are easily removed with one deft movement, removing excess sebum and various types of impurities from the pores, and exfoliates dead skin cells. The basis of film masks is gelatin; such masks perfectly smooth the skin, increasing its firmness and elasticity, providing an additional anti-inflammatory and drying effect, restoring the barrier function of the skin.

Gelatin mask for blackheads.
Gelatin powder – 1 tsp.
Warm milk (or water) – 8 tsp.

Mix the components until a viscous mass is obtained, leave to swell for about 30-40 minutes. Then heat the mixture over low heat until the gelatin is completely dissolved. Apply the warm mass with a brush to areas of the T-zone (forehead, nose, chin), excluding eyebrows and the area around the eyes. It should be applied in a dense layer, preferably in several approaches as the previous layer dries, and wait until it dries completely. Then remove from bottom to top. Then wipe your face with cosmetic lotion or simply rinse with water and lubricate with a soothing cream.

Activated carbon mask for blackheads.
Gelatin powder – 1 tsp.
Warm milk – 8 tsp.
Activated carbon – 1 tablet.

Mix the components until a viscous mass is obtained, leave to swell for about 30-40 minutes. Then heat the mixture over low heat until the gelatin is completely dissolved. Next, add activated carbon crushed into dust. Apply the warm mass with a brush to areas of the T-zone (forehead, nose, chin), excluding eyebrows and the area around the eyes. It should be applied in a dense layer, preferably in several approaches as the previous layer dries, and wait until it dries completely. Then remove from bottom to top. Then wipe your face with cosmetic lotion or simply rinse with water and lubricate with a soothing cream.

Video: Three ways to get rid of blackheads forever.

Any of the above recipes gives excellent results when used regularly. It is enough to make such masks twice a week to maintain healthy skin. At the same time, you should not forget about a healthy lifestyle. Follow our advice and stay young, beautiful and attractive! Good luck!

People call them acne, and in medicine they call them open comedones. They love to settle on oily areas of the skin - on the nose, forehead and chin. Anti-blackhead masks can combat uninvited guests.

  1. Why do blackheads appear?
  2. Can a mask get rid of blackheads?
  3. How to prepare your skin for using a mask
  4. How to apply a mask correctly
  5. Tools Overview

Why do blackheads appear?

The root cause is overactive activity of the sebaceous glands. This is why blackheads appear on the oiliest part of the face - the so-called T-zone, where sebum is produced in excess, giving the skin its characteristic shine.

Blackheads are nothing more than oxidized fat stuck in the pores and turned into sebaceous plugs. They absorb dirt and dust. In addition, sebum contains the pigment melanin, which oxidizes and turns black when exposed to air. Hence the dark color and gloomy name.

Face masks against blackheads are aimed at solving several problems at once: reducing the level of greasiness on the skin surface and cleansing pores. The action time is only 5-10 minutes.

Blackheads are localized in oily areas of the skin.

Can a mask get rid of blackheads?

Maybe, although not always the first time. With regular use, detox masks will cleanse the skin of everything that provokes the formation of sebaceous plugs:

excess sebum;

dead horn cells;

Gradually, the blackheads will at least become lighter.

As a rule, the problems of oily skin and clogged pores are solved with the help of concentrated mineral masks based on natural clay and healing mud. In the list of active ingredients of masks for professional and home use, you will probably find a number of “mineral resources”.


White clay got its name from the city of Kaolin in the Chinese province of Jiangxi, where it was first discovered. It is a natural mineral based on aluminosilicates. Contains silica, calcium, copper, potassium, magnesium, zinc, nitrogen in a form convenient for absorption. Kaolin solves various problems:

has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin in general;

evens out tone and relief;

absorbs excess sebum;

works as a soft exfoliant, which is especially valuable for inflamed skin, for which aggressive abrasives are not recommended.

Natural clay is rich in minerals and trace elements.


The most popular clay for gentle cleansing and detoxing can do many things:

absorb pollution and heavy metal salts, drawing them out of the skin;

saturate tissues with useful micro- and macroelements;

exhibit antioxidant properties - neutralize free radicals and prevent lipid peroxidation.

normalize the acid-base balance of the skin;


Often acts as an active ingredient in masks. This mineral clay contains a minimum of 70% montmorillonite.

Ghassoul (rhassoul)

The legendary Moroccan foaming clay (ghassala - translated from Arabic as “to wash”), is mined only in one deposit near the Atlas Mountains. It has long been used in the beauty rituals of Eastern women. Contains minerals, including silicon, magnesium, zinc, sodium, iron, potassium. Has versatile abilities.

Moisturizes the skin and at the same time absorbs everything that interferes with its beauty: excess sebum, pollution.

With regular use, it improves complexion.

Promotes a lifting effect, smoothes out fine wrinkles, reduces swelling.

Perfectly cleanses pores.

It works very gently, so it is suitable for sensitive skin.

Auxiliary components

Mineral masks based on healing mud and clay may contain additional ingredients that increase the effectiveness of the product. The most faithful allies of cleansing masks:

salicylic acid, which has exfoliating and anti-inflammatory effects;

abrasive particles that exfoliate dead cells;

warming components that open pores.

How to prepare your skin for using a mask

The basis for preventing blackheads is regular care

Mineral detox masks for home use usually do not require special skin preparation. But to get rid of blackheads as quickly as possible, it is better to adhere to a certain algorithm.

Apply the mask only to clean skin.

You definitely need to wash your face. The cleaner your face is, the more active and deeper the effect of the mineral mask will be.

Before application, perform a deep cleansing procedure.

Not all mineral masks contain exfoliants. By getting rid of old cells with a scrub, you will increase the effectiveness of the mask.

Warm up your skin with a warm towel.

This will be needed if the mask itself does not have a thermal effect. Heat is known to open pores and promote better cleansing.

Use a salicylic acid toner on a regular basis.

But only if this substance is not included in your mask. Salicylic acid will help loosen the stratum corneum, and a mineral detox will finish the job.

How to apply a mask correctly

The rules for using a mask against blackheads are approximately the same as for masks for other purposes.

Mineral masks literally pull impurities out of pores

Apply it to wet or dry face with your fingers or using a brush or spatula.

Do not keep the mask on for longer than the time specified in the instructions and do not wait for the clay and dirt to crack on your face: even oily skin does not want dryness.

Use detox masks 1-2 times a week. More often it is not recommended: by degreasing the skin too much, you can provoke increased sebum secretion.

After using the mask, apply a pore-tightening product to the T-zone and a moisturizing gel or cream to the cheeks.

Tools Overview

Masks from the “Magic of Clay” series, L’Oréal Paris

They contain kaolin, montmorillonite and rhassoul plus additional ingredients. Mask "Detox and glow" enriched with charcoal, which draws out impurities from pores, improves complexion, and adds radiance. Mask "Cleansing and mattifying" contains eucalyptus for antiseptic effect, tightens pores "Exfoliation and tightening of pores" includes scrubbing particles, red algae extract, delicately polishes the skin.

Rare Earth Pore Cleansing Masque, Kiehl’s

Amazonian white clay, oatmeal and aloe vera provide deep detox and tighten pores.

Mineral pore-cleansing clay mask, Vichy

The composition contains two types of clay (kaolin and bentonite), thermal water and aloe vera. The product absorbs sebum and impurities, does not dry out, and is suitable for everyone.

Clarifying Clay Masque, SkinCeuticals

Thanks to its composition, including kaolin, bentonite and acids, it frees pores from impurities, tightens them and evens out skin texture. Regulates sebum production.

Mineral mask Skin's Best Wonder Mask, Biotherm

The product with Moroccan gassoul clay, apricot kernel powder and marine antioxidants thoroughly cleanses the skin and fights dullness.

To deeply cleanse skin with clogged pores, you will need a face mask for blackheads. But first, you will have to eliminate the root cause of these sebaceous plugs - you will find the list here. As well as a list of the best branded drugs, as well as recipes for home remedies (film masks, black masks).

Open comedones - cysts formed due to blockage of the mouth of the hair follicles by desquamated epithelium mixed with thick lard. They resemble black plugs in enlarged pores. The color of such neoplasms is given by melanin, a substance that is obtained as a result of the oxidation of tyrosine. When squeezed out, the core easily comes out.

Usually appear with hyperkeratosis. They can be eliminated by regular facial cleansing using salon peelings and home scrubs. Another effective remedy against them is face mask for blackheads, which is produced by many branded cosmetic companies. If desired, it can be prepared at home. However, it will be useless if you do not find out the main root cause of this scourge.

Causes of black spots on the face

With proper skin care and a healthy lifestyle, comedones are extremely rare. And even if you do it regularly face mask against blackheads, without eliminating the reasons for their appearance, they will continue to break out again and again. So it’s much more practical to find out once and for all why they form, and not bother your already exhausted skin with endless cleansing. So go through the factors that are the main triggers of these traffic jams and try to get rid of them.

  1. Improper skin care

Blackheads are the lot of those who are lazy to remove makeup before bed and rarely use scrubs and steam baths. Make it a rule to wash your face twice a day with cleansing gel or milk. It is recommended to do radical facial cleansing 1-2 times a week, depending on the condition of the skin.

  1. Problems with cosmetics

Today, many fly-by-night companies produce cheap, but very low-quality and low-quality cosmetics, the remains of which clog pores. It contains synthetic components that do not dissolve and form plugs. The situation is aggravated by the incorrect use of cosmetics. If drying preparations are applied to dry skin, and a heavy, oily consistency is applied to oily and problematic skin, the functioning of the glands is disrupted, and subcutaneous sebum clogs the pores to capacity.

  1. Oily skin type

This reason for the formation of comedones cannot be easily eliminated until a certain age (after 30 years, with the first age-related changes, the epidermis becomes normal, as it loses collagen, elastin and moisture). Oily skin type always means excess production of sebum, which leads to the appearance of a shiny film and blackheads in large numbers on the face. The T-zone is especially affected. There is only one way out - up to the age of 30, arrange regular general skin cleansing.

  1. Hormonal imbalances

Nothing can be done even if a period of rampant hormones has begun. This happens at certain stages of a woman’s life: during puberty (adolescence), pregnancy, lactation, menstruation, regular use of birth control, menopause. Here you just need to wait out this difficult time - and everything will pass by itself. And masks against blackheads will become a real salvation.

Comedones often become a consequence of long-term treatment with powerful medications. Antibiotics, for example. Chemotherapy and taking birth control pills for too long also lead to clogged pores.

Diseases of the stomach and nervous system are another reason for the formation of comedones. So you will have to be examined and undergo a course of treatment. Or, if you have severe nervous tension, try to avoid stress and take antidepressants.

  1. Unbalanced diet

Dry eating, quick snacks, addiction to fast foods and carbonated drinks, non-compliance with diet - all this worsens the condition of the skin and contributes to the abundance of blackheads on the face. And one mask clearly won’t do the job here. Get to know the principles of proper nutrition and finally start sticking to them.

  1. Bad habits

Smoking, alcohol, drugs - after them, toxins settle not only in the body, but also in the pores, clogging them tightly with plugs.

Living in an industrial area of ​​the city with constantly polluted air, and even high humidity - even with regular use of masks, dirt and toxins will constantly accumulate in the pores. The result will be a vicious circle. There are two options: salon facial cleansing or moving.

Such a detailed overview of the reasons why these unpleasant marks form on the face black dots, is a warning that not a single, even the most effective mask against comedones, described below, will cope with the scourge if you do not get rid of the provoking factor.

The skin tends to get used to the same cosmetic composition and eventually stops responding to it. So you will have to endlessly look for different masks and recipes, and not all of them will work. It’s much easier to nip an attack in the bud. Well, in parallel, of course, do cleaning.

Interesting fact. Many homemade masks for blackheads are made from activated carbon - and for good reason. This substance has a large number of pores, so it is easily and deeply absorbed by the surface of the skin.

Useful tips for using masks

It remains to be seen how to make a face mask for blackheads at home and how to apply it correctly to get the maximum benefit. A few tips will come in handy. If you adhere to them, the contents of comedones will be very easy to extract out using the proposed means.

  1. Contraindications: flaky, dry skin and narrow pores.
  2. Both store-bought and homemade masks for blackheads can cause skin allergies, so be sure to check how your skin reacts to a particular product. Usually, the sensitive skin of the wrist is lubricated for this purpose. However, this method does not always give 100% results.
  1. Before cleaning, steam the problem area using a vaporizer or herbal steam bath.
  2. There is no need to injure the skin with additional cleansing with a scrub, since a mask against blackheads will be enough. Better do it the day before.
  3. Do not apply this product to the entire surface of your face: treat only the contaminated area. Most often this T-zone - chin, nose, forehead.
  4. Action time is approximately 10-20 minutes. It’s rare that masks are left on for half an hour, unless they are ones that don’t form a film.
  5. If the film mask against blackheads does not want to be removed from the face, literally sticking to the skin, do not tear it off forcibly. This will lead to injury. It is enough to lightly moisten your face with water at room temperature.
  6. After removing the blackheads, a protective or soothing cream is applied to the skin.
  7. Within an hour after the procedure It is not recommended to go outside.
  8. If the mask is used as a preventive measure, it can be done once a week. If there are a lot of blackheads and pimples - twice.

If there are no questions with the use of the product, it’s time to start making a choice. It can be found on the store counter - in beautiful packaging, with an ideal formula inside, a pleasant smell and convenient consistency and brand name. But at the same time, it will definitely contain parabens, fragrances, dyes and other synthetic and chemical substances that do not have a completely positive effect on the epidermis. And it will cost a lot of money. Can you cook good face mask for blackheads at home. The choice is yours.

On a note. If you use a black mask made from medicinal mud to eliminate blackheads, keep in mind that it has wound-healing properties. So if you have scars or post-acne after acne, be sure to take advantage of this.

Rating of masks for blackheads

Many people believe that the most effective face mask for blackheads is a branded one from famous cosmetic companies. Indeed, judging by the reviews, many of them perfectly pull out comedones and cleanse the skin perfectly. Choose something from this rich assortment for yourself.

  1. Blackhead — Chinese face mask for blackheads. Pilaten. $13.
  2. Black Mask - black face mask for blackheads. Boscia Luminizing. USA. $16.5.
  3. Purifying Natural Mineral Mud Mask is a purifying mud mask for the face. Bio Marine. Israel. $16.
  4. Pig-nose clear black head - cleansing strips for the nose to remove blackheads. Holika Holika. Israel. $7.4.
  5. Pudina - mint mask for wrinkles, acne and blackheads. Lalas. India. $5.
  6. Black Head 3 Step Solution - patch masks for blackheads. Elizavecca. South Korea. $3.6.
  7. Black Mask Purifying Peel - black face mask from blackheads. Shills. China. $3.3.
  8. Secrets of Arctica - deep cleansing of blackheads. Planeta Organica. Russia. $2.5.
  9. Black Clean - black film mask for the T-zone of the face with activated carbon. Belita-Vitex. Belarus. $1.6.
  10. Aqua Bamboo Black Mask is a moisturizing black mask with bamboo extract. Mijin. South Korea. $1.5.

You will have to regularly spend a certain amount of money on branded products, whereas homemade face mask against blackheadsmade from regular food products will not be so expensive.

Helpful advice. Without proper skin care, blackheads eventually become inflamed and turn into pimples. To prevent this from happening, wipe your face with alcohol tincture of calendula between masks.

Homemade folk remedies recipes

Typically, homemade face masks for blackheads are prepared from drying ingredients that form a film on the skin. This is gelatin and protein. Polysorb, activated carbon, sea salt, and baking soda have good cleaning properties. Find the recipe that you like and enjoy the result.

The best black mask for the face against blackheads - from activated carbon, crushed and mixed with various ingredients. Dilute crushed 2 tablets of coal with 10 ml of water, add the same amount of lemon juice. Add 3 drops of tea tree essential oil. Action time: 20 minutes.

One of the most popular is a face mask for blackheads. with gelatin. Mix a crushed tablet of activated carbon with 5 grams of gelatin powder. Add 10 ml milk. Beat, heat, apply warm (almost hot) to the problem area. Remove as soon as you feel that a film has formed on the skin.

Homemade face mask for blackheads with egg prepared exclusively from protein. If you beat it until foamy and apply it to the skin, a film is formed, removing which will bring out impurities from the pores to the surface.

Drying face mask for blackheads with protein will help cope with acne and sebaceous shine in oily skin types. Mix 30 grams of black clay with 10 ml of lemon juice and egg white.

Homemade face mask for blackheads with honey and soda perfectly cleans the most contaminated pores and eliminates comedones in 1 procedure. Dilute 50 grams of baking soda with 100 ml of water, add 20 ml of warm honey.

Cleansing face mask for blackheads with aspirin Not suitable for sensitive skin, but it will be an ideal salvation for oily and problematic skin. Mix 2 crushed salicylic acid tablets with 25 grams of coarse sea salt and 10 ml of warm honey.

Works well oatmeal face mask for blackheads. To prepare it, you need to dilute concentrated lemon juice with warm boiled water and mix this solution with oatmeal until thick.

The face mask for blackheads has proven itself well. with Polysorb - a drug against intoxication of the body. It absorbs harmful substances like a sponge. Its action is very similar to activated carbon. Dilute 10 grams of Polysorb powder with warm water to form a paste. Apply it directly to the problem area.

Simply great cleansing A face mask for blackheads is made with hydrogen peroxide. Take 20 ml of it and mix with 10 ml of coarse sea salt. Apply the product to the skin for 10 minutes.

Gelatin or protein film mask for the face against blackheads of any composition will be very effective. Mix steeply brewed large-leaf green tea (50 ml) in equal proportions with chamomile infusion, add 20 grams of gelatin powder, heat and stir. Cool, pour in 20 ml of cucumber juice and 40 ml of aloe juice. Leave for half an hour.

  1. For oily skin

If you need a mask for oily face for blackheads and pimples, mix 20 ml of aloe juice, the same amount of glycerin and potato starch.

Any home face mask recipe for blackheads is a guarantee of natural composition and safe use. Yes, such products do not always have the desired consistency and rarely emit airy aromas, unlike branded ones. Both of them have their own advantages and disadvantages. The choice is yours.