Homemade masks with Botox effect


Composition and properties

Despite the name “Masks with Botox effect”, botulinum toxin is not included in their composition. And the cosmetic effect is achieved due to the presence of ordinary starch or edible gelatin.

Starch is a substance familiar to every housewife. It is a white or slightly yellowish free-flowing powder. Its effect on the skin is due to the substances it contains:

  1. Ascorbic acid. The vitamin accelerates restoration processes at the cellular level, protects against external factors, and neutralizes the effects of free radicals. More about the benefits of this substance in the article Masks with ascorbic acid - for wrinkles, sagging and age spots
  2. A nicotinic acid. Promotes redox reactions, gives the skin a beautiful tone and healthy glow.
  3. Choline. Regulates the intensity of the sebaceous glands, normalizes the amount of secreted adipose tissue.
  4. Iron. Stimulates blood circulation, enriching cells with oxygen.
  5. Potassium. Provides the correct balance of moisture in skin cells.
  6. Carbohydrates. They give cells the energy necessary for the normal functioning of life processes.

In recipes for homemade masks, gelatin is used less frequently than starch, but it has an equally pronounced Botox effect.

Edible gelatin is a protein thickener based on animal collagen. The substance is easily broken down and is well absorbed by the epidermis. As a result of its effect, the skin becomes soft, smooth, firm and elastic. In combination with other components of homemade masks, gelatin can lighten age-related pigmentation, freckles, treat acne (of various origins), eliminate wrinkles and folds.

Home remedies for skin rejuvenation are prepared from natural ingredients, so there is no need to worry about their safety. But the production and use of homemade cosmetics has some features:

  1. To prepare the cosmetic mixture, you should use a glass or ceramic container, but not a metal one.
  2. The standard course of procedures using masks is 8-10 sessions (unless otherwise specified in the prescription), the frequency is once every two days.
  3. After each course, you need to take a mandatory break so that the skin does not get used to the masks.
  4. The finished product can be stored in the refrigerator in a glass container, but no longer than three days.


  1. Sour cream and starch

Dilute half a tablespoon of starch with a small amount of water and place in a water bath. When the starch heats up and turns into jelly, add a mixture of two tablespoons of carrot juice and half a tablespoon of sour cream. All components are thoroughly mixed to make the mask homogeneous.
Apply the solution in three layers. Each subsequent layer is applied only after the previous one has dried.

After waiting 20 minutes after applying the last layer, the mask is washed off and a nourishing cream is applied to the face.

  1. Creamy honey with gelatin

A teaspoon of gelatin is diluted in half a glass of cream and left for some time. When the gelatin swells, it is sent to a water bath, stirring constantly, until it is homogeneous. After cooling the gelatin mixture, add a tablespoon of honey and the same amount of olive or almond oil.

Distribute the mixture on problem areas. Exposure time is 20 minutes. After washing off the mask, moisturize the face with cream.

As a result of the procedure, the skin will be elastic and smooth.

  1. Saline based on starch

A starch mask with salt will help not only increase elasticity and smooth out wrinkles, but also restore a healthy complexion after illness or stress.
Prepare a homogeneous mixture by combining a tablespoon of starch, a teaspoon of fine sea salt and a teaspoon of heated honey. The mass turns out to be thick, so it is brought to the desired consistency with warm milk.

When the solution has cooled, apply it to the face and wash off after 15 minutes.

The mask will relieve swelling and improve blood circulation.

One of the starchiest vegetables is potatoes. In home cosmetology it is used raw or boiled.

Boiled potatoes are gentle on the skin, while raw potatoes have a more aggressive effect. It is more often used by those with oily skin to treat inflammation and whitening.

Masks made from boiled potatoes in their skins will help increase tightness and restore the elasticity of tired skin.

To prepare, peel and mash one ready-made root vegetable with a fork, mix with milk to make a homogeneous puree. Add a tablespoon of olive oil and one egg.

Apply the composition for 20 minutes, remove with a damp cloth.

To achieve the desired cosmetic effect, you should take a course lasting at least a month.

  1. Gelatin-starch

The mask has a prolonged effect. After 8-10 procedures, a long process of restoration and renewal of epidermal cells begins.

Dissolve a tablespoon of gelatin in 1/4 cup of warm milk, send the mixture to warm up in a water bath.

Beat the egg white until foamy and carefully mix with a tablespoon of starch. When the gelatin has cooled, both prepared mixtures are combined into a homogeneous mass. While stirring, add a teaspoon of aloe juice, four drops of tea tree oil and ten drops of wheat germ oil.

Exposure time is 20 minutes.

The mask is suitable for those with skin of all types.

  1. Based on activated carbon and gelatin

Liquid mask ingredients are selected depending on skin type. For those with oily skin, it is better to use fruit juice, for those with dry skin - milk, and for those with normal skin - clean water.

Pour a tablespoon of gelatin into half a glass of the selected liquid, melt and bring until smooth in a water bath. When the mixture thickens, add two crushed tablets of activated carbon.

While still warm, the mask is spread on the face. After a while, the solution turns into a film. It is carefully removed using upward movements.

Activated carbon perfectly cleans clogged sebaceous ducts, and gelatin fights wrinkles, makes the skin elastic and smooth.

Of course, no home anti-aging procedure can compete in effectiveness with Botox injections. But products based on starch or gelatin can easily cope with shallow wrinkles and age-related folds.

How I want to always remain young and beautiful. But time leaves its mark on the face in the form of wrinkles. Most often they appear as a result of the manifestation of emotions: positive or negative. Time is merciless, it is useless to fight it, but women are looking for new secrets of youth. Aesthetic cosmetology is developing more and more, new options for rejuvenation are emerging.

About Botox

Botox is a very popular substance for combating age wrinkles. It is introduced by famous “stars”, politicians, businessmen to look younger. It was developed by accident in the USA and was intended as a drug to treat neurological seizures and strabismus.

The effect after Botox injection occurs very quickly, but the consequences can be sad. This substance consists of a dangerous toxin made from bacteria that can cause botulism. If such a toxin enters the muscles, they are simply paralyzed. Problems arise with facial expressions, facial muscles move poorly, and wrinkles smooth out. After this procedure, the effect lasts up to six months.

Be careful, because Botox injections can be dangerous!

What Botox injections can lead to:

  1. the occurrence of bruising and swelling around the eyes;
  2. eyebrows may sag, eyelid spasms appear;
  3. sometimes the nasolabial folds and upper lip are paralyzed;
  4. asymmetry of facial contours occurs.

Such side effects do not go away without leaving a trace, the muscles will require more and more new portions of Botox. And after several uses, your face will turn into something like a mummy.

Science is moving forward and cosmetologists are developing products with the Botox effect every day. Today, masks are very popular, and sometimes they are as good as expensive injections. Anyone can prepare such masks at home. The main thing is to use natural ingredients for this. There are a large number of such masks, we suggest you get acquainted with some of the products.

Recipes for masks with Botox effect, prepared at home

Attention! If you experience an allergic reaction to the ingredients, stop using and rinse your face thoroughly with warm water.

No. 1 Mask with sour cream and starch


  1. 1 tablespoon potato starch,
  2. 4 tablespoons freshly squeezed carrot juice,
  3. 1 tablespoon of sour cream.

Add a little water to the starch and heat it up (in a water bath). The mass should turn into jelly. Add juice and sour cream to this jelly-like slurry, mix everything well. After this, the mask is ready for use. Apply it in three layers with your fingertips. Once the first coat is dry, apply the next one. This mask should remain on the face for 20 minutes. Then rinse the resulting crust with water and apply a nourishing cream.

No. 2 Mask with gelatin, cream and honey

  1. half a glass of cream,
  2. teaspoon of gelatin,
  3. a tablespoon of honey,
  4. spoon of olive or almond oil.

Pour the gelatin into the cream and let it swell. Then heat this mass using a water bath until smooth. Cool this mixture, add honey and olive oil to it. Mix the mixture well and apply to problem areas of the skin. Let it work for about 20 minutes. Then rinse everything off thoroughly and use a moisturizer. The remaining mask can be refrigerated. After this procedure, the skin becomes smooth and elastic. Use it every other day for a week, then take a break and repeat.

No. 3 Botox mask made from wheat flour

  1. 30 grams of wheat flour,
  2. 2 tablespoons of clean water,
  3. one egg white,
  4. 2 tablespoons vegetable oil,
  5. half a teaspoon of salt.

Mix the flour with water and heat until it thickens. Beat the butter, salt and egg white well, and then add to the flour mixture. If the mixture turns out to be liquid, then you can add a little flour, and if it turns out to be thick, then you can add water. Apply the mask to your face and keep it on for 25-30 minutes. This flour mask is ideal for problematic oily skin. It dries, tightens and tones the skin well, giving it a Botox effect.

No. 4 Firming honey mask

  1. 2 tablespoons cocoa,
  2. 2 tablespoons honey and heavy cream,
  3. spoon of oatmeal.

Place all this in a glass bowl and stir well. Then put on the fire, heat until it thickens. This Botox effect mask should be applied for 15 minutes. During this time, the skin will be enriched with vitamins and microelements present in honey. This is simply a magical remedy!

No. 5 Fruit and clay mask

  1. Grind one of the following fruits in a blender: banana, orange, grapes, peach or any other.
  2. Add cosmetic clay to this mass in such an amount to obtain a thick mixture. In this case, you can experiment and instead of clay add honey, protein or cream to the fruit.

After such a mask, collagen is well produced, and a lot of antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals get into the skin. Masks made from vegetables are very effective: cucumbers, potatoes, carrots.

No. 6 Mask with Botox effect from potatoes

  1. Peel one potato and grate it on a fine grater. Add 15g of vegetable oil to this mass. Apply the product to your face and leave for half an hour.

Starch is no worse than Botox

Many women use ordinary starch for rejuvenation. Masks from this product
have a good effect on age wrinkles. Starch can also be used to treat problematic epidermis; it is able to regulate oily skin and moisturize dry dermis. Making cosmetics from starch at home is much cheaper than expensive salon procedures. In this case, you can use either potato or corn starch.

No. 7 Starch mask with the addition of peach oil

  1. 1 tablespoon potato starch,
  2. 1 tablespoon milk. Mix the resulting mixture well.
  3. Add 1 teaspoon peach oil.

This mask will tighten and moisturize the skin.

No. 8 Kefir in a starch mask

  1. 2 tablespoons of starch and the same amount of kefir.
  2. Add one protein here, stir well.

This mask will definitely replace Botox, wrinkles will smooth out after it, you just need to apply it regularly. The skin color will become fresh, the yellowness will go away.

No. 9 Starch with tomatoes is an effective remedy in the fight against wrinkles

  1. one tomato,
  2. 1 yolk,
  3. 1 tablespoon starch.

Peel the tomato and grind in a blender. Add a spoonful of vegetable oil, starch and yolk to it. Mix the mixture thoroughly. This original mass nourishes skin cells well and removes deep and fine wrinkles.

In general, tomatoes are underrated. But they are very effective in combating tired skin. Read more about tomato masks tomorrow in our article Tomato face masks: recipes, recommendations

Solcoseryl and Dimexide as a means for rejuvenation

Many women, in order to quickly rejuvenate, use pharmaceutical drugs such as Solcoseryl and Dimexide. The effect of Botox, in this case, is guaranteed to you. Beauty salons use masks made from these components, but they are expensive. Today Dimexide and Solcoseryl are available to every woman; they are available in pharmacies without a prescription. It will be very good if you add Goji berry cream to these ingredients. You will spend, on average, 1,400 rubles on all this in total, and it will last for 3-4 months. These medications can be called homemade Botox and do not require any injections.

Many people have heard about Dimexide; some creams are produced based on it. In addition, it is an anti-inflammatory agent and helps in the treatment of arthritis, bruises, abscesses, and injuries. Its distinctive property is that it delivers the necessary elements deep into the skin. But it’s worth telling more about Solcoseryl.

How does Solcoseryl act on the epidermis:

  1. helps tighten microcracks;
  2. tightens tissues that are damaged;
  3. promotes the absorption of oxygen by dermal cells;
  4. helps intensive collagen production and metabolism;
  5. improves blood circulation, promotes the formation of new blood vessels;
  6. intensively rejuvenates the skin;
  7. reduces inflammation, improves facial contours.

No. 10 Masks from Dimexide and Solcoseryl

Attention! Since these drugs are medicinal, do an allergy test first. To do this, you need to apply a small amount of these drugs to your wrist. If the skin does not turn red, then you can safely apply the mask.

  1. Take a small amount of Solcoseryl or Dimexide;
  2. Add 10 drops of water, mix well and apply to problem areas of the face.

To help the cream absorb better, you can hold your face over steam to expand the pores. This mask must be kept for one hour, then rinsed with water and applied with nourishing cream.

Every woman sets herself a goal - to achieve elastic and toned skin. To achieve it, choose affordable and effective means. Now you have learned how to do Botox at home.

We also advise you to read our articles:

Make it a habit to use safe anti-aging skin products.

About the author of the article:

Cosmetologist, director of 3 cosmetology clinics under her own brand “Lyudmila”. Author of articles for professional online publications and participant in many international symposiums.

No one doubts the effectiveness of drugs based on botulinum toxin in the fight against expression wrinkles, unlike its safety. Although manufacturers try to reduce the possibility of complications and side effects to a minimum, they cannot be completely eliminated. This is not surprising - one of the strongest poisons in nature will remain so, even in a weakened state. Therefore, many believe that a high-tech mask instead of Botox is the best and most harmless alternative. But will it give the same result?

Feature of Botox

Botox today, from the name of the original drug, has become a household name for all products in which the active ingredient is neutotoxin type A, produced by bacteria that provoke a serious disease - botulism. They were first discovered almost a hundred years ago, but Botox began to be widely used as a medical drug only at the end of the last century.

Experts have used its ability to block the passage of nerve impulses to the muscles, causing them to become unable to contract. The skin in places where there are creases gradually smooths out (especially if you apply high-quality creams at the same time). After about a month, fine wrinkles almost completely disappear, and deep ones noticeably decrease in size.

But the problem is that to obtain such a result, the drug is injected directly into the muscles or subcutaneously (in the periorbital area). When used externally, it is completely useless, so there is no point in adding it to creams and masks.

The so-called Botox face masks are nothing more than a conventional term denoting drugs with a similar effect, but a completely different composition.

Pros of masks

Of course, using a high-quality anti-wrinkle mask instead of Botox injections saves patients from the risks associated with injections. However, you shouldn’t expect a completely similar result from them. Therefore, before making the final choice, you need to weigh all their pros and cons.

The advantages include the following:

  1. Attractive price. Compared to drugs for injections, the cost of cream can be half as low, and homemade masks can be several times lower.
  2. Minimal contraindications. Basically, these are individual intolerance to individual components, a tendency to swelling and any damage to the skin.
  3. Soft effect. The muscles are not completely blocked, as with Botox injections, but simply relax for a while without disturbing facial expressions.
  4. Positive effect on the skin. The masks also contain many useful components that help restore firmness and elasticity and prevent the formation of new wrinkles.
  5. No addiction. Unlike creams, masks are used no more than 2-3 times a week. Therefore, even if the addictive effect appears from them, it does not happen so quickly.

Besides, masks are simply convenient. They are easy to use and even prepare at home yourself, and there is no need to waste time and money on visits to specialists.


The main disadvantage of home and even professional masks with the Botox effect is their superficial effect. To have a significant effect on the muscles, the active substance must overcome the protective barrier and penetrate into the deep layers of the skin, and this is almost impossible. Yes, modern masks use special nanoconductors, but a very small percentage of the applied drugs are directly absorbed by the cells.

The second, no less important point is the delayed effect. The results of Botox injections begin to appear within a few days, and reach their maximum after about a month. After quality masks, positive changes on the skin occur quickly. But they disappear just as easily in just a couple of days.

To achieve a prolonged effect, you need to use this product regularly for at least a month. And it’s better in combination with other anti-aging procedures.

The best means

No matter what supporters of all-natural products say, professional cosmetics work faster and give better results. It replaces Botox with peptide complexes or other muscle relaxants, and also uses nanotechnology, thanks to which the beneficial components penetrate as deeply as possible.

However, regular use of home remedies also helps to successfully fight wrinkles and, with persistence, can lead to excellent skin condition.

Ready-made masks

You can buy ready-made masks with Botox effect in pharmacies, cosmetic stores, or order online. It is difficult to say for sure which of the remedies is better - there are so many people, so many opinions. But experts advise giving preference to products from trusted manufacturers. The first places in the rankings most often go to:

  1. "Green Matrix". Offers an original plasticizing alginate mask based on algae extracts with a Botox effect. It is ideal for aging skin that has lost its vitality and is covered with fine wrinkles. Provides excellent hydration, smooths out fine wrinkles well, and with regular application can tighten the oval of the face. The downside is that it is not very convenient for independent use.

  2. masks-at-home-with-deistviem-iNuOMxz.webp

    It presents a whole line of anti-aging products with the Botox effect, including an excellent mask. It is based on a patented peptide complex that can quickly smooth out wrinkles. The composition contains potato starch, polysaccharides, seaweed extract and chicory extract. With regular use, the complexion improves, the skin is slightly whitened and well moisturized, and multiple fine wrinkles disappear.
  3. "Via Beauty". Chinese cosmetics have recently been successfully competing with European manufacturers. The concern presents a unique product - a fabric mask for the face and neck, impregnated with a composition with a lifting effect based on a patented peptide complex. It gives excellent visual results after the first use. And after 3-4 months of regular use, the face looks several years younger.
  4. "Elitecosmetics". It also offers consumers an alginate mask that can very quickly restore and rejuvenate the skin and effectively smooth out wrinkles. It contains virtually no chemical ingredients: only alginate and seaweed extract. This allows you to use the product even during pregnancy and on very sensitive skin.
  5. "Nataliorganic". It delights consumers with a whole line of deluxe anti-aging cosmetics, which includes a unique gel mask with vitamins E, aloe extracts, kelp extract and sophora fruit juice. The product is very light, suitable for any skin type. Hyaluronic acid provides deep hydration and restoration of soft tissue volume. After just two weeks of regular use, the skin becomes smooth, velvety and elastic.

The list is far from complete. But the best remedy will most likely have to be found by trial and error. Therefore, it is advisable to purchase them where it is possible to buy samples - after all, the price of good cosmetics is quite high.

Folk recipes

Folk cosmetology also offers many interesting recipes for masks that can tighten the skin and smooth out wrinkles. But you need to understand that to get lasting results you will have to be patient and do them regularly. If you are not ready for this, then it is better to seek professional help.

Here are some useful and very effective recipes:

Mask Peculiarities Recipe
Starchy For lifting masks, it is better to use potato starch. It helps whiten the skin, eliminate swelling and is easily washed off with water at room temperature. To prepare the mask, you will need a tablespoon of starch, the same amount of sour cream or homemade cream, and freshly squeezed carrot juice. Dilute the starch with juice to a homogeneous semi-liquid mass and combine it with sour cream. Apply to face and wait until completely dry. Then soak the crust with a damp cloth and wash with summer water.
Gelatinous One of the most popular folk lifting masks, to which you can add various ingredients. In the classic version it looks like this. Gelatin is poured with water in a ratio of 1:3 and heated in a water bath until the crystals are completely dissolved. Then add a teaspoon of peach, olive or sea buckthorn oil, the same amount of honey, and a tablespoon of cream. The mixture is applied in layers so that it forms a film when dried. It can be pulled off with one movement from bottom to top or washed off with warm water without soap.
Protein Protein masks have an excellent cleansing and pore-tightening effect and are perfect for oily and combination skin. When dry, they also form a film that corrects the oval of the face and smoothes out wrinkles. Beat the white separated from the yolk well with two tablespoons of olive oil and half a teaspoon of salt. Then add a little wheat flour to bring the mixture to the consistency of thick sour cream and apply it to your face. After 20-30 minutes, wipe off with a napkin and rinse with slightly warm water.
Banana A regular banana, when used correctly, can do wonders for your skin. It removes swelling, improves complexion, eliminates oily shine and speeds up metabolic processes. Grind the ripe fruit with a spoon until pureed. Add a teaspoon of honey and a tablespoon of peach or apricot oil to it. Mix thoroughly and apply to skin. Leave for 20-30 minutes, wipe with a napkin and wash well with running water.

Also popular is a homemade mask made from pharmaceutical preparations Solcoseryl and Dimexide. It is difficult to classify it as a folk remedy, but it also gives excellent results.

First, dilute “Dimexide” with boiled or distilled water in a ratio of 1:10 and moisten a gauze cloth in it, which is used to thoroughly wipe the face (avoiding the area around the eyes). Then apply “Solcoseryl” and after an hour wash well with running water. Before using this product, be sure to read the instructions and take into account all contraindications.

Summing up

Naturally, not a single mask with a Botox effect can be compared in terms of impact with the original drug or even its analogues. Injection cosmetology gives quick and long-lasting results, which is why it is so popular, despite all the risks and high cost of the procedure.

However, in the absence of too deep wrinkles and satisfactory skin condition, high-quality, regularly used masks also give a good effect, as can be seen in the photo. To avoid addiction, every two months of using them you need to take a break for 2-3 weeks. During this period, it is useful to undergo salon physiotherapeutic procedures: microcurrents, lymphatic drainage, etc. This will provide a comprehensive rejuvenating effect.