Anti-aging oatmeal masks


Oatmeal as a base for masks is the best remedy for cleansing and rejuvenating the skin on the face

Homemade oatmeal-based cosmetics have long been popular among ladies. This product is used to improve the overall condition of the skin, eliminate acne and smooth out wrinkles. And if you add other useful and natural ingredients to the main ingredient of the mask, you can independently prepare a very effective nourishing, moisturizing or rejuvenating product for any type of epidermis.

Oats are rich in fiber, which helps quickly remove toxins from the human body. Due to the high content of B vitamins, oatmeal regulates the metabolic process, has a positive effect on the nervous system, and has an anti-inflammatory effect.

Are there any contraindications to using oatmeal on the face?

There are practically no contraindications to using oatmeal as a cosmetic product. The following factors are exceptions:

  1. herpes;
  2. exacerbation of any dermatological pathologies;
  3. the presence of individual intolerance to the product.

In order to make sure that there is no negative reaction, you need to prepare a small amount of the mixture for testing. Apply a small amount of product to clean skin around the wrist and wait approximately 15 minutes. Then the hand is washed and the reaction is observed; if redness or itching appears at the site of application of the product, this indicates an individual intolerance to the product.


How to make your own oatmeal mask - available options

The classic recipe for an oatmeal mask is very simple - pour boiling water over a little oatmeal, leave and apply to the skin. In order to enhance the effect, depending on the needs and type of epidermis, other products are added to the composition: it can be any natural oil, bee products or fermented milk.

The classic oatmeal mask is very easy to prepare - just cook regular oatmeal porridge, do not add salt. A warm mass is applied to the skin. This option is considered ideal for delicate and very sensitive dermis.

You can also cure problem skin with regular oatmeal steamed in water. Freshly prepared gruel is applied to the skin and left for 15 minutes. If such procedures are carried out regularly, after 20 days the skin will become clear and acne will go away.

Oatmeal mask for mature skin

For the mask you will need:

  1. Oatmeal – 2 tablespoons;
  2. Honey – 1 teaspoon;
  3. Olive oil – 1 teaspoon;
  4. Chicken yolk – 1 piece.


1. Pour the honey into a shallow glass bowl. If the honey is candied, melt it in a water bath or in the microwave.


2. Add olive oil to the honey, stir everything carefully again to combine the ingredients.



3. Add the yolk to the mixture. Mix well with a fork until smooth.



4. Grind oatmeal in a coffee grinder or pound in a mortar until fine crumbs. The smaller the fraction, the more delicate the mask will be. You can buy oatmeal.


5. Place the crushed flakes into the egg-oil mixture and stir.



Apply the mask to your face. It is better to steam your skin before applying the mask or apply a warm cloth to your face for 10 minutes so that the pores open and the effect of the mask is stronger. It is better to tuck your hair under a cap so as not to get it dirty.

Leave the mask on for about 20 minutes and rinse with warm water. Apply nourishing cream. Make a mask once a week.

Other recipes

  1. Refreshing, with honey and yogurt

For those with combination skin, you can prepare a mask with yogurt. For 15 minutes, apply a mixture of two tablespoons of oatmeal, diluted with yogurt, with the addition of two teaspoons of olive oil and the same volume of liquid honey, to the skin. After completing the procedure, remove the remaining mask with a napkin and wash with warm water.

You can get rid of acne using the following recipe: take equal amounts of oatmeal, aloe juice, iodized salt and honey, mix, apply to the dermis, and wash off after 15 minutes.

You can support aging skin with oatmeal and hot green tea. Two spoons of oatmeal are poured into tea and left under the lid for ten minutes. Then add two teaspoons of citrus juice (you can take lemon, grapefruit or orange) and honey. Apply the mixture to the face; the procedure is completed in 15 minutes.

  1. Cleansing with lemon juice and sour cream

It is recommended by cosmetologists as an effective tonic. Add the same amount of sour cream to two tablespoons of flakes, then pour in two teaspoons of lemon juice and treat the surface of the skin, lightly patting the face with your fingertips. Wash off after 15 minutes.

Pour two tablespoons of oatmeal with a small amount of hot milk so that it completely covers the cereal. Steam under a tightly closed lid for 6-7 minutes. When the porridge has cooled, you can lubricate the surface of the epidermis with it and leave for 20 minutes. At the end of the procedure, wash the skin with warm water.

To enhance the results, you can supplement the mixture with the following components: yolk (for 2 tablespoons of cereal - 2 pieces), two tablespoons of full-fat cottage cheese (if the mixture is very thick, it is diluted with a small volume of milk), two tablespoons of any fruit pulp, a couple of tablespoons of butter or vegetable oil , two tablespoons of cream (can be replaced with full-fat sour cream).

The best way to moisturize dry skin is to apply a mask of oatmeal and olive oil. Take 100 ml of boiling water for a handful of flakes and add a tablespoon of oil. Cool and treat skin. Leave for 20 minutes, then wash.

  1. For blackheads and pimples

One yolk is mixed with flakes (two tablespoons), then a teaspoon of olive oil and a tablespoon of sea salt are added. The mask is applied for 20 minutes, after which the residue is removed with a napkin and washed.

  1. Recipe for aging dermis (with beer and fruit)

Two spoons of cereal are poured with boiling water, two large spoons of fruit, mashed to a puree (melon, persimmon, apricot or avocado) and the same amount of beer are added to the resulting porridge (use only unfiltered). Stir and treat the skin. The duration of the procedure is no more than 15 minutes, then wash off the mass with warm and cold water.

  1. With birch buds, for oily and combination dermis

In hot weather, combination and oily skin will benefit from careful care; the ideal remedy for this would be a mask of oatmeal, birch buds and essential oil.

First, you should prepare birch buds - they are ground to powder in a coffee grinder, poured with boiling water and placed in a water bath for ten minutes. Then they insist for about two hours. Crushed flakes, green clay and tea tree oil are added to the finished decoction. The following proportions are observed: for 4 teaspoons of buds, one identical spoon of clay and oatmeal, as well as 4 drops of essential oil. The course of treatment is three weeks, with an interval of three to four days.

  1. Drying, for oily epidermis

Mix one protein, a spoonful of oatmeal and a teaspoon of lemon juice and apply the mixture to the skin for 12 minutes. After finishing the procedure, wash with cool water.


Important information

To quickly get the desired results, follow the advice of professionals:

  1. Prepare masks only from high quality oatmeal, without additives. Do not use a product with impurities.
  2. Before the procedure, you must remove any remaining makeup, and after removing the oatmeal mask, moisturize your face.
  3. The product is prepared only from fresh and high-quality products, and the mask must be used immediately; the remaining mass cannot be stored for a long time, as it very quickly loses its beneficial properties.
  4. If you carry out anti-aging procedures with oatmeal regularly, you can quickly achieve lasting results.
  5. It will take a long period of time to treat problem skin, so don’t be upset if after several treatments your skin still shows pimples or wrinkles. You can finally get rid of them only after a couple of months, subject to an intensive course of “oatmeal” therapy.
  6. The frequency of procedures depends on skin type. For oily masks, apply once every three days, for dry ones - every ten days, for normal ones - an interval of a week is observed.
  7. Be sure to check all components of home cosmetics for compatibility to avoid allergic reactions.

In adulthood, the skin requires increased attention and special care. Therefore, the choice of cosmetics should be taken very seriously - premature aging of the skin is easier to prevent than to fight wrinkles later. To do this, it is recommended to review your diet, adhere to the principles of a healthy lifestyle, and abandon cosmetics with a high content of artificial additives. Smoothing masks begin to be actively used after 30 years, this is the only way to slow down the process of the appearance of folds and wrinkles on the face.

Modern beauties are familiar with the wonderful effects of home-made natural cosmetics. Many people forever refuse to use store-bought creams, masks and lotions in exchange for guaranteed rejuvenation, since the beauty and youth of women’s skin can rightfully be considered one of nature’s most valuable gifts.

Each of us puts a lot of effort into looking as young and attractive as possible. A huge number of women have long preferred oatmeal as breakfast. It’s unlikely because it’s a delicious delicacy. Largely due to its positive effect on the human body. But not everyone knows that oatmeal can act as one of the components of a cosmetic product. Thus, a homemade oatmeal face mask is a truly effective way to preserve the beauty and youth of your skin. But let's talk in more detail about the recipes for its preparation.


Useful properties of oatmeal

The composition of the well-known rolled oats includes a huge amount of microelements and vitamins useful for humans.

For example, B vitamins increase the protective indicator of the skin. This means that thanks to it, the skin is reliably protected from dehydration, the influence of negative factors, as well as the appearance of age spots. This is especially true for people with dry and problematic skin.

As for vitamin E, it is actually a powerful antioxidant. It is this element that protects the skin from ultraviolet radiation and moisturizes it.


Oatmeal face mask and its benefits

From all that has been said, it becomes obvious that rolled oats are really beneficial for the human body. Thus, a mask containing oatmeal helps protect the skin from external factors, as well as moisturize and maintain its youth.

Of course, oatmeal does not contain all the vitamins and microelements that are necessary for facial skin. But this problem can be easily solved by adding additional vitamins, oils, herbs, etc. to the mask.

An oatmeal face mask really has benefits that include not only nutrition, but also cleansing. The thing is that it is also a kind of scrub. This is where the question arises: “Is it necessary to overpay for expensive cosmetics if you can cleanse and rejuvenate your skin without leaving home?” If you are not sure whether you need an oatmeal mask, you can always hear reviews about it from any cosmetologist, who will certainly advise you to resort to this particular method of nourishing and cleansing the skin. Believe that this product will be the best alternative to procedures in the salon, for which you will have to pay a lot of money.


Rejuvenating oatmeal mask

Masks containing oatmeal really work wonders! After the first use, you will notice that your skin is noticeably fresher, and the wrinkles on it have smoothed out a little. A rejuvenating oatmeal mask is quite simple to prepare and does not require any rare ingredients. If you want to restore youth and elasticity to your skin, be sure to use one or more of the recipes below.

Masks with rejuvenation effect

You will need oat flour, honey, lemon juice, almond oil and jojoba oil. All of the listed ingredients must be mixed until a paste is obtained. The oatmeal face mask is then applied to the skin. After about thirteen minutes, it must be washed off with slightly warm green tea, and then with plain water.

You need to add 1/3 cup of milk to the oatmeal flour and wait until the oatmeal swells. Then you need to add a little (about 10 drops) lemon juice to the resulting mixture. That's basically it. All you have to do is simply apply the mask to the skin and leave it for 30 minutes. As soon as you wash off the applied composition, you will immediately see the result. If you use the mask on a regular basis, not only you will soon notice rejuvenation.


Skin care after 40

  1. Masks for facial skin after 40 years are simply necessary, so we recommend crushing oatmeal and adding twenty grams of beer to it, as well as a teaspoon of avocado pureed. Apply the resulting mixture and leave it on your face for 10-12 minutes. After this, wash off the mask with green tea. Despite the unusual ingredients, this recipe is ideal for dry skin that requires nourishment.
  2. Recipes for oatmeal masks for rejuvenation can be very diverse (honey, warm milk, white clay, egg yolk, sour cream, ground coffee and other most incredible ingredients are added to the main ingredient). One thing is for sure: masks containing oatmeal really give amazing results! So, to create the following composition you need to take one tablespoon of rolled oats and pour boiling water over it. The oatmeal should swell a little. After it has cooled completely, add a large spoonful of sour cream. The resulting composition is applied to the skin of the face and left in this position for seventeen minutes. Finally, rinse off the mask with plain warm water. After use, you will immediately notice that the skin has become firmer and more elastic.


Mask with instant effect

It happens that, waking up early in the morning and looking in the mirror, you realize that in an hour you need to be at an important meeting, and your face leaves much to be desired. Dont be upset! A mask with an instant rejuvenation effect can solve all your problems! Take ground oatmeal and add orange juice and a teaspoon of honey to it. Mix all ingredients thoroughly. Then apply the mask to your face and walk with it for 15 minutes. Chamomile tea is best for rinsing off the composition. As soon as you wash off the mask, you will immediately realize that you are fully prepared for any meeting!

To prepare the mask, you will need to soak the oatmeal in grape juice, add the yolk and 35 grams of olive oil. This oatmeal mask received the best reviews, largely due to the simplicity of the recipe.

Mix a little more than a teaspoon of corn and rolled oats flour and add olive or sea buckthorn oil to them. Apply the resulting composition to your face and walk with it for fifteen minutes. It is worth saying that this version of the mask is suitable for women with different skin types. With its help, you can not only get rid of previously appeared redness, but also smooth out small wrinkles on your face.


Fighting problem skin

We talked about how you can use rolled oats for rejuvenation. It's time to discuss the issue regarding problem skin. Rest assured that an oatmeal acne mask is no less effective than anti-wrinkle formulations.

Grind the oatmeal and fill it with a little warm water until you get a mass similar to sour cream. Add just a few drops of tea tree oil and 30 grams of lemon juice to the resulting composition. Mix all ingredients thoroughly. After this, the mask is completely ready for application. Do not wash off the mask for 15 minutes. Tea tree oil has an anti-inflammatory effect and also dries out oily areas of the skin.

Add 10 drops of jojoba oil and 1 teaspoon of aloe juice to the oatmeal. Stir and apply the mask for about half an hour. This mask is an ideal remedy for people suffering from psoriasis, dermatitis and acne.


Masks for any skin type

If you want your skin to have a healthy and toned appearance, then you need a mask with oatmeal and honey. To prepare it, you will need egg white, a teaspoon of honey, rolled oats flour, lemon juice and a little milk. Mix all the ingredients until you get a paste without lumps. After this, apply the mask to your face, without applying the composition to the area around the eyes and lips. After twenty minutes, rinse off the mask with cold water.

In order to give the skin a matte appearance and rid it of wrinkles, you need to prepare the following mask: take two tablespoons of oatmeal and pour strong brewed black tea over it. The mask must be kept on the face for fifteen minutes.

And perhaps the simplest recipe: take one tablespoon of oatmeal and pour boiling water over it. Apply the resulting mass to your face and leave for 15 minutes (this is exactly how long it takes for the mask to dry completely). After this, wash your face with water. It is worth saying that this mask will in no way harm your skin, but, on the contrary, will moisturize it and saturate it with essential nutrients.


Deep cleansing

For deep cleansing of the skin, a mask of oatmeal and soda is good. Take one tablespoon of baking soda and two tablespoons of rolled oats. Add some warm water to the mixture. As a result, you should end up with a thick paste. Thoroughly rub the resulting mask into your face and leave it in this state for about twenty minutes. This mask will relieve your skin of acne. It must be done at least once every seven days.

Useful tips

Before you start preparing and then applying the oatmeal mask, you need to prepare your skin. To do this, you need to steam it by making a steam bath, which includes herbs (for example, chamomile). Only after this the skin will be able to fully absorb and be saturated with all the beneficial substances.

Do not apply a mask containing oatmeal to the skin around the eyes. After all, this is where the skin is most sensitive. If your mask contains milk, then simply soak a cotton swab in it and place it on the area around the eyes. Vitamin K contained in milk will help you get rid of small wrinkles and also prevent the appearance of dark circles under the eyes.

In addition to the fact that the oatmeal mask should be applied to the face, it is also recommended to cover the neck and décolleté area. This is due to the fact that these zones reveal a woman’s real age and indicate proper skin care.

Separately, it is worth noting one very important point: if you have different skin types on your face, neck and décolleté, then you do not need to apply the same version of the mask. So, for example, a drying mask is applied to oily facial skin, but a nourishing and moisturizing composition is suitable for a dry neck.

Oatmeal in the morning is useful not only in porridge, but also as a face mask. A natural scrub can be made from crushed flakes, and a nutritious mass is prepared from oatmeal.

To increase the effectiveness of the procedures, add olive oil, honey, sour cream, and eggs to the oatmeal mask. After regular sessions of applying the mask, the skin of the face will be moisturized and softened, inflammation will decrease, and blackheads will disappear.

Useful properties of the product

Even women with sensitive skin can prepare nutritional mixtures from natural ingredients during pregnancy and lactation.

Oatmeal flakes contain a lot of magnesium, potassium, iron, silicon, and iodine. These microelements are necessary for tissue renewal, maintaining firmness and elasticity of the epidermis.

Vitamin E in the product provides deep hydration and protects against free radicals and harmful sun rays. B vitamins help absorb fatty acids. As a result, the protective functions of the epidermis increase, the formation of age spots is reduced, and an optimal level of humidity is maintained.

Oatmeal contains effective antioxidants ventramide and beta-glucan. The components are actively used in the industrial production of anti-aging cosmetic products.

Nutrition and recovery - recipes for face masks with kefir.

On an oat basis, you can prepare a mixture for any type of epidermis:

  1. It will moisturize dry skin and increase its protective properties. Thiamine increases the elasticity of the skin and accelerates regeneration.
  2. In case of peeling or increased sensitivity of the skin, the mask will relieve itching, remove dead particles, and restore the natural color. Retinol in the product promotes healing of damaged areas of the dermis.
  3. The mixture has a healing effect on the problematic dermis, cleanses pores, and dries out rashes.
  4. If sebum balance is disturbed, masks with oatmeal help restore it and reduce enlarged pores.

Cosmetic mixtures with oatmeal are indicated for aging skin; they tighten well, increase elasticity and smooth out fine wrinkles.

Rich in ascorbic acid, oats have a rejuvenating effect. This explains the popularity of such masks among mature women.

Lightening and lifting without difficulty - face masks with honey and cinnamon. Read here if a face mask with honey and lemon will help eliminate age spots and freckles.

Find out how to prepare a rejuvenating face mask with mumiyo in the article.

How to make at home

The base for oatmeal masks is prepared from rolled oats or oat flour. The flakes are first rubbed in a mortar or coffee grinder.

Cosmetic masks should be applied to cleansed or steamed skin. When distributing mixtures, you should avoid getting them on the eyelids and the area around the lips.

Hair lightening masks will help you safely get a lighter shade of your curls.

Here are recipes for popular nutritional mixtures:

  1. In a bowl 1 tbsp. l. without the top of ground oat flakes pour 2 tbsp. l. hot milk, cover with a lid and leave for 10 minutes. The swollen mass is distributed over the face, after 15-20 minutes the residue is removed with water at a comfortable temperature. The mixture has a nourishing effect on dry skin and gently cleanses it. If you add 1 tbsp to the prepared mass. l. grated ripe banana, it will give elasticity and radiance to the skin.
  2. In a bowl, pour a pinch of ground flakes with hot milk and leave for 7 minutes. Add 1 tsp to the mixture. fresh honey, distribute it evenly. After 15 minutes, the excess is washed off with water at a comfortable temperature.
  3. For a combination type of epidermis, a mixture of a pinch of flakes brewed with milk, mixed with a spoonful of kefir and olive oil is suitable. The mixed mass is applied to the epidermis and left for 15 minutes. After the procedure, the skin will be cleansed, moisturized, and fresh.
  4. A product made from an oat base with the addition of clay and lemon juice effectively relieves acne. For 1 tbsp. l. of ground flakes you will need 1 tbsp. l. green, blue, black clay, 1 tsp. lemon juice. The flakes are brewed with water, clay and juice are added to the mass, and stirred until the lumps disappear. The mixture is kept on the face until it dries, the excess is removed with a sponge moistened with water at a comfortable temperature. The frequency of procedures is 2 times a week.
  5. A mask of 1 tbsp will help eliminate wrinkles. l. oatmeal porridge with water mixed with yolk, 1 tsp. olive oil, 3 drops rosemary oil. The mixture is kept for no more than 30 minutes, washed off with herbal infusion. Next, use an anti-aging care cream.
  6. A mixture of oatmeal and starch helps tighten the skin. Flour is poured with heated milk until the consistency of thick sour cream is obtained. Starch is moistened with mineral water in a ratio of 1:2. Mix oatmeal and starch mixtures, add 1 tsp. wheat germ oils. Heat the mixture in a water bath until thickened. Next, the product is distributed over the face and left until dry. Residues are removed with water at a comfortable temperature.
  7. An effective mixture with a drying effect is prepared from 1 tbsp. l. chopped flakes with raw egg white, 1 tsp. lemon juice. Leave the product for 15 minutes, wash off the residue with cool water.
  8. In winter, a mixture of 1 tbsp helps to nourish the epidermis with useful substances. l. oatmeal, steamed in heated water, mixed with 1 tbsp. l. sour cream. The mass is applied for 20 minutes, washed off with water at a comfortable temperature.
  9. A nourishing mass based on oatmeal with avocado is suitable for dry, normal, dehydrated dermis. At 2 tbsp. l. flour you will need ½ chopped avocado. Apply the product to the steamed dermis with light massage movements and leave for 10-15 minutes. The remains of the mixture are removed with warm water, and the face is rinsed with still mineral water.

Oatmeal flour, slightly diluted with water, can be used as a natural scrub to cleanse the dermis of the face and body.

A mask for dry hair ends will help restore your hair to a healthy look.

Recipes for the best cocoa powder face masks are presented here.

Rejuvenation in 3 sessions – yeast mask for the face against wrinkles. Not only for fortune telling - effective face masks made from coffee grounds.

Features of application

When using natural ingredients to prepare cosmetic masks, you need to test for the absence of allergic reactions. A small amount of the mixture is applied to the wrist and left for half an hour. If there is no redness or itching at the application site, then the mixture is suitable for you.

To get the maximum effect from the procedures, you must first cleanse your face of cosmetics and impurities, and then steam it with a compress from a hot towel or in a steam bath.

The basis for the preparation of cosmetic masks can be natural oatmeal or oatmeal flakes without sugar, dried fruits or other additives. The mixture should be kept for the recommended time, but no more than 30 minutes.

To protect the delicate skin in the area of ​​the lips and eyes, use cream. It is applied before distributing the mask. When removing residual mixtures, do not use hard sponges or sponges. They can damage the top layer of skin.

Those with dry and sensitive dermis should apply nutritional mixtures no more than once every 8-10 days. For oily skin, it is recommended to do 1-2 masks per week.

Vegetable recovery - miraculous carrot face masks.

Reviews from girls about effectiveness

Oatmeal can be found at any housewife; you can prepare a healthy mask even without additional products.

If you eat cereal for breakfast, then a spoonful of it applied to your face can make your skin glowing and smooth throughout the day. You just need to cook the porridge without adding sugar, salt, or butter.

Here are reviews from girls about the effectiveness of oat masks:

  1. Ekaterina, 24, Ulyanovsk: “For my problematic skin, a mask of oatmeal flakes with lemon is suitable. The product removes excess fat well, tightens pores, and inflammation goes away faster.”
  2. Irina, 35, Moscow: “Tightening oatmeal masks are very helpful in maintaining youthful skin. I do them every week and have noticed an increase in firmness and complexion.”
  3. Marina, 47, Rzhev: “In winter, a nutritious mixture of oatmeal and avocado pulp helps restore normal skin moisture. I make 8-10 masks in a course, the effect lasts for 2 months.”

Using nutritious oatmeal to prepare cosmetic masks is very simple. Crushed flakes can be used in pure form or with the addition of oils, eggs, honey, or fruit pulp.

Such mixtures will fill dry skin with nutrients, and make oily skin more matte and clean. Also noted is the high effectiveness of caring procedures with oatmeal in the fight against wrinkles and aging of the skin.